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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1280008235' post='2387719']
    That could also be spun to say that over half the community feels that things have progressed or at least stayed the same. ;)

    In reality there have been both positives and negatives. Just wish the nation count was higher... :mellow:

    As for the new wonder question: time travel, no question.

    Yes, but the bill of goods that was sold during Karma promised a whole lot more than was delivered. That's why so many "moralists" that sided with ex-Heg during Karma are generally found in a depressed state these days. The world they were promised in exchange for their blood was never delivered. Instead of a less tangled treaty web, it's even more tangled. Instead of an end to curbstomps, they are still the norm. Instead of going to fairly even wars without tons of treaties being activated, optional aggression or no treaty at all are used to make sure a stomping happens in the wars that take place. Instead of lower reps, they are the biggest in history. Instead of 2-4 week wars, the wars last 2-4 months.

    Facts are facts, the world declined post-Karma, and again after this most recent stomping and it's borderline spiraling at this point.

    I actually blame a great deal of it on the MP wonder. It causes such destruction to smaller and newer nations that they generally tend to fold their tent. When they are 15-20,000 ns, 150 days old in their first big war and getting 3 vs 1 and nuked on top of it by 1000 day old nations day after day, they tend to quit instead of sticking with it.

    I was extremely excited and worked really hard to get my nation into the top 5% to buy nukes. Then the MP came along and one of the major goals of the game was gone.

  2. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1279993425' post='2387540']
    Oh sorry. You're right. Everything was so much better with curbstomp after curbstomp. SO MUCH

    Well over 80% of people voting seem to think it's no better, or even worse than it was, and for some of us the curbstomps haven't ended at all.

    Not really sure why you'd complain though, GOD has been on the stomping side pretty much since UJP I ended, including most of the curbstomps that Karma was so outraged over in the following year.

    GOD had big roles in the stomping of NoV, Illuminati, LoFN, and signed with Continuuum alliances to help roll Polaris and company.

  3. [quote name='Penkala' date='21 July 2010 - 09:39 PM' timestamp='1279744745' post='2383178']
    And the proof is that everyone says it happened. I'm not handing out logs willy-nilly for the peanut gallery's viewing pleasure.

    I don't really care what happened here, that's between Spamalot/IAA and if it goes far enough, their allies, but this statement is priceless.

    You come here and start a thread by throwing out all these accusations and then when someone asks for your proof you try and pull the "Har dar, I'm not doing anything for the peanut gallery. Har dar!!" When your entire reasoning for starting this thread is to play to the "peanut gallery".

  4. [quote name='Iosif' date='21 July 2010 - 10:12 AM' timestamp='1279703502' post='2382314']
    This is honestly pretty ridiculous. I mean, when alliances raid a lot, it usually also means someone's going to $%&@ at some point. It's obvious from your comment that you haven't been a government member of a raiding alliance, because that really happens all the time and then usually the diplomatic squad comes and saves the day. As a sidenote, the most notorious raider alliances tend to act very smoothly and efficiently if something goes wrong. They seriously have top-notch diplomats you're not going to have troubles with if you're being reasonable at all, believe me.

    Anyways, most raider alliance charters don't consider small alliances (<10) to be actually alliances, but they still are pretty strict about not raiding protectorates. It doesn't mean mistakes don't happen, because we're all !@#$@#$ human beings. Especially one man AAs are often totally disregarded as alliances at all, because pretty much every single one man AA is a disbanded alliance or a non-alliance. California seemed to be an exception, and I'm pretty sure your gov will or has already contacted MK government and this is not going to be a problem. Find out what's going on before you open your mouth, or you'll going to look like a retard. Like just now.

    Forgive me for looking like a retard.

    I just get suspicious about 3 1000+ day old 100K NS nations making mistakes like this. Especially considering California is somewhat well known due to the long and heated thread from when they were raided during Karma by PC. And the fact that if you google California cybernations protectorate "The treaties of the Phoenix Federation" is the second result.

    This whole red safari is clearly designed to stick it to NPO and bait them. Then suddenly 3 extremely veteran players also raid the protectorate of NPO's MADP partner...

    Maybe it is all just a coincidence and those 3 didn't check why a near 100k NS nation with 18000 infra had been on an AA for 929 days and hadn't been raided to dust long since. I know that checking for protectorates is usually the first thing novice raiders are taught to do, but these 1000+ day old nations may not have remembered that.

    In my defense, after being on the bad side of the curb stomp 3 times in 6 months or so from your side of the web, you get a little paranoid.

