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Da DreadLord

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Everything posted by Da DreadLord

  1. [quote name='Lord Tri' date='17 February 2010 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1266439297' post='2187913'] Well that was before I came along. But you are right, that would have made sense. Honest mistake though. [/quote] and mistakes have consequences
  2. [quote name='Lord Tri' date='17 February 2010 - 09:36 PM' timestamp='1266438988' post='2187904'] I'm failing to see the problem here. ADI declares support for RoK (after all they are our friends), ADI opts to hear out the other side of the story and notices that RoK left some stuff out (friends don't do that!), ADI withdraws support for RoK (not so good friends any more), RoK cancels the treaty (really not good friends any more). I dunno, sounds like a typical day on Planet Bob to me. To those who I know will quote this and bring up Warbuck posting fake logs, give it a rest. While I disagree with log-dropping, the fact of the matter is that it can't be proved either way, I'll prove it to you: [/quote] well if you have any brains, youd hear out all sides BEFORE declaring support..but hey, thats just me
  3. [quote name='John Warbuck' date='17 February 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1266436702' post='2187841'] any option that allows ADI to [OOC]play the game[/OOC] in peace. [/quote] well there are 2.. - declare neutrality - looking at the TDO situation..make the member causing problems to step down from his position
  4. it may take a while but i have full confidence in RoK also: sup railic
  5. BOOOOOOOO! oh wait..i mean Umbrella [img]http://www.umbrella-alliance.com/style_emoticons/genmaycnsmilies/umbparrot.gif[/img]
  6. you have to hand it to ADI though all their members seem to be small warbuck clones if you read their posts
  7. well i dont really see double standards on that subject..every alliance deals with rogues its own way but if you say its double standards, so be it. do something about it
  8. Pretty sure im first in line..and since im Kronos, you guys will have to wait..or team up Please dont forget, ill even help remind you and please, go try it and find out
  9. its true..everyone should learn from ADI's superior FA skills O/ DT
  10. well it got him to become 'king' so why wouldnt he do it again..maybe he'll get to be 'emperor' after it..
  11. other than 'total lack of any sign of intelligence' you covered it all i think
  12. yea! when are we announcing our MDAP with STA again?
  13. yea you just post it on the OWF for everyone to see.. lol, you're quite funny..and if you dont know why you are, you'll soon notice lol
  14. personally the only thing hilarious about all this is the fact ADI complaining about someone for not leaving a member alone and letting the past rest... and then ADI goes and award a finger medal to one of their own ex-members. but im sure irony is too much for you to comprehend
  15. hm giving the finger to a member of another alliance huh.. shouldnt argent start complaining about this now?
  16. we just look so damn sexy together o/ Valhalla o/ Kronos
  17. you are so funny lol..if you think you have a valid CB..whats keeping y'all so true, my finger is itching to ender, tryp, hatter: its been a pleasure knowing you and i hope you have fun with this last dance dont be strangers now
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