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Posts posted by Proko

  1. I was poking fun at the typo. Of course I know who the Golden Sabres are.

    GOONS may have done more damage, but it was GGA that started the war in the first place. Stop ignoring the past and bringing shame to the once great name of Viridia. Hell, you could've just stayed neutral.

    I believe this topic has been discussed at length in another thread.

    Nice to have you with us, Brigade. You guys did some pretty serious hurtin' on GS last night. Well done.

  2. I'm not certain either but, even if it was private I think I would have seen it within my own alliance forums. I remember no such thing. :mellow:

    I know GGA has privately apologized to certain parties involved in the war, but an apology to VE is not something I am familiar with, either. And I naturally defer to your longtime membership in GGA.

  3. genmay declared on a NpO protectorate and the rest of UJP had to have known at least two days in advance. If they hadn't agreed on the war genmay would have been told to sit down and shut up

    The Brotherhood of the Storm is not and was not a protectorate of the New Polar Order. The two alliances had a signed a treaty of mutual defense. That is all.

  4. Can't wait! We have a buffet planned. We have plenty of people at yours though, it's fun, isn't it?

    You guys can't seem to get enough of me. Two of your pals and and a Gayman are hitting on me, but, as usual, I'm taking the "hard to get" approach.

  5. WAPA did that to us really well back in GW3 (even though we made fun of them at the time :lol:). This far these guys haven't done too much, but it's early days yet.

    Have probably got more attacks in on us than NpO have mind you :ph34r:

    We're in direct battle with 4 large alliances (and if you're own rhetoric be believed, 4 of the most combat ready alliances). Sorry we can't come to your party yet, but ours is so awesome we're having trouble getting out the door.

  6. Wow, a DoW 5 hours after the update

    Good Going TWNO

    None of the quad blitzes have been especially successful. Considering your own ally FOK declared war on NTO in the middle of the afternoon server time and has, so far, launched the most devestating attacks, I don't think this is something that can be mocked.

  7. Thank you.

    And to starfox, umm, it's freaking like 4:00 am in blegium or wherever when update hits, so not a ton of our members are awake, Eotrs covers the globe. But thanks for taking the flaming easy on us, that was below SF standards but ok.

    OOC:Update happens at 0700 in Belgium.

  8. Main difference: Dizzay doesn't exist, and many, many GOONS have stated openly that if they see him, they'll report him to the Moderation staff. You give the same treatment to Sponge, and maybe we can settle this without your guts all over the floor.

    Update: I've been speaking with my RL Friend in GOONS. Apparently Dizzay still has some thorough access to their forums, and still bears the "President" tag.

    Sounds like they've disowned him <_<

    EdIT: Looks like? Does it matter?

  9. who's the bigger fool the fool or the fool following him? But you're right, a lot of what he says isn't really defensible. Strange how someone who treats his allies so disrespectfully ends up in so many inter-alliance agreements. is that so he can throw them away as he finishes using them?

    way to divert the subject, by the same logic let's talk about your allies UPN comparing their attacks to the the attacks that happened on 9/11. Dizzay was banned for his comments, he said a whole lot more than just that(although some will never know cause the thread was almost instantly deleted), and I don't think that's what everyone was cheering him on for.

    There also exists the possibility Sponge isn't as bad as you make him out to be. He may have offended you, sure. But there are dozens of alliances that seem willing to fight on behalf of his character, at least indirectly so.

    There are places on the Internet where Dizzay's post still exists. Some archived it, some took screen shots. I have read the post several times. You can complain that Sponge called you nobodies, but telling Mary the Fantabulous and The Evil Jester to "go die" is far worse.

    I concur the comparison to 9/11 was inappropriate. But at least they apologized, and strove to correct their fault. To my knowledge, Dizzay has shown no remorse for his actions, but I am glad to see he has been thrown out of GOONS and disowned.

  10. This is true, Ardus - And I recognize that fact. It just seems from my (Biased) point of view, GOONS are the lesser of the two evils.

    Vulcan, thank you for your kind words. I've always respected the Brigade, and I will continue to do so.