  5. [quote name='Voytek' date='21 July 2010 - 09:47 AM' timestamp='1279702029' post='2382289']
    Congratulations on bringing up a completely unrelated raid and attempting to force it into being relevant to this thread I guess. Have you even tried speaking to MK government before coming here?

    Well, as I said, I am not in our Gov, so I do not speak to the Gov of other alliances over things like this.

    I took it to be somewhat related as the first war was declared with the reason "going on safari" and figured MK members might have decided to make it a multi-colored safari.

  6. It would appear that MK has decided to take their safari to another color, black, and raid our protectorate California. Down to one nation now, but I don't believe our protectorate with them has been cancelled. It's listed on our public forum and in our active protectorates on our treaty wiki.

    Same AA that PC decided to raid during the middle of Karma.

    Does MK generally raid protectorates? I am not in gov, but this does sadden me.

  7. Well, we bled pixels for days waiting on you to enter in early January, then we turned right around and bled more in February for the whole Cluster&@#& that you played no small part in getting rolling.

    Oh well, at the end of the day pixels is all they are. Sorry to see you go and good luck.

  8. NPO and allies were generally termed the 'bad guys' because of curbstomp wars, high reparations, intimidation tactics etc.

    Well about 50% of those allies went over to the other side of the web in Karma, since it ended there have been more curbstomp wars, the highest reps in Bob history, and indimidation tactics continue. It's not NPO doing it. So to answer your question OP, look at the side of the treaty web currently in power and go to the opposide side if you want to oppose such things.

  9. [quote name='Olaf Styke' date='15 July 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1279233825' post='2373645']

    Ok so we've established you're biased against Sparta. That's pretty much going to invalidate your attempt to present "Sparta Sucks" as objective truth. I also like the fact that you cited the so called "NPO Backstab" as the reason you hate Sparta, when that, it's self, is a hugely biased interpretation of what happened. I can pretty much write off everything you say as the ravings of a rabid anti-Spartan, it's clear you're not objective here.


    Umm, Sparta admitted to making war plans against NPO and company months before leaving Q. You backstabbed the entire bloc and violated Q for months before leaving at basically the last minute before Karma started.

  10. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='12 July 2010 - 04:53 AM' timestamp='1278906782' post='2367702']
    Haha, oh boy. Someone missed the last war.


    I am fairly certain that Polaris started the last war. Even so, my statement was taking into account the results of the last war.

    The half of the ex-Heg alliances that didn't move over to Karma are not in position to fight any wars against the bloc of blocs I listed if there is any reasonable chance that those blocs would move against them as a result of that war. Thus the need for an air tight, lock solid CB to even think of starting a war.

  11. [quote name='Tromp' date='12 July 2010 - 01:27 AM' timestamp='1278894455' post='2367430']

    No, but certain people tried to push their agenda, and they got the bill handed to them for that. Had they not pre-empted CnG, but hit other alliances not connected to CnG instead, our opponents would've won that war.


    Did you miss Sandwich's post on the previous page that said they were ready to roll TOP as soon as TOP attacked anyone?

    And I am curious, who would you have had them hit? Everyone involved on the other side was tied to SF/CnG.

  12. [quote name='Delta1212' date='12 July 2010 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1278889594' post='2367348']
    I should probably point out that if a global war was in our interests we could have just not given TPF peace and used it as an excuse to blow everyone up. Literally [I]everyone[/I] over here was yelling at FOK but we weren't about to let FOK get rolled because Grub had decided to charge off the deepend.

    Also, FOK, \m/ and PC versus NpO was roughly even. Polar would have hardly gotten "rolled."

    The sheer volume of trolling leading up to it and begging for our allies to enter the fray immediately after it started strongly suggests a different agenda than what you claim in that post.

    As for the whole pre-emptive strike, it's clear now that IRON/TOP etc were going to get rolled regardless of how they entered. They had 3 choices, sit it out and let their allies die, enter and wait for CnG to counter them, or enter and inflict as much damage as possible to the core of the side lined up against them. None were great options and the war options were both bad because the end result was never going to be positive once Polaris pulled it's double cross.

    The way they entered probably allowed them to inflict the max amount of damage they possibly could have in the war, which is about all you can ask for in a losing effort.

  13. Most likely imo is that someone will try to cook something up to give NPO another rolling. All the ex-Heg alliances that didn't bail out to join Karma (Sparta, RoK, MHA etc) have been rolled and then rolled again. Plenty of people wanted to get at the PM nations from NPO too.

