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Posts posted by gfloyd2002

  1. Mostly Harmless Declaration of War

    While we are “mostly” harmless, we can be pushed too far. And we have been. Over time, we have been continually mocked, threatened and attacked and we've had enough. We've just finished the worst 30 days of MHA's existance, and we're angry. We declare war.

    Our casus belli is as follows:

    *Poaching nations from MHA;

    *Regularly trolling top MHA government;

    *Entering MHA forums without permission, invading key threads;

    *Attempting to coup MHA government, removing several Ministers from power;

    *Encouraging rogue nations to attack MHA;

    *Other invasions upon our peace and security well known to all.

    MHA considers these actions to be acts of war against us, and makes the DoW as a defense. MHA believes that casus foederis exists for our allies to join in our defense. We hereby invoke:

    *The Mobius Accords, calling TOP, Sparta, NPO, Valhalla, TPF, OG, IRON, NATO, MXCA to provide all assistance;

    *Trident, calling FARK and NATO;

    *The Härmiln accords, calling our Grämlin brothers to our side;

    *All our other MDoAP and MDP partners to defend us, including Umbrella, Zenith, TORN, FOK, TAB, ACV, RoK;

    *Individual treaties with NPO, TOP, Sparta and NATO redundant of tC.

    Those of you not under obligation to defend MHA, please consider the merits of our cause and consider helping. Unaligned nations of conscience, come join the fight. Aqua alliances, your color is under threat, and we need a show of unity. We have friendships that go beyond our treaty relationships.

    Allies past and future, stand up and be counted. Today, we declare war on real life. Coordination for attack will take place in MHA’s new forums at www.mostlyharmlessalliance.com, in our “Somebody Else’s Problem” forum. There, we usually simply ignore real life. Today, we begin an all out assault on RL.

    Everyone, please select your targets and let the spam fly. MHA has had enough. Real life, face the wrath of MHA and its allies.

  2. I'm disappointed by the lack of TOP logs in this OP...

    MHA is now taking requests. Here are the TOP logs you requested:

    01[21:41] <%Floyd[MHA]> For the record, and the two people active atm (boo! to lurkers), TOP are good guys.

    [21:42] <+Petro[MHA]> not lurking

    [21:42] <+Petro[MHA]> ;)

    01[21:42] <%Floyd[MHA]> IMPALA owes TOP 150 tech, they've agreed (pending expected approval) to forgive it to allow her to start her banker sledding.

    01[21:43] <%Floyd[MHA]> That is tremendously nice of them.

    [21:43] <+tristram> sweet

    [21:43] <+Petro[MHA]> nice people

    I tried to find something calling them jerks, but wasn't able to. :(

  3. This OP is kinda fun. The best part about this is that the log comments are almost entirely from non-MHA nations! Look 'em up, you'll chuckle.

    But since log dumps are the order of the day, and the OP promised MHA logs about our true feelings on NPO, I just can't disappoint. Oooh, let me log dump on myself!!

    [22:01] <@Floyd[MHA]> I was hanging out in NPO for quite a while yesterday. Really interesting.

    [22:01] <@Floyd[MHA]> Looking at their history documents, archives, etc.

    [22:01] <+jamesbodden> ok I signed up to be a dip

    [22:01] <%Blepo[MHA]> Ok

    [22:02] <&WCR> NPO has a fascinating history

    [22:02] <&WCR> inspiring, really

    01[22:02] <@Floyd[MHA]> It really does.

    01[22:02] <@Floyd[MHA]> And some of the artwork they do is tremendous.

    Though it occurs to me that random out of context quotes really don't mean anything. If only I could find something related to a real relationship . . . something more than just the random thoughts of a random member. Like a member really wanting to act on the relationship . . .

    01[19:43] <@Floyd[MHA]> I'm gonna draft me a treaty tonight. :) Working on an NPO-MHA treaty.

    [19:43] <%Blepo[MHA]> k

    01[19:43] <@Floyd[MHA]> I'm off to work on that. Take care Blepo. :)

    [19:43] <%Blepo[MHA]> MDoAP, right?

    01[19:43] <@Floyd[MHA]> Yep.

    Then again, random quotes are more fun than the realities. Screw it, I think Pratom may be right. A single random log dump quote from a member can sum up the entire NPO/MHA relationship. Here it is:

    [18:06] <%John_Mathews[Denzin]> NPO are my sexytime friends
  4. I personally am willing to do anything in my power to further my own goals.

    This is why Vox has not gained the hearts and minds of CN as its wishes. Complete lack of moral character.

