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Erich Ludendorff

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Everything posted by Erich Ludendorff

  1. Good luck to our Clone Trooper brethren. o7
  2. Just a small war. Should be back to normal in a little over a month.
  3. I guess that's close enough. rougue (n) Hip, groovy slang name for a D&D rogue. Sounds cool and French.
  4. Well I'm a lipstick and proud of it. I will fight all rouges until the day I die.
  5. A "rouge" alliance huh? Does NPO know about this? They normally don't let other alliances hang out on the red team.
  6. I think it may be possible to manually assign a static IP address to the iPhone. I don't know a lot about it. This link may help. http://www.hsnetwork.org/pdf_files/How_to_..._Ipod_Touch.pdf
  7. Praxeum is a new alliance loosely based on Star Wars, or more specifically, the Star Wars' Jedi Order. We try not to take things too seriously and focus on having fun. We offer a unique aid system that places a new nation, or Padawan, with a senior nation, or Jedi Master. The Master provides advice and constant aid to the new nation until the Padawan is granted Knighthood and can begin buying tech. Until you are able to be placed with a Master, we offer $6mil to get you started. Our legislative process is democratic, so that every nation, small or large, can have a say in the direction of Praxeum. Also, we have lightsabers. Read over The Praxeum Code at our forums here.
  8. ***closed. I guess no one liked the idea.***
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