    For all we know someone could be sitting on something from the Karma war itself to strike at Pacifica. It wouldn't be unprecedented.

    Second, still a lot of hate towards purple and Legion and some other purples are constantly trolled by some CnG and SF members. So something on that front wouldn't surprise me either.

    I can't imagine anyone not in the SF/CnG/NOIR/LEO/Polaris/VE sphere starting anything unless it was just an egregious violation and a clear cut, lock solid CB at this point. Otherwise you are going to run afoul of those alliances and after a month or two of a 3 vs 1 nuclear beatdown, be saddled with reps that remove you from play for 6 months to a year. Even with a clear CB it's still fairly likely that would happen as there is really nothing to stop them from doing it.

  14. There is no counter currently to CnG/SF/NOIR/LEO/VE/MHA/Polaris etc who at this point are pretty much going to roll together very closely and control a major amount of NS in the game.

    Also the last two major wars were much more damaging to the losing side than past wars were due to length and nuclear prolifteration via the MP and massive tech levels. The relatively short, only nuke if you get nuked approach to war was a mistake on the NPO/tC side of things as it turned out. They left their enemies in much better postion to recover than Karma and the latest coalition vs Iron and TOP did simply by allowing surrender after relatively short wars where no where near as much NS was shed.

    But overall that approach was better for the game, as it left enough opposition strength to make war vs NPO seem viable and provided for excitement on the OWF for months.

    So pretty much, until people in the blocs/alliances above decide to be less buddy buddy, which is what eventually happened to tC expect to see much of the political intrigue absent from the game.

    In the meantime, you will just have to see how many rulers are left on Bob when/if it does happen.

  15. [quote name='flak attack' date='07 July 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1278461709' post='2361795']
    That isn't freedom of speech.

    That's true, but that is about as free as he is likely to find on Bob without forming his own alliance.

  16. [quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='07 July 2010 - 12:56 AM' timestamp='1278460549' post='2361757']
    I was one of the 5 founders of Quantum. How well did that work out for me? I'm happy that they're so successful because they're worlds beyond where I ever thought they'd be, but I'm not there. Because once again, free speech is such a liability. Booted from a chancellor position in Quantum for the very same thing. Standing up to the Legion.

    How about this, find an alliance that allows you to say what you wish, there are a few out there. If you put rules in place in an alliance you founded to limit speech or so that you could be removed from leadership, that is once again on you.

    In the future DO NOT sign up for alliances that have limits on speech if you value it so highly. Although in most situations you are probably going to find that alliance leadership has the ultimate say in what is allowed to reflect back on the alliance via these forums and if you got far enough over the top or starting divulging secrets most any alliance that you join would probably tell you to stop posting.

    I have personally never heard a word from my alliance about what can or can't be said on here, but when I signed up years ago I agreed to follow the Evil Overlord and uphold our charter, so if I were ever told not to post, I would either not post or resign from TPF if I felt my need to post was burning that strongly.

    I would not start a big thread bawwing about it. Just my .02 though.

  17. If you don't like how your alliance is run, start your own or join one that does things differently. Getting on here and crying about it after you have broken rules you agreed to is just pathetic imo.

  18. [quote name='Mayzie' date='01 July 2010 - 02:26 AM' timestamp='1277947558' post='2356052']
    Why would you attempt to make a mockery of a group who have been in TE since it's inception by congratulating a group who fight in a manner who you normally argue about?

    What "manner" are we fighting in exactly?

  19. [quote name='Mayzie' date='01 July 2010 - 02:20 AM' timestamp='1277947240' post='2356044']
    Heeeeeeeeey Macarena, why is the TPF lot here? :wacko:

    Anyone would think two mini alliances warring, you'd love that, a bit of war, right?

    In that other world every member of the alliance you attacked is in TPF.

  20. [quote name='Mayzie' date='30 June 2010 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1277899871' post='2355077']
    Well yeah, lesson learned. We attacked an alliance bigger than ourselves to find out they have nations hidden in other alliances and their buddies in Trouble couldn't let them have a fair fight where they already had the NS and member advantage. :rolleyes:

    It's pretty hilarious to see you in here gloating about it though.

    Actually you were bigger when you attacked out of the blue at around 3 am server time, then many of you got wrecked and anarchied at the next update when we quadded you because you didnt quad or anarchy us. Then other people joined us....and the rest of you got wrecked.

    Moral of the story...when you decide to declare an out of the blue lulz war for no reason, at least try to quad so you get some anarchies.

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