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Everything posted by DemonSpawn

  1. As of this morning, the alliances R&R, FOK, The Shadow Accords, and First Tactical Corps., agree to white peace, and will end their wars against each other. It's be an honor to fight alongside our brothers in FOK, and an honor to fight against TSA and FTC. Good luck in the future guys! Signed for R&R: [size=3][b]Executive Branch[/b][/size] [b]Demonspawn[/b] - [i]President, Crotchety Old Hick, Sworn Enemy of Math[/i] [b]Bambi/AmbroseIV/Matthew117[/b] - [i]Vice President, Former First Lady, Cave Girl[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size] [b]Stealthkill[/b] - [i]Minister of Foreign Affairs, Savior and True Leader of CSN, Lazy Waste of Space and Contender for Worst MoFA Since Liz[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Defense[/b][/size] [b]EgoFreaky[/b] - [i]Minister of Defense, Hermaphroditic Dutch Prostitute, Puppetmaster of R&R[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Economics[/b][/size] [b]NobleSix[/b] - [i]Minister of Economics, Obligatory Limey, Minister of Bad Teeth[/i] Signed for FOK: President - Uncle Harry Minister of Foreign Affairs - Tromp Minister of Internal Affairs - KADUUK Minister of Defense - Timmehhh Minister of Economic Affairs - Outlander Signed for TSA: The Emperor - E.Grievous The Consul Vizier - Outsiders The Consul Commander - DoorNail The Senator of Foreign Affairs - Gamefreak666 The Senator of Internal Affairs - ConRed The Senator of Finance - Wilfried Signed for FTC: Commander and Chief- Presidant Joe Lieutenant Commander of the Cheif - Heavy Metal Hippie Lieutenant Commander of the council - Lord Ceaser
  2. Dear Jermani, Since you can't seem to grasp the simple art of shutting your mouth, or stopping your hands from typing pure moronity onto these lovely forums, you sir, have earned your rightful place on R&R's Short Bus. What does a place on R&R's Short Bus entail? Why, I shall inform you good sir. You see, this bus is for.....special people, such as yourselves, who have managed to annoy R&R or piss us off in such a way, that we will roll around in a big yellow bus, pick you up, and put you in a seat, where we will allow you to slobber on our window's as much as you like. While on this lovely bus ride, you will be visited by one, or two, or maybe even more R&R nations, who will help you with keeping your Infrastructure at a much more manageable number. This lovely number we have in mind, is Zero. With love, and well wishes, DemonSpawn R&R President and R&R Short Bus CEO
  3. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1324975644' post='2887150'] Thank you for the quick response, here's the wiki page for this treaty, [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Long_Time_Coming_Accords]link[/url] [/quote] You sir, are a quick one. Thank you!
  4. It's a good thing we like you Canadian Mind! o/ Echelon o/ R&R
  5. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0CAQT.jpg[/img][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/b/b7/Echelonflag2.jpg[/img] [b][size=200]Long Time Coming Accords[/size][/b] [b][u]Article I: Preamble[/u][/b] [i]I really love you baby I love what you've got Let's get together, we can Get hot No more tomorrow, baby Time is today Girl, I can make you feel Okay No place for hidin' baby No place to run You pull the trigger of my Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, (love gun), love gun You can't forget me baby Don't try to lie You'll never leave me, mama So don't try I'll be a gambler, baby Lay down the bet We get together, mama You'll sweat No place for hidin' baby No place to run You pull the trigger of my Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, love gun Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, (love gun) Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, (love gun), love gun Love gun, (love gun) Love gun, (love gun) Love gun, (love gun) Love gun, (love)[/i] [b][u]Article II: Peace & Respect[/u] [/b] The first and last thing to be safeguarded by both Alliances and their members is the Respect for opinions, thoughts and ideas, whether in public and in private. The Second is Peace. Neither Alliance will initiate hostile or potentially aggressive actions against each other. In the event minor issues arise, and because both Alliances are examples of respectful people, they will be solved rationally and with the purpose of preserving the best relationship possible. [b][u]Article III: Intelligence[/u] [/b] Should either Alliance come across vital information for the other Alliance's security, then said Alliance is required to share it with diligence. [b][u]Article IV: Aid & Defence[/u] [/b] Should one Alliance be in dire need of Monetary support and the other Alliance capable, both in Money and Aid Slots, of providing such Assistance, then it shall happen. This clause is not valid during Conflicts when either Alliance is participating and the other isn't. In the event either Alliance comes under attack by a Third Party, the other Alliance is greatly encouraged to come in its defence. [b][u]Article V: Cancellation[/u] [/b] Should either Alliance desire to Cancel the Treaty, said Alliance is required to present a notification. The Treaty will be valid in the following 48 hours after which it will be considered Null and Void.[/center] [b][u]Signed for Echelon:[/u][/b] [b]Director:[/b] [i]Neo Anglia[/i] [b]Director:[/b] [i]King Daddy[/i] [b]Prime Minister:[/b] [i]Canadian Mind[/i] [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] [i]KMBanana[/i] [b]Minister of Defence:[/b] [i]AeonCin[/i] [b]Colonial Council:[/b] [i]TrplDeuce[/i] [b][u]Signed for R&R:[/u][/b] [b]President:[/b] [i]DemonSpawn[/i] [b]Vice President:[/b] [i]Bambi[/i] [b]Minister of Defence:[/b] [i]EgoFreaky[/i] [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] [i]Stealthy[/i]
  6. This guy is really starting to not amuse me anymore....
  7. [quote name='Geerland' timestamp='1324684174' post='2885147'] Lol. I am ODN gov. And we didn't get any 'info' out of you. We don't need R&R's arcade scores [/quote] This made me LOL sir. Well done!
