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Posts posted by Proko

  1. As a member of the GOONS Government, I hereby ban Electron Sponge from posting in this thread as of this point. He clearly does not know how to post anything other than trolling and flaming.

    I myself believe that attacking a person about their real life issues to be absolutely despicable.

    Haha, dude...that's not how that works.

  2. I can't speak as to the actual forum goings-on, but I can speak for Zandra's character, as I have gotten to know her well over the past several months. Even without the vicious OOC attack, which contained information she may not even have been privy to, the comment was not her style. It's not like her to use memes of that sort.

  3. Thanks for playing, but you have been in your current alliance for less than one day.

    I didn't even know that the VE was involved in this war. Sucks for you I guess, sorry about the tech raids. Unfortunate timing on your part. Join an alliance.

    Wait, you are in \m/? I'm so confused! If you are actually \m/ and were not flying their AA and got nuked sucks for you.

    This is turning into another "omg these guys are fighting me and I'm in an alliance which has no people in it and now they are beating me up waaaaaaa" thread!"

    Any credibility you may have had was lost when your "alliance" nuked people already, when you leave your "alliance" when it goes to war, when your "alliance" is 7 people, or you have been in three different "alliances" in the past week.

    It's like that time that GGA guy wasn't flying their AA. But this time, it's acceptable (I think).

  4. IRON was picking on a 2 man alliance; it was a tech raid that went wrong and someone accidentally got nuked, the fact that it was El Bruc is totally coincidental :blush:

    To make matters worse I can see the same accident being repeated :lol:

    You should take UJP's advice and get your military organized :angry: This is unacceptable.

  5. I just got nuked by Shan Revan of IRON. I don't even have nukes. According to their forums, he's gov. IRON is a signatory on the OP of this forum.

    What did I miss? Was the statement of the OP retracted in another thread somewhere else? :wacko:

    I will contact IRON government immediately and get this member thrown out.

  6. We just got nuked again from an NpO guy who said he was told to nuke whomever he wanted. I doubt that is the case and I doubt the above is the case as well. While individuals in NpO may use nukes because they are to stupid or just don't care what NpOs stance on using nukes is, NpO has made thier policy on this matter very clear several times. I expect when somone in authority shows up they will take care of it.

    Nuclear First Strikes against the Phoenix Federation have not been authorized. If the Phoenix Federation is nuked, please contact a member of government so we can sort it out.

    And lol at UJP calling our tactics dirty.

  7. hold on, so the NPO is formally against UJP?

    wow, i can't believe they would lend support to an alliance that doesn't even recognize their leadership, and fight those that have been their friends even after the coup

    We recognize Pacifican leadership and Moo as the Emperor of the New Pacific Order.

  8. Or he has no idea how to conduct a war in CN. That's the most likely methinks. He couldn't even anarchy me on his quad during your initial blitz. But it seems like that's par for NpO thus far.

    Based on the epic amount of NS we've lost in this war, which is so much worse than what has been lost by your comrades at GOONS or GS, I'd say that you're completely correct.

  9. I'm glad that your public statements can be taken with an "Oh well" we'll honor them when we want to. If you wanted the flexability of nuking first you shouldn't have signed the statement.

    It doesn't matter which alliance was nuked, NpO signed a statement saying that it wasn't authorizing nuclear first strikes.

    ...Nuclear rogues make appearances in every war. These strikes were not condoned by the Polar government. If a Polar nation launches a nuclear first strike, please contact a member of the government so we can deal with the problem, like the Phoenix Federation kind of did.

  10. Not if they take warslots from people who actually know what they're doing...although i'm not sure anyone on their side actually knows what they're doing anyway


    CSE's been giving us lessons.

    I suppose I should attempt to make this a solid "flame," so I'll observe that, on September 10th, as part of their blitz, the Phoenix Federation declared 33 wars, some most likely multiple declarations. By update, 18 nations in the Phoenix Federation were in anarchy.

    Hail CSE

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