    Also, it might be worth noting that you won't ulitmately achieve your goals well by using these tactics. It's a fallacy that you can win in the long run without integrity.

  5. I'd like to publicly apologize to FOK for the unfair comments I privately posted that got reposted in the OP. It wasn't cool, and doesn't reflect my respect for FOK.

    As for the rest, yes MHA opens up treaty discussion to its membership and leadership is forthright with what is going on and says what's on our minds. We've got all sorts of great stuff in our forums -- free speech and unrestricted thought all over the place. And after all our free discussion, we tend to make pretty good decisions. Makes us a pretty cool alliance, I think.

    And yes, NPO is really important to us, big surprise. Next thing you know you are going to leak logs showing that we also love Grämlins.

  6. As many of you know, we have had a difference of opinion with our former root admin, and after working for the last few days to try to work it out, have now officially moved the MHA forums to www.mostlyharmlessalliance.com.

    Sadly, this move was not an amicable one. The differences of opinion started when our former admin installed a spy mod on the Continuum forums, and pulled the MHA forums down when we called him on it. It went downhill from there. On the bright side, our old forums were, well, old, and we needed a facelift. We are pleased to have have saved member data and our forum structure, as well as a majority of the topics and posts.

    However, you will need to request a new password and get remasked in our new forums. Most of our embassy information was, unfortunately, lost in move. We therefore invite you all to come on over and restock us! Sadly, our spam forums were also lost, and we'd love to get your help in getting them back to respectable.

    We look forward to seeing you all again on our new forums, and would like to single out our Continuum allies for their help and support over the past few days during our transition.

    tl;dr It is mostlyharmlessalliance.COM now. :)

  7. Where do I start? You are in the process of being ZI'd by MHA for going rogue on of our nations. During a short time MHA forums were down this week, you mass messaged all of MHA about MHA's demise and told them to join your alliance. And yet you are making this post while still flying an MHA flag in game, and have just admitted to planning this alliance while in MHA.

    MHA will not be taking your hand of friendship, and hope that no one else is foolish enough to either.

  8. I'm probably blowing OPSEC with this. But you know how Spartans are supposed to be really scary, scream a lot, ready to hold off the hordes at Thermopylae by nastiness alone? Well, they may be that, but they're also a really chill and friendly group. The kinds of people you want to have over for Saganaki and Ouzo. Sorry, Sparta, but it was bound to get out.

  9. Denzin reached out to me when I first joined MHA, and encouraged me to take my first job there. Since then he was, more often than I'd like to admit, the calm voice of reason to counterbalance my inexperience. We spent hours upon hours chatting on IRC, about everything and nothing. At his heart, he was generous in his willingness to share himself, his good counsel and his kindness, making his loss harder to bear.

    For me his legacy will be the reminder that CN is not a game, but a community filled with good people and fine friendships to enjoy and treasure today, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. The content of the posts in this thread, from old friends and friends I've yet to meet, only confirms this.

  10. Francoism- Whatever BS Vlad can make up on the spot when questioned about Francoism. Not actually an applicable or tangible philosophy.

    The depth of analysis and debate in this thread, and generally in CN history, certainly shows Francoism to be complex and flexible. But to demean it fails to value its role both in Pacifican culture and in CN. It is at the heart of the most successful alliance in CN, and at the heart of one of MHA's longest standing relationships. Whatever forms it has taken, and whether or not one might have disagreements with aspects of it, its success - and its place with one of MHA's strongest allies - demands respect.

  11. I have several complaints about this thread:

    1. The best graphic ever for a treaty is completely distracting everyone from a really well written MDP. Model, really.

    2. Why is MHA the buttcheek alliance?

    3. Not enough Sceptor.

    Other than that, couldn't be happier to be allied with a good alliance, but more importantly a really great group of people. MDoAP here we come.

  12. lol @ Andy Rooney. He wins the thread. :P

    FAN would be able to do better at garnering sympathy if its own actions were more pure. For obvious reasons, MHA comes to mind as being wronged, and we are not alone on the list of the aggrieved. The point is, FAN would not still be in peace mode and hunted like criminals one year later had they approached their circumstances in a different manner. They've alienated potential supporters, created unneeded new enemies and given their existing enemies even stronger resolve. One cannot blame them for fighting, perhaps even for using terrorist tactics, as they are at war and cannot fight conventionally. However, it is their own aggressive, unyielding approach to their situation that has kept them so long in their current position.

    Congrats to FAN on lasting a year - it truly shows a collective strength of will that is admirable. However, FAN's nations have suffered for the choice of tactics and approach taken, leaving them nothing, save anticipation of a second year anniversary.

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