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Posts posted by Proko

  1. We are prepared to offer you $15 million in reparations due to your damaged pride

    Mistakes happen. If it persists, let us know and we'll do something about it.

    Additionally, Private Channels are really cool. Instead of announcing this to the general public, you could have come to our forum and informed us of this problem.

  2. New Polar Order - The Mafia Friendship Pact

    The undersigned representatives of the the Mafia and the New Polar Order (NpO) agree that in all circumstances, unless certain conditions listed in Sections 2.2 and/or 4.1 come into effect, that the the Mafia and the NpO will enter into a Friendship Pact as outlined in the following.

    Article 1

    1.1 The the Mafia and the NpO will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.

    1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

    1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.

    Article 2

    2.1 The The Mafia and the NpO will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.

    2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.

    2.3 Active espionage against either organization party to this agreement shall render it void.

    Article 3

    3.1 While not bound legally, should either alliance party to this agreement seek aid financially or in war, it should not come as a surprise to the world community if either alliance agrees to aid one another in such circumstances.

    3.2 Neither side shall feel obligated to lend aid in any form in any circumstance.

    3.3 Courteous discussion on the situation will take place should either party opt to not aid the other in war or financially.

    Article 4

    4.1 This pact may be canceled after 5 days notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.

    Signed for the NpO

    Myworld, Minister of Truth

    Zbaldwin87, Deputy Minister of Truth

    Fupresti, Foreign Affairs Officer

    Signed for the Mafia

    Sarmatian Empire, Minister of Foreign Affairs

  3. I am profoundly offended by the New Pacific Order’s declaration. The announcement of the New Polar Order’s withdrawal from Green Protection Agency's Declaration of Neutrality should have been more… epic. The announcement lacked the flair, poise, elegance, and subtle satire commonly seen in statements from the New Pacific Order.


  4. Actually, where you got the info is extremely relevant.

    This topic is, ostensibly, on the GPA's IRC policy. Taking into consideration this tangent, it could also be rationalized to be about the causes of this new policy, which would be the debatable "neutral" actions of the GPA over the past few months that have led other alliances to become somewhat discontent their policies.

    Given that "Relevant" is the confines of this thread, I daresay Sponge's friends have little enough to do with it.

  5. Sponge needs to change his avatar to Emperor Palpatine. He's too evil to be whoever the current guy is.

    I dunno man, Captain Murphy's pretty evil in his own way. Maybe "misguided" is a better word, but nonetheless...

    On Topic: "Interesting" pretty much sums it up

  6. I didn't say I didn't recruit GPA members though. ;)

    The important thing to note is that you have recieved information from GPA's private forums. How did you get that screenshot?

    The important thing, as far as this topic is concerned, is the new IRC policy of the GPA. If you want to investigate Sponge's sources, you should probably start your own thread.

    Additionally, by definition, if even one of the GPA members that followed you was a /b/tard, you did, in fact, recruit one.

  7. but thats the thing... all he is.. is some stupid guy on the Internet. If someone's feelings are hurt like that by some stupid guy over the internet, i couldn't imagine how he could take insults (which in seem like an every day thing of life) in real life

    but this is an IC forum and shouldn't have such OOC things

    As you can see, this entire incident was caused by Bilrow's weakness of character and his proclivity of crying over this, and not because of a total lack of human decency and, by disrespecting Bilrow's request, condoning the actions of an individual idiot.

  8. wow.

    Exploiting your illness to manipulate happenings in an online game.

    You are disgusting bilrow.

    Seriously, his agenda here is clear. He wants Overlord Xenu thrown out of GPA, and he placed this guy in the channel as a mole in order to manipulate the situation! Rather than standing up for the sake of human decency, he's decided to bring down the wrath of the already militarized ~ coalition on the GPA! Brilliant!

  9. I disagree. The CoaLUEtion disbanded, but returned as the League and Aegis. The UJP could return someday, but I doubt it.


    Saying the CoaLUEtion disbanded is like saying ~ will disband after the war. Both organizations came together to fight for a common cause, and dispersed after the war.

  10. This is an IC Forum, and thus "Nazis" do not exist. Posts like this are better in the Open World Forum.

    Many tech-raiding alliances will raid alliances under a certain number of members. I do not know the Phoenix Federation's number on this, but it is probably somewhere around 10 members.

  11. These are good points. When your side is losing, pretty much anything you say gets shouted down by the hooting mob...

    But the one you left out is the truth, I'd wager.

    GOONS don't want more members banned. They're most likely under radio silence to keep themselves at full membership.

    EDIT: By full, I mean more full than it otherwise would be, naturally.

  12. That's why I also disagree with the naming of some of the other great wars. GWI, for example, showed little chance of the Orders winning, looking at the Wiki. I mean, it might as well have been a pre-lopside (given that most lopsides I've seen happened after GWIII).

    That's sort of the point. We can't really change the names of the other Great Wars. Trying to reach a consensus on a new name for each is absurd, so it's best to leave them lie. As such, we have to define each by what qualities they did exhibit, and I see that as offering two choices: the conflict between the Orders and the CoaLUEtion or very very large wars. If we're going with very large wars, this one clearly qualified, as it was, for all intents and purposes, more total than Great War II. The former selection is superior for the Aristotelian need of people to classify. By giving this a unique name, we are left with a new subset of wars. Sure, "Great War IV: The Unjust War" works , but let's say the Unjust Path "ascends" again? I'm not willing to rule that possibility out, and then we'll have "Great War VI: The Second Unjust War."

    Wars are either named after unique aspects of them, for example "The Thirty Years War," "The Great Northern War," and "The War of the Roses," or for the participants, such as the "Franco-Prussian War," the "Sino-Japanese War," and and the various Russo-Turkish wars. "World Wars" aren't so called because they were really really big, but that they were fought in every continent, with one or two exceptions. The Great Wars exist, there's no turning back. Based on RL Historical precedents (praise Admin this is an OOC forum :)), I'm uncomfortable with "Great War IV," in addition to the issues with classification.

  13. From where do you get this? War is war, regardless of personality, character, moral value, or what parties were involved. As I've said, the term "Great" is too flexible a word to be specific to any two entities.

    You're right, I don't think this was really a "Great War", given the lesser amount of damage and length, but I think you're right for the wrong reasons. Going by the overall strength and number of alliances, this was a great war. Which is why I agree with the "Great War IV: The Unjust War" suggestion.

    Going with the strength and numbers argument, Great War II did not qualify as a Great War. It lasted less than a week before the League backed off (I think).

  14. Any war that involves a majority of alliances is a Great War. Either this one was one, or none ever were. You can't have it both ways.

    From where do you get this?

    Wars have character. The geriatrics among us will talk of how the Second Polar War was different from Great War I, and how the Maroon War differed from the Viridian War. The character of the Great Wars was all fundamentally the same; the struggle of the Orders for superiority against the CoaLUEtion and League. This war did not even see the New Pacific Order play a large role, unlike the Great Wars, where they were the among the first on the battle field.

    This war was of a different character than the Great Wars. That the CN community has taken presented such favor for the Unjust War only goes to show that this was different than "A Really Big War with a lot of alliances in it." The stakes were different here, the fight was different here. This is no Great War.

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