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Posts posted by Proko

  1. BnT's accomplishments are 10x anything you could ever dream of. :rolleyes: You would be wise to consider the possiblity that the people you are arguing with know alot more about the situation than you do.

    It's a good thing we have Valhalla to tell us what's going on between GGA and Polaris.

  2. For the great love they share, Sparta and Polaris have upgraded their treaty. Bold text indicates additions or changes

    The Treaty of Thermopylae

    A Mutual Aggression and Defense Pact between Sparta and the New Polar Order



    Article I: Friendship

    The ratification of this treaty acknowledges, independent of any prior pact or political relationship, that a strong bond of friendship exists between the Sparta and the New Polar Order. The signatories pledge to do their utmost to maintain amicable relations, and to avoid any and all conflict for the sake of said relations. Good relations entail, but are not limited to, a public show of solidarity in any given political situation.

    Article II: Defense

    Any act of aggression toward either party shall be considered an act of aggression toward both parties. Any attacks perpetrated upon one, shall be considered an attack on the other, and a corresponding state of defensive war shall apply to both parties.

    Article III: Intelligence

    Should either party be privy to information that may affect the military or political situation of the other, they are obliged to inform the other party. Both parties forswear undertaking any espionage or other covert actions against the other signatory.

    Article IV: Aggression

    Such is the nature and the strength of the NpO-Sparta relationship, that, should either party deem it necessary to perform an act of military aggression on another alliance, the other party will be willingly bound to offer full military support.

    Article V: Aid

    It shall be accepted that either party may choose to send aid (in the form of currency, technology, and/or soldiers) to the other. It is encouraged for both parties to send aid in the other's time of need; however, there shall be no aid obligation.

    Article VI: Cancellation

    In the unfortunate event that this pact must be annulled or canceled, the initiating party must provide both three days notice before its cancellation, and a legitimate reason for its cancellation.

    For the New Polar Order

    RandomInterrupt, Imperial Regent

    Myworld, Minister of Truth

    Zbaldwin, Minister of Love

    Fallen_Fool, Deputy Minister of Truth

    For Sparta:

    Tulak Hord - King

    Bush_84 - King

    Adrian - Ephor of Foreign Affairs

    Wandmdave - Deputy Ephor of Foreign Affairs

  3. Unlike FAN however, TPF pried into the private lives of NoV members by searching for what they posted on non-CN related sites. I won't stand for that kind of crap.

    Perhaps I wouldn't either, but in this case, I think their behavior was commendable. As Admin himself proclaimed when removing LUE's mask back in 2006, Cybernations is a family friendly game. %&$#sm is not family friendly or child safe. An alliance has been found to repeatedly harbor white nationalists and racists has no place in this game. Racists will exist regardless of the events of this game, but NoV allows them a place to congregate. This is intolerable.

    I am not necessarily faulting the Norden Verein government, but in the interests of the safety of young minds, I think an alliance with repetitive infractions regarding the harboring of white supremacists and the spreading of white nationalist propaganda should be dispatched with. Sorry guys.

  4. Regardless of how you spin it, "just because" is IC. NoV didn't go around defaming LSF members as TPF is doing to NoV. TPF could have kept this entirely IC, and without a fuss (Lord knows I wouldn't be defending NoV) had they just not mentioned any of this OOC stuff. But they didn't, and because they mentioned it this little conundrum exists.

    Even so, a bad CB is better than no CB at all. Regardless of how you feel about TPF's CB, they do feel strongly about the information they have gathered. It isn't like FAN, who simply declared with doing so little research they hadn't realized NoV was a Pacifican Protectorate (or maybe they did, but that's a different story).

    Also, Germany is OOC. So are Denmark, Sweden, Austria, and Groß Deutschland. There is no Germany on Planet Bob, and if there was maybe it would be within the rules of the board to speak German, which I'm pretty sure is forbidden by Invision. NoV uses OOC symbols used by state with a particularly horrible and destructive OOC past, and propaganda from that same OOC regime. They celebrate an OOC past.

    FAN's declaration on NoV last June can be considered "OOC" because it was a D-Day anniversary but there was no D-Day in Planet Bob. Any war declared on NoV because of the character of the alliance is going to be OOC, because the alliance itself is inherently OOC.

  5. Though I was not there, if I remember correctly, there was much tension between NoV and LSF (shocker there) for a long time. A nuclear rogue on both NV and NoV set off the war. It wasn't just "because".

    I'm pretty sure I heard that from Martens himself, but I could be wrong.

  6. NV and GDA aren't even a part of BLEU.

    The BLEU Signatories are

    New Polar Order

    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

    Global Democratic Alliance

    Sons Of Liberty In Defiance


    Overclockers UK

    Nueva Vida


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