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Posts posted by nutkase

  1. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358392051' post='3077822']
    this lot in FEAR are cowards. [/quote]

    You are trying really hard to get everyone to beat to your own drum.

    Have you even looks at some of the people within FEAR, I can already pick out Boris, turtle and Vesp. None who from my memory have shown cowardice in the face of anything.

  2. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1358046160' post='3075726']
    Where was this talk when we were fighting FnKA and Ninjas? Nice to see you hold the correct position now at least.

    From memory we were more annoyed by the use of allies without any real formal DoW rather then their actual use. (Also the fact we knew allies were going to move before we even kicked it off)

    [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1358051048' post='3075746']
    It's no secret that his views and those like him are only important when it feeds into their own emotionally charged opinions on people they dislike.

    Congrats, you just described a trait that 99% of people have. Also I have absolutely no love for NSO, hell I personally wouldn't mind seeing them bunt to the ground either. But in this instance NSO is in the right and Kaskus isn't.

  3. [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358002021' post='3075404']
    coming from the guy who had LIz as a leader and GOD as an ally.[/quote]

    Considering you alliance is currently being pounded into nothingness, I'll take that as a compliment.

    [quote]you should know all to well about who you sign up with. BFF knew from day one NEW would aid Kaskus. they should have cancled the moment NSO and Kaskus war started. but then again lets take a look at wrongs[/quote]

    Are you actually saying that BFF looked into the future and saw this coming?

    NSO took in aid after stating it would be a 1v1
    NSO and CN knew of NEW Kaskus brotherhood
    BFF failed to know their ally
    BFF backstabbed an ally they still say they will die for in a defensive war ( seems legit)
    BFF leaked out their own incriminating evidence ( cause that works sooo so well)

    lets see what NEW and Kaskus did wrong

    Kaskus has done nothing wrong but continue the war excersise and yes this is a war excersise.
    NEW evened the odds back to a 1v1 NSO gets pissed because they are losing makes up !@#$%^&* excuse that no one knew about NEW and Kaskus blood brothers.
    NEW still is being calm just after they found out their long time ally thew them under the bus then hopped into that bus to join the ride. and then insults its little brother Kaskus.

    If you think a war should be a fair fight you are a idiot, war is nothing but using any means to win it. If you actually wanted a "fair" fight you wouldn't of had numerous nations dump NS to dominate a tier but even it more out. So to claim you wanted a 1v1 is a farce. What if NSO knew how close Kaskus and NEW were, does not mean !@#$ in the end. They had a choice and they made it, now they have to deal with the consequence remember every action has a reaction!

    BFF failed to know their ally? I cannot believe you are actually saying that its BFF fault for not knowing in advance and without knowledge that NEW will aidbomb a alliance at war. It is not their job to play fiddle to NEW and their actions. BFF did what was best for them considering NEW placed them in a horrible position. NEW fired the first shot in this downfall between BFF and themselves by not even giving the courtesy of telling them of the aidbomb. The blame for the fallout has to be placed at NEW feet.

    Kaskus has done nothing wrong? ahahahaha not only you placed someone who was on a ZI list in your membership but then placed him in govt and then ignored NSO basic attempts to solve the issue...Kaskus has done many things wrong in this scenario.

    EDIT: Considering you meant after the war started, you want to burn and take allies with you? Then I would call you a coward for not just taking your licks like a real alliance.

    NEW has placed their allies on the chopping bloc just so they can wave their e-peen around, that isn't a trait I want in a ally. I wouldn't want my allies to burn out a stupid act like aidbombing a alliance at war.

  4. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1358000164' post='3075393']
    Two wrongs don't make a right.

    If the first wrong was not made, it wouldn't of had to come to the second one.

    NEW decided to it fully knowing what and who they placed in a situation. NEW deserve nothing out of all this.

  5. Loving all the "why didn't you just hit NEW" comments. It is classic brinkmanship.

    (This is all assuming, as to what NPO leadership were thinking)

    They attacked Kaskus rather then NEW to close this war, not enlarge it while also placing NEW on notice that any further involvement on their part would be returned with interest.

    So in a way they have contained the situation and may speed up the process of peace with the use of overwhelming firepower and political clout.

    Edit: Brehon beat me to it a page ago, teach me for writing a reply before reading the whole thread :P

  6. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357797896' post='3073656']
    AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA oh my God this is the saddest thing.

