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Posts posted by nutkase

  1. [quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1356224922' post='3067147']
    Lest we forget, Kaskus fought a Sanctioned alliance to a stalemate a few months ago and forced the largest military bloc at the time to intervene. Haraldson, NSO would be better served by saving the gloating until after the battle becomes more clear. If you underestimate your opponent you set yourself up for a shock later along . Lets not forget, Pessimists are happier then Optimists, because when Pessimists are surprised its for good reasons. Optimists though...

    Just to straighten it out a bit, everytime GOONS has faced a small but specialised (in terms of number of the same sized nations) alliance they have asked for friends to jump in, So it was nothing unique about that situation with Kaskus. If you are talking about warchest size in terms of how close the wars were fought, with a decent to good sized warchest you could easily fight both wars considering you knew how to fight a war correctly.

    Kaskus is also gloating, so it's only fair NSO return the favour. I agree with your last sentence though :P

  2. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1355931064' post='3065825']
    Your comprehension of what I responded to is !@#$e. Nice try though, Well really it wasn't a nice try, I was just being polite.

    You wasted one slot on an inactive player, enjoy. lol

    They allowed someone to sit on their AA (in which they said was not a member in another topic) while being on someone's ZI list, didn't check his background when he did apply and then gave him a position in government after NSO approached them.

    That's the screw up of the century in my books!

  3. [quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1355629363' post='3064401']
    So if they didn't decide to rethink their fa's and signed with TOP, VE and other alliances that offered them a treaty on your side of the treaty web they would be considered a great ally but since they signed with us they're a lifeless corpse ? Gotcha

    Geez don't you see why? Whoever is not part of the MK treaty line is scum.

    Why you so blind Timberland?!?

  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355597176' post='3064133']
    [color=#0000ff]Well done on nabbing a lifeless corpse, AI! I am sure Gremlins will do wonders for you, assuming you can get it to move.[/color]


    Might need to bulk buy some.

  5. [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1351495601' post='3046334']
    You guys are today's GGA. Nutkase, not sure what you're doing in a group like CSN.

    Hopefully CSN isn't around for another year.

    Here's to DT's swift destruction of CSN.

    In order to help one change and be better, you have to get your own hands dirty.

    Also I believe the relationship between DT and CSN is better now then previous times.

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