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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='raasaa' timestamp='1286564710' post='2479019']
    erm...2 things...

    GOONS has a MDoAP with =LOST=.....i dont see how ODN would have pulled them in onto UPN's side. Rather, =LOST= can pull ODN onto the GOONS side :P

    Secondly, if 64digits is relevant, so is OcUK :P

    I would think the MADP CnG bloc treaty that LOST and ODN share would override the MDoAP with GOONS. We've been informed many many times in the past that if one member of CnG wars either aggressively or defensively with someone, they all are at war with someone.

  2. [quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1286258732' post='2475666']
    It is a show of good faith, and a word of honor that we make when we affirm the protection of MK. No one likes to be left alone in the dark. No one. If one of your allies canceled all of their treaties, I am fairly certain that your government will issue a protection post about it.

    Again, this affirmation is also a deterrent to those who think this is or will be a huge tech raid on MK. It won't happen. MK will see for themselves, that our friendship is much more than a piece of paper. They know that, but for the peanut gallery, it must be said.

    We love MK, and we do not want anything bad happening to them in their transitional period.

    Nice sentiment, but I can't believe anyone ever seriously would entertain attacking them. Most people are fairly convinced they are in the new PB bloc at this point anyway, true or not. As they seem much closer to Umbrella and GOONS than most anyone else these days.

  3. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1285818406' post='2469240']
    You can keep saying this all you want. I hear the "it was only propaganda" and "We still had other treaties with them" and "We totally were going to fight the whole time" lines every time this topic comes out. You're not touting them, but you're basically saying that refusing to fight at first didn't count because eventually, you came around.

    The rest of the world remembers, Vol Navy. You're not fooling anyone.

    Whatever you say Pez.

    My alliance seniority right now is from the day Karma started. I read the post about canceling on the OWF and went to our boards and immediately resigned from TPF over it. I was out of TPF for 12 minutes before getting several PMs that we were going to be joining and defending Pacifica and that the whole fiasco with mhawk was a misunderstanding.

    We joined, we fought, we stayed til the end despite it costing us a larger percentage or our pre-war strength than any other alliance.

    We'd do it again tomorrow if that's what it came to.

  4. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1285806401' post='2468982']

    People really are harping on the wrong note here, GOONS aren't a cowardly alliance, they're willing to engender the hatred of half of CN to have their fun, that takes guts, and good for them.

    The cowardly aspect is asking someone to come and fight you and then...well...not doing the fighting when it starts.

    There wasn't a need for any nation under 90k NS in Ninjas to have a non-GOON attacker but even those slots were filled by other alliances.

    On a side note I wonder how long those allied to GOONS' enablers will keep their treaties intact. I know that several of GOONS biggest supporters have close allies with extremely opposite stances to the GOON way of doing things.

  5. [quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1285805209' post='2468958']
    I would just like to add that no nations from the following alliances can say GOONS are cowards because they "can't stand up" to 15 or so nations alone. Especially Moo.

    NPO + Invicta + UPN + TDE + NATO + NpO + GGA + IRON + TBE + ONE + NATO + ODN + TFD


    Two big differences, Jarheads got up to over 400 members with an average NS of 300 or so. That is much harder to cover than 11 or 12 nations that the GOONS had a 4-1 advantage over in the 30-70k ns range, which is where most of the Ninja's were when this war started.

    Jarheads also didn't have member control and they declared wars against uninvolved alliances. That's why some of the people on that list were fighting Jarheads before it was over.

  6. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285800673' post='2468846']
    I can respect them for what they did, to an extent, but don't push it. We never officially requested it. A few offhand posts by lesser goons is hardly an invitation.

    Is Beefspari a lesser GOON? I am pretty sure she was one of the first to tell Ejay to go ahead and attack GOONS and do something about it.

  7. [quote name='Quiziotle' timestamp='1285800238' post='2468833']
    No definition of "[url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rogue]rogue[/url]" conflicts with any definition of "[url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alliance]alliance[/url]". Call or consider the Ninjas whatever you like though; the fact is that they declared war upon the GOONS with little justification and are facing retaliation as a consequence of that.

    They had the most perfect justification ever, the GOONS themselves requested it.

  8. [quote name='delendum' timestamp='1285740800' post='2467965']
    They went rogue on GOONS - which, mind you, I'm not trying to decry - but really, the fact that they have more than 10 members doesn't change that.

    Many many GOONS challenged them to a fight. I don't see that as going rogue. They gave GOONS what GOONS asked for.

  9. [quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1285739532' post='2467911']
    "Dear GOONS, we are going to attack you and you should just let us attack you and keep it between us. We will deal out a pretty substantial amount of damage to you and aren't really planning on surviving this, so we don't care about our nations. You should tell your allies to stay out so we can hurt you more than we would if they came in. Them coming in would really ruin our ability to inflict max damage on you, so please, keep them out."

