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Posts posted by Proko

  1. He's a talking donkey that enjoys wiggling and drinking

    Age: 8 (41 in Donkey Years)

    Iris Color: Black

    Hair Color: Grayish White

    Face: Very long and covered in hair. Huge snout

    Hair Style: Mostly trimmed

    Clothing: Nudist

  2. You're missing a number of Polar Treaties.

    What You Have

    One Vision (IRON, GGA, NPO)

    BLEU (MCXA, Echelon, GDA, Genesis, NV, OcUK, SOUL)






    What You're Missing


    The Brigade









  3. Dear Moderation Staff,

    Maybe I'm the only person who navigates the old forums, but I find them enjoyable nonetheless. Just the other day I re-read Tygaland's ban appeal, and I looked back through the GATO-NpO antagonism of the Fall 2006. But for reasons I simply cannot comprehend, the function "Find all topics by this member" was disabled on the old forums. This function was active when the forums were active, and remained active for months long after (I had used it).

    I have two questions. As an obvious conclusion to the above paragraph, why was the function "Find All Topics By This Member" disabled on the old forums (z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations), when it had been activated when the forums were both active and inactive. My second question would be why is this function disabled on "new" forums? The function makes finding historic threads easier, and as a student of history, I cannot help but wish the function was still activated.

    Thank you for your time,


  4. The "Scholar" has once again shown his complete disgust for all things academic in this thread. He instead chooses to hold fast to his own blind hatred and other emotions, rather than simply evaluating this as an academic pursuit, as he so claims to do.

    And, well, as for his other comment about balls...I think that one says enough for itself. :awesome:

    But, on topic, I wish you luck ChairmanHal. Leading an alliance is a time consuming job.

    I still thought it was funny

  5. bird_polar.png

    We are now enforcing the surrender terms as agreed by the governments of BLEU and the North Atlantic Defense Coalition, signed ten days ago. We have selected fifty nations of the Coalition in violation of the terms to be legitimate targets of the New Polar Order.

    The original terms can be found here

    Emperor Calis von Assington of the New Polar Order, Commander of the Donkey Horde, Destroyer of Greener Pastures, teh $@!, Lord of the Wiggle, Keeper of the Imperial Liquor Cabinet, Also, teh Secks.

    RandomInterrupt, Imperial Regent

    Slashes-With-Claws, Imperial Liaison

    Myworld, Minister of Truth

    Ski11585, Deputy Minister of Truth

    Jphillips412, Minister of Plenty

    Silvaienia, Deputy Minister of Plenty

    AlmightyGrub, Minister of Peace

    Fallen Fool, Deputy Minister of Peace

    Zbaldwin87, Minister of Love

    GEwilliam, Deputy Minister of Love

  6. It is also entirely irrelevant. In case you haven't noticed (and I suspect you seriously haven't), the UJW is long over. Irrelevant conjecture is simply meant to manufacture conflict.

    Why would the behavior of the leader in the past, in an election thread, be irrelevant? The Scholar is asking what is actually an honest question; the actions and loyalties of Crymson throughout the Unjust War can be interpreted as dubious. This is a thread announcing his victory in an election. "This is not relevant because it happened 6 months ago?"

    So actually, I guess you are right. it is not flaming, I apologize. The accurate would would be "trolling".

    As these boards define trolling, the only difference between it and flaming is the target. Although classifying his reactions as "trolling" is more appropriate than "flaming," neither of these are correct because the question was not meant to incite or anger. He phrased the question respectfully, and, as I just addressed, did so in a relevant thread.

    Says the guy who is trying to sniff out dissent against the Orders in private forums.

    On the note of "Relevance," which you raised earlier: His actions outside of this question do not matter. The question exists. It is your thread. The source of the question is not what the issue is here, merely the question itself. That you respond with such hostility is unbecoming of the courteous Paradoxians of old.

    Because you accomplish nothing but to further destroy your name. Which is a shame, for the first day or two, you stood a chance at being respected.

    My respect for the Scholar (or perhaps lack thereof) has nothing to do with my opinion on his question, because they are two distinct entities. He has a right to ask the question, and as he did so respectfully, and on a subject of controversy, in the correct location, it is difficult for me to fathom why you have such difficulty in handling it maturely.

    EDIT: I want to make it clear I mean no disrespect for the Order of the Paradox with my post, and that my opinions are my own, not those of my alliance. Congratulations on the results, I wish you all the best of luck.

  7. I maintained throughout this war that if Sponge had a phone conversation with Charles, the war would be over in five minutes- likely with Polar paying repairations. You see Planet Bob, EC has the sexiest voice in Cybernations. English culture mixed with dutch heritage makes James Bond's accent look inadequate

    I can only assume you mean Assington. Sponge had little/nothing to do with the war.

  8. Though Im not a fan of driving people out of the game, I have to say these terms are remarkable. I hope future conflicts can end with comparably fair terms.

    /me tips hat.

    Whaaat, a Grämlin saying something nice about us? Get out of the boat :)

  9. You have a problem, contact me my friend. This is a public forum, yes, public. Relevance within the matter..is...well irrelevant. Don't want outside parties to critique with their personal opinions, do not make a thread in the public forum, this is what the public forum is for, for all parties to respond, uninvolved or involved. Moreso, this is big news, precedents show these types of threads become extremely popular, I am well aware NpO knows this specially with your knowledge and insight.

    Your opinion will be relevant, this is a PUBLIC FORUM. Please, I welcome you to any thread we post, we value constructive criticism. There is a difference between baiting, trolling, flaming, and having a healthy disagreement. ;)

    Caliph: Respect is due when it is due, I thank you for maintaining your composure and responding constructively within the last two pages, kudos to you.

    Responding trollishly or baiting doesn't make you innocent, and that goes for both sides.

    "So many members have a problem with Polaris"

    We have what, 4 members posting in here disagreeing with your stance - not even, one was merely stating he was disappointed in the maturity and he was baited? None are government my friend, I am government and I have no problem with Polaris.

    You can contact me via IRC if any Polaris member wishes, I would be happy to discuss this privately. Good luck in your war.

    You serve your alliance well, and for that, sir, I tip my hat to you.

  10. ah, thanks, you have just reminded me to edit my sig. It is still saying that I am Praetor, which would be too funny if you would try to report my own post to me.

    However, why do you feel trolled at all when I didnt even mention your alliance? Does my post remind you of someone else who has told a similar story and claims to be absolutely serious about it? If yes, who is it?

    OOC: Should I report your post for being off-topic then?

  11. the winners write history.

    OOC: This phrase was adopted because conquered and defeated people are often physically prevented from publishing their accounts of history, or are perhaps unable to do so because of literacy constraints. They were killed, disenfranchise, demoralized, what have you, and their voices were silenced.

    IC: There is nothing physically preventing any member from a defeated alliance to write their account. Heck, I hear a few FAN guys screaming their opinions every few minutes on these forums, and the Unjust Path were notoriously vocal, even after they were defeated. You're going to have to substantiate that claim IC, or else it cannot be accepted as a postulate.

    EDIT: [/derail]

  12. Considering both that the victors are the writers of history and the NpO's own official position is that to disagree with them makes you wrong by definition, I find it hard to believe that you found too many objective sources.

    I do not believe the CN Wiki differentiates between "winners" and "non-winners." Defeated players are as entitled to write history as victorious players.

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