    Heh, GGA's fighting alongside NTO also. CIS is around somewhere. Perhaps a private apology, the GGA issued? Swallowed their pride and admitted a mistake?

  11. Just to clarify.

    A NpO feller was the first to declare on \m/, before we did anything. For the reason "m is gay 2."

    Now, wouldn't your MDP only active on the defense, not if the New Polar Order attacked us aggressivly?

    Also, right or wrong, we can't turn back the conflict now.

    Here's to a good fight, UPN.

    /me cheers.

    We did? :blink:

    That was not authorized. But as you said, I don't think it matters anymore.

  12. Main difference: Dizzay doesn't exist, and many, many GOONS have stated openly that if they see him, they'll report him to the Moderation staff. You give the same treatment to Sponge, and maybe we can settle this without your guts all over the floor.

    I was under the impression he remained President of GOONS for some time after his ban? I saw his names on treaties and announcements and such things. How long after the ban was he exiled?

    EDIT: *Ahem* on Topic: Thanks guys, we'll see you on the field.

  13. that's rich coming from a guy lead by someone that calls his allies nobodies and parasites

    Hey, you guys can call out ES all you want. I'm not going to defend what he said.

    Have you examined Dizzay's case? He openly expressed his desire for members of the New Pacific Order to die, and he was apotheosized within GOONS. You don't see any similarities?

  14. Yes they'd don't deserve it I'm sure. Comparing attacking an alliance to semptember 11th is 'respectuful'!

    (Naturally, NpO never made any similar comments to alliances like this during GW2 or 3)

    Hey, we're not the ones claiming to be respectful leaders that are willing to give everyone a chance.

    We're not lusting for the respect that we "deserve"

  15. @Zbaldwin87: I was very explicit regarding who respect is given, excluding unaligned nations, "bad blood" history alliances, and microalliances.

    Fair enough. Regarding Dizzay's post, however...you support it? Do you feel it was in character of a leader of the Unjust? There were members of the New Pacific Order he flamed in there. I'm going to rule them out of the "bad blood" category, as they are a GOONS drinking buddy, if that means anything.

    EDIT: Heh, you're in \m/, not GOONS. Silly me.

  16. I like you El Bruc. Always have, even before the GPA had to "correct" your style of posting on the CN forums. I violently disagree with your post, but hey, I like ya.

    I thought about the fact that you're a cool guy, and I decided not to post my page long, malicious response, because that just wouldn't be cool of me (excuse the pun, it's not intentional, just a crappy coincidence).

    But, I vehemently protest this claim that the Unjust Path is "respectful." I'm not going argue that we are because we haven't necessarily been so to certain people. Certain incidents I'd like to bring to attention:

    1) Was Dizzay respectful in the thread that got him banned?

    2) How about NinjaR and Liberal_Extinction's treatment of Fransjosef?

    3) You've read the logs where Sponge verbally abused some of his allies. Do you feel that, after Sponge made a few disrespectful comments, that the subsequent remarks made by NinjaR were justifed? Is it acceptable for the Unjust Path to drop their facade of respect after being disrespected as he did? Is it acceptable for them to drop their maturity?

    4) Would you consider the leader of GOONS verbally harassing members of the New Polar Order in public channel respectful?

    5) Can you remind me of \m/'s policy regarding those that publicly gripe about being tech-raided? Is it respectful?

    6) If you are "rocking this game," a game with rules developed by admin and enforced by the moderators, why is that, over the course of a few weeks, multiple leaders of the Unjust Path have been banned?

    You can get a taste of the malicious nature of the original post with that last point, to which I don't ask you to respond. But your perspective on the other five would be appreciated.

    There is another thing I would like someone to address. Doesn't have to be El Bruc, just anyone in UJP or "in the know," as they say. Unjust Path members and leadership repeatedly claim that Sponge called them nobodies. I've read the logs (not too recently) but I can't recall him accusing the Unjust Path of being nobodies. My recollection is that he called Jonathan Brookbank a "@#(%! nobody," but not the leaders of \m/, GOONS, etc.

    EDIT: Added quote tags around the excerpt of my initial response.

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