    What everyone in this thread who wants GOONS to 1v1 them is basically saying.

    Then maybe GOONS shouldn't run around asking for fights with 12 man AA's if they can't handle them. I mean sure the bulk of the Ninja's are in range of about 30 GOON nations and GOONS would outnumber them more than 3 to 1, but that's just not enough advantage it would seem.

    It would be differnt imo if GOONS hadn't specfically went out of their way to ask for this fight over several days.

  10. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285739097' post='2467888']
    Yes, and MK, Umbrella, and PC have about 160 nations in the 30-70K NS range. Strange how they would be able to get more declarations in a short period of time!

    So having a more than 3 to 1 advantage in those tiers just wasn't going to cover it? You needed it to be roughly 27 to 1?

  11. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1285737954' post='2467830']
    Having the same or slightly more is still less than optimal. Getting your entire top tier wrecked in what is sure to be a drawn out nuclear conflict is hardly a good idea.

    GOONS have around 30 nations to 7 for the Ninja's in the 30-70k NS range. I could see GOONS needing help with the top 4 from Ninja. Yet it's GOONS allies who are filling the war slots of many of those nations in the 30-40k ns range.

  12. [quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1285737176' post='2467784']
    So just so I'm clear, here: You are advocating nuclear war because someone said niener niener? Looks like someone doesn't like free speech.

    Just so it's clear, GOONS repeatedly asked Ejay to bring it. It's been brought. That is hardly saying "niener niener". It was repeated often and suggested that Ejay and the Ninja's lacked testicular fortitude to bring it. Nothing to do with free speech or not. You have a right to ask for it, they have a right to deliver.

  13. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1285736521' post='2467747']
    It isn't GOONS fault that the Ninjas attacked them.

    I am pretty sure it was all the repeated "Bring it" from GOONS members to Ejay that brought it on, so yeah, it kinda GOONS fault. They asked for it repeatedly and now they got it. Though I suspect it will mostly end up being MK and some others doing the fighting.

  14. [quote name='OsRavan' timestamp='1285361120' post='2463558']
    well i would argue that if it was possible for people to rebuild war damage in a semi reasonable time (i.e 3-6 months) they would be more willing to go to war.

    Limit the length of war. Limit post war reps. Stupidly long reps like the ones dished out post Karma and post Bi-Polar were specifcally designed to slow rebuilding and remove powerful alliances from the political stage. Especially given the extreme length and damage of those wars. I don't know why wars took such a quantum leap and went from lasting generally 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months, other than the change of sides in the treaty web.

    I also think the Manhattan Project was one of the worst ideas Admin came up with in the game. It made for too much destruction being heaped on players in the 10-20k ns range as larger nations with the MP fell to that level. We lost probably 30+ members to that during the Karma war. Someone spent 6-8 months getting to 20-25k ns, then they are held in nuke anarchy for a 20 day cycle. At that point they are at 0 infra, no tax collection and the war is still raging. So they just fold the tent. Now instead of following the previous growth path newer nations have to have aid poured into them to get the MP as soon as they can. It was a point of pride with me to have gotten into the top 5% and to have gotten my nukes that way. But pandoras box was opened and giving everyone the bomb caused a large part of the nation number problem imo.

  15. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285210828' post='2461736']
    I would just like to have it noted that before Jim's nukes hit, my peak rank was #69 :smug:

    But your casualty rank should shoot up as long as you aren't turtling. So thst's a win.

  16. [quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1285210467' post='2461728']
    Here is what you are continuously, constantly not understanding: profit goes beyond money for us. We profit in tears. We profit in bloodshed. We profit in ways that you can't put a financial amount on.

    If all we cared about was how thick our bankrolls are we'd all flip to green and isolate ourselves from the world, as others have readily done.

    I don't really see anyone crying much for Methy but okay. I am all about casualties myself, so good luck with it once some GOONS are in range to attack by next week.

  17. [quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285210229' post='2461726']
    No, I'm pretty sure he's still ineffective. And why are you still stuck on the whole money aspect of everything?

    Because the GOONS made such a huge deal about getting reps and making profits in every Meth related case so far. My original comment that spiraled all of this was that I'd be curious to see the damage this causes vs the reps received. I didn't say anything about infra hugging or pixel saving or anything like that.

  18. [quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1285209642' post='2461716']

    Making money off a pitifully ineffective "rogue" is hilarious. Fighting rogues is fun. Do you understand now or are you going to make another horrible post about how sad we are to lose infrastructure?

    I never said a word about you being sad to lose infra. I would also not really call Meth inffective any more. He is costing GOONS and GOONS allies a whole lot more than the cost to his nation unless Jim actually backs down.

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