  8. [quote name='Joe Kremlin' timestamp='1324670541' post='2885018'] this guy sounds legit you should let him in [/quote] He actually creeped me out a little bit....lol
  9. Ohhhhh, since R&R got a lovely shoutout by the Spy Master of the Year (2011), I thought I should share some more enjoyment for everyone here. I know I personally have enjoyed all that has gone on in this thread.... [15:53] <Jermani[Eating]> I would like to apologize to the RnR alliance for my past mistake and would like to slowly gain your trust. [15:53] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> Jermani, stay away from #RnR [15:53] <Jermani[Eating]> Can I ask why [15:54] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> main reason, if that you accepted spied material about R&R [15:54] <Jermani[Eating]> What! [15:54] <Jermani[Eating]> No I Didn't [15:55] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> yes [15:55] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> you did [15:55] <Jermani[Eating]> Where did you get this false information [15:55] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> from 2 different people [15:55] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> one of whom was actually on your forums [15:56] <Jermani[Eating]> Um that was the same person that gave it to me [15:56] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> then you know what im talking about, and you just lied to me [15:57] <Jermani[Eating]> Because I thought it was from MHA at first [15:57] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> whatever [15:57] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> just stay out of #RnR [15:57] <Jermani[Eating]> Im sorry [15:57] <Jermani[Eating]> Ill do anything to gain your trust [15:58] <Jermani[Eating]> Im not even a spy anymore and I dont work for my organization [15:58] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> I dont want to trust you, nor do i want anything to do with you [15:58] <Jermani[Eating]> Why because of some cheezy intel i could do nothing with [15:59] <DemonSpawn[RnR|Prez]> [profanity], you don't listen do you? [15:59] <Jermani[Eating]> Well thank you sir for listening I'm very sorry indeed. LOL And the "spied material" he received was this: [img]http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy79/FearingAKS/RRwarchestinfo.png[/img] He thought it was warchest info, when it was really some Arcade scores....
  10. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1323723954' post='2875573'] FTC will defeat RnR. I have no doubt. [/quote] Oh KX, your so cute.....lol
  11. Also, that's a damn fine blitz you just did. 1 whole nation. I salute you sir!
  12. [quote name='Simms' timestamp='1323717718' post='2875430'] Well than man up and hit R&R if you feel they should take more damage oh wait everyones afraid of the big bad dutchies...at least TSA manned up. This war should be called The War of Hypocrisy lol...oh wait thats most every war [/quote] Angry Simms is angry. /me goes to put the horse back in his stable.
  13. Damn I love these Mid-Day DoW's by our FOKker Overlords! Have fun guys!
  14. Ohhhhh very nice DoW!! o/ to our FOKker overlords!!!
  15. Thanks to BN, NEAT, and SC for the LOL's you have given us all this afternoon.
  16. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1323712418' post='2875342'] R&R is a great conspiracy by the cowardly RnR alliance who attempts to misdirect people when they search for targets to save their own pitiful nations. You know it's true, just admit it! [/quote] I have no idea what you talk about sir.... ::hides the conspiracy documents:: Also, it's not our fault there is no Ampersand Support in this game......
  17. Welcome to the fight guys, and good luck. Hopefully you guys will try and keep the amount of ghosts you accept onto your AA to fight us, at a minimum. BTW, it's R&R, not RnR
  18. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323368837' post='2869368'] No love for NoR? How rude. [/quote] We can't please everyone! Maybe next time
  19. What is this CMEA you speak of.... :quietly disappears into a cloud so smoke:
  20. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1323324419' post='2868694'] Do your own work yo!!!!! [/quote] LOL I tried...
  21. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1323324274' post='2868686'] Idc either way, I'm just mocking the fact he hasn't played in months and he's still getting emails from you guys. [/quote] LOL ok...what was his name, and we will take him off the list?
  22. [center][img]http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g364/AmbroseIV/CN/wardec.png[/img][/center] [i]Signed for [s]The New GGA[/s] R&R,[/i] [size=3][b]Executive Branch[/b][/size] [b]Demonspawn[/b] - [i]President, Crotchety Old Hick, Sworn Enemy of Math[/i] [b]Bambi/AmbroseIV/Matthew117[/b] - [i]Vice President, Former First Lady, Cave Girl[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Defense[/b][/size] [b]EgoFreaky[/b] - [i]Minister of Defense, Hermaphroditic Dutch Prostitute, Puppetmaster of R&R[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size] [b]Stealthkill[/b] - [i]Minister of Foreign Affairs, Savior and True Leader of CSN, Lazy Waste of Space and Contender for Worst MoFA Since Liz[/i] [size=3][b]Department of Economics[/b][/size] [b]NobleSix[/b] - [i]Minister of Economics, Obligatory Limey, Minister of Bad Teeth[/i]
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