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Posts posted by Proko

  1. I am not certain I understand the nature of this discussion, particularly not in relation to this fine announcement from BLEU.

    Rest assured, after an entire month attempting to avert a war that Sponge had brought on us, and then another month having years of hard work blasted out of us, Polaris has no intention of repeating its mistakes. We are not the same alliance that Electron Sponge once plummeted towards war with the Cyberverse. If there is negligence in our diplomacy, it's probably from the inefficiency of one particular Minitru bureaucrat, not an insidious attempt to create seeds of distrust and hatred. If you feel neglected or ignored by Polaris, come and chat with us or send a diplomat our way. We hoped, after we deposed Sponge, that we would be allowed to begin again with a clean slate. This was not granted to us, and I can understand that. But after a month of hopeless war and what seems to be improving relations with a lot of our adversaries in that war, I truly hope our new beginning has been allowed and accepted. That said, Polaris bears no grudges from the war itself or before.

    OOC: I will be on IRC if anyone would like to discuss whether Polaris hates/hated or, alternatively, if you have any concerns whatsoever, please send me a PM. I would be happy to address any concerns you may have.

    For now, I think this discussion should return to the fine group of people in the BLEU bloc, and the change in their charter, and any further discussion, can be directed towards me or my associates in the Polar government.

  2. We are doing better. However, it is difficult to credit BLEU with that. If you all you wanted was NADC's leadership to change, why did we lose 300 members. That is a lot of leaders.

    BTW, you said "we did it for them" not "Grub did it for them." Who is we?

    In all fairness, we did not force your members to leave. As no one forced ours to leave during the Second Patriotic War. However, everyone I know, every single person in the alliance with whom I have even the most distant relationship, stuck through the war. We lost our excess, our silent members that contribute nothing, and we're a better alliance for it. Like the First Patriotic War, those that made it through this most recent war can be counted on as True Polars in any circumstance, as the members of NADC that made it through your epic struggle 10 months ago are the real backbone of your alliance.

    Alliance sanctions mean little in this game, and neither does a membership that is willing to abandon you at the first sign of trouble. I bear no ill will towards you, Watchman, nor towards your alliance. But if you can't see the benefits of a catharsis like the one your alliance went through in January -February, or the one our went through August-September, then there is nothing more I can argue.

    To remain at least vaguely on topic, congratulations on the One Year Anniversary, Echelon, and I sincerely hope to be here for your second :)

  3. 1. You posted telling your general membership that war with NADC was coming hours before update, during which time NADC spies (Or at least Bismarcks) found out, and had a lot of time to prepare.

    Actually, if I remember correctly, the post informing the basic MCXA members that the attack was on NADC was coming was 3 days before the war began.

    EDIT: For reference, the Polar thread was made one hour before the attack, as is our custom for maximum operational security.

  4. Hahahaaha :P. I made him that sig and avatar.

    [OOCostume] They're still hosted on your photo bucket, actually.[/OOCostume]

    So Sponge has been inactive for 2 weeks and the GOONS want him gone. Coup time?

  5. Attention!

    A new subdivision of the Offices of the Triumvirate is in need of an administrator! Do you want the busiest, most illustrious job in the world? Of course you do! That is why you should sign up TODAY to be Minister of Filing Francos Spain's Impeachment Proceedings! See the world (within the confines of your office), meet new people (the copy machine guy is really nice), experience exotic cultures (Monday is Hawaiian shirt day!) and get paid to do minimal work (some restrictions apply)!


    You know how much I love Hawaii. Sign me up.

  6. For the future, and perhaps I'm the only one that had a problem, I had difficulty hearing some of the guests more than yourself. You were mostly pretty clear, but I found Kevanovia and Doitzel somewhat difficult to understand, and HRT sounded very distant.

    Otherwise, congratulations on a great show :)

  7. From the surrender terms

    They declared a war against this nation thus breaking their peace terms, or at least that's how I read it.

    Though you are an idiot and really should not have left Ragnarock like that. Though while he may deserve to be ZI'ed NpO can't ZI him, NpO is under the protection of the co-coalition, so if NpO has a problem with this guy it should be reported to the co-coalition who can deal with him. He also disregarded our no bandwagoning statement so I'm sure the coalition can deal with him. However according to my reading of the surrender terms NpO cannot, and thus NpO is in violation of these terms.

    Crymson told us to deal with our own rogues. It is clear, even by admission from the OP, that he is a rogue.

    Additionally (directed at other posts), at no point in the terms were we required to demilitarize, only to restrict our nuclear arsenal and cease building military wonders.

  8. Politics and "the game" aside, I met a LOT of really cool people in BLEU, and in the BLEU gov chats. I genuinely enjoyed the company. If any of you want to hate me OOC for how things went down, feel free. Just know that it is most certainly not reciprocated.

    Of course not. You would need to do much more to get me to dislike you OOC than cancel a treaty. IC, I certainly haven't always liked you, but I bear your OOC no ill will. Again, good luck out there.

  9. I always enjoyed working with you (and Echelon) while we were in BLEU together. You were among the most supportive allies we had for a while, until (while you'll doubtlessly disagree) it became more convenient to not support us.

    Whether I like you or not, this game is losing a good character and a good player. I wish you the best of luck in real life.

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