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Posts posted by Proko

  1. I wish it had turned out better, but such is life.

    I should take this time to thank Alpha Omega for all of the effort they put into our relationship. If only Polaris had returned all those many favors bestowed upon us by this fine alliance, then our friendship not have fallen to such a wretched state. Thank you for all of your attempts to communicate, and I'm glad you guys really tried to save this one. Too bad our differences, of which there are clearly several, could not have been worked out in those many private meetings we had all the time.

    I know we had many obvious differences, but what a shame for them to have all come at such a time. Let no man say of you that you are puppets, bowing to the greater whims of finer alliances, lest it be in the shade of ignorance.

  2. They're in the economic treaty unless I'm mistaken.

    Which is two degrees below membership :x

    There isn't even an optional defense clause on the Economic Treaty. It's not binding whatsoever. It's just to give them access to the BLEU trade forums.

  3. Infact I know there is indeed substance in Ironchef's logs. NpO removing Hyperion from BLEU was no where near such a "obvious" thing as you say it, hence they were talking about it.

    When was Hyperion in BLEU?

  4. I'm not trying to stir drama. One set of logs comes from a disgruntled ex-member who wants to leave the game and the other comes from the leader of a sanctioned alliance. In this situation the difference between the two is their character and position of respect within the game. To say both people are equally believable based on their logs does Ironchef an injustice IMO.

    In and of themselves, neither set of logs is more valid than the other. There is no single technical or physical detail of the logs, that I have noticed, that leads be to believe one set over the other. The only argument is character.

  5. Nope...

    But you were the ones that declared on him without proof of an act of espionage, not me...


    No, there's rather a lot of evidence supporting his change of nick from Starcraftmazter to AlmightyGrub, our Minister of Peace, including logs, screenshots, and gosh wouldn't you know it, a confession. Impersonation of Polar government has always been taken as a serious offense; it led to the original Polar exodus (OOC) from Esper to Coldfront, as ComradeVader impersonated Grub and begin giving orders to Polars in query.

  6. You know the expression regarding assumptions.

    The way it's worded, it is still OOC ethnic profiling used in an IC context to promote a CB. Ethnic profiling is still ethnic profiling, despite connected with circumstancial evidence. I'm sure you have other reasons for war, so use those reasons, but that "reason" was completely unecessary and shouldn't have been included.

    First of all, your case for "ethnic profiling" is pretty much right because everyone that lives in Singapore is of one ethnicity and thus this is ethnic profiling.

    Second of all, I concede that there was a chance some different disgruntled Singaporean OcUK Hater may have existed and conveniently used GUN as cover while GUN made overt threats and OOC attacks. If they were framed, I sincerely apologize, but I've got a sense OcUK is right about this one.

  7. OOC racial profiling being used for the justification of an IC CB. Ok, now I've seen it all.

    To be honest, they probably selected GUN at random. Maybe if GUN had done something like bluster and threaten over the OcUK flag, I could understand maybe getting suspicious, but in this case it was probably just a name out of the hat.

  8. Cannon to right of them,

    Cannon to left of them,

    Cannon in front of them

    Volley'd and thunder'd;

    Storm'd at with shot and shell,

    Boldly they rode and well,

    Into the jaws of death,

    Into the mouth of hell

    Rode the six hundred!

    As the end draws nigh it is a pleasure to stand beside you, STA.

    Damnit I just put this one in the Polar thread.

    Well, I'll compensate

    The huge country is rising

    Is rising for the deathly battle

    Against the dark fascist force

    Against their cursed hordes

    Let our noble wrath

    Seethe like waves

    The national war is going

    The Sacred War

    Will resist the oppressors

    Of right notions

    Rapists, bandits

    People's tormentors

    Let our noble wrath

    Seethe like waves

    The national war is going

    The Sacred War

    Don't their black wings dare

    Fly over our Motherland

    Don't the ennemy dare tread

    Our immense fields

    Let our noble wrath

    Seethe like waves

    The national war is going

    The Sacred War

    Let us put a bullet into the brow

    Of the rotten fascist vermin

    Let us make a strong coffin

    For such breed

  9. Half a league, half a league,

    Half a league onward,

    All in the valley of Death

    Rode the six hundred.

    "Forward, the Light Brigade!

    "Charge for the guns!" he said:

    Into the valley of Death

    Rode the six hundred.


    *Proko shakes his fist at Doitzel

  10. Your attacking a small alliance nobody care abouts or has heard of? Well, it's good to honor your MDP, but was this even worth an announcement? I mean, seriously Sponge, you must got your seat back as emperor, shouldn't you save your first announcement back as something more serious and important, and more worthy of the honor?

    Sweet crackers he's right!

  11. Peoples of Italy, the French army comes to break your chains; the French people is the friend of all peoples; approach it with confidence; your property, your religion, and your customs will be respected.

    We are waging war as generous enemies, and we wish only to crush the tyrants who enslave you.

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