    NSO gets aid bomb
    No !@#$%*ing from Kaskus
    Kaskus gets a bit of aid (not even nearly evening the odds)
    NSO calls in Pacifica.


    NSO gets aid
    Kaskus goes "LOLZ YOU NEED AID" and the rest of the chest beating.
    Kaskus then goes and get aid
    NPO rolls (I don't think it was NSO asking for help, I think it was more NPO getting fed up with sitting on the sidelines when they could have some fun)

  7. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1357627757' post='3072718']
    Here's the News Flash,
    NEW has decided to aid Kaskus in their war effort fighting the evil AA named NSO.
    we still dont have any confirmation from either NEW nor Kaskus about this matter, but we found the reason for the aid, something like "Financial Assistance" or ""TD gk sah byr wkkwwkwk"".

    is Kakus has gone broke in their quest fighting NSO?
    or... NEW is about to join the fight in helping their friend who totter...?

    Dilber, reporting from the NSO-Kaskus battlefield, for the News Flash


    As soon as I saw the aidbomb, remembered this straight away....


  8. Smurf, you are really trying to hard to play the victim card in that description.

    You didn't "maybe" give them a CB, you did give them one. A ironclad one at that.

    You are the one who faked the logs, you are the one who placed NSO and Kaskus in these positions, you are the sole reason why this war kicked off!

    Also Kaskus gave NSO a solid CB when they decided to harbour you.

  9. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357102071' post='3070360']
    You can't be serious.. I joined Kaskus on Dec 1st. All of that is from after Dec 1st. Proof:

    Stop avoiding the question Tan is asking though. Do YOU/NSO want peace? If not then why are you !@#$%*ing about Kaskus not responding; and if you do then gtfo; the (unofficial) answer is no. The fun is just starting; we're not even 10 days into the war.

    My god, you are a idiot.

    You have done nothing but inflame the situation beyond stupid levels. No matter how he responds to the question you will spit in his face anyway, so their is no damn point in answering it then.

    How about you just shut the hell up and let Tan try and clean up the !@#$%* mess you put all of them in.

  10. [quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1357060703' post='3070154']
    Anyone who really expected anything other than stubbornness on the part of Kaskus clearly has not dealt with Kaskus. If they are having fun with it, though, more power to them.

    Just because they have a trait for it, does not mean they don't have to be held accountable for it.

  11. You sold down to a tier you say you are already "dominating" but said in other reply to "help out" which one is it?

    Also dominating one tier isn't going to deal out more damage in the end, considering the bigger nations can easily just aid (or drop down themselves) the concentrated tier and anyone below it can boost up to help.

  12. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1356890952' post='3069449']
    1) I sold down to help win a tier.

    2) How am I not maximizing damage? Because I haven't declared on anyone? I haven't left anarchy in since this war started and haven't been able to.

    1) Must be struggling then, unlike what a lot of your alliance members are saying.

    2) PM cycling...pretty basic david vs goliath war tactic.

  13. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1356844563' post='3069324']
    Hell they didn't even stagger me properly and I had the opportunity to go in (but I didn't). And I'm probably the #1 target.

    You been been squashed down to 1/3 of your starting NS, I think you should focus more on trying to keep what is left then if they staggered you or not.

    Hell you are not even trying to maximise the damage you can cause.

  14. [quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1356536183' post='3068073']
    I feel for you. I understand how you must feel if despite the huge NS advantage you still perform poorly.

    Guessing reading is hard for you, Kaskus holds 4 of the top 5 losses. Many would consider that doing pretty good in some form.

    Also to be honest, no one really gives a !@#$ about how much damage is inflicted or taken. The fact remains the victor writes the history books and I tell you now it won't be Kaskus.

  15. [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1356484271' post='3067950']
    Eh, mildly debatable. AI will lose 3 upper tier nations (depending on how successful this roguery is ofc, and gain 3 mid tier nations...lose 3 mid-tier nations, gain 3 low-tier nations as I go down the chains), Umb only loses 1 upper tier nation with an average warchest that they were losing either way.

    Also, thanks for all of the well-wishes everyone!

    Well really they just have a set back, they can always rebuild their nations, Umbrella actually lose a nation.

    Not really the same.

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