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Posts posted by nutkase

  1. Oh I checked your nation and everything. So I guess you're just ghosting? That's fine. Alas, you are still below our firing line. Maybe when we're done with everyone's top tier.



    Well you know where to come once the nations decide to come out, I'll be waiting with my top hat eating waffles.

  2. I never said I'm acting innocent, I'm stating what exactly I said. I was giving credit to Invicta for standing out from the coalition. I'm not Sardonic and I'm not all of MK, so understand that please. And when you make a statement along the lines of "Don't you have a home alliance to disband", that's a personal attack. If you'd said something pertaining to MK, then you'd have a point. What you did was make a jab at a previous situation that involved neither MK nor Invicta, which is solidly off topic and adds nothing to this discussion outside of proving your inability to construct a solid argument against what I'd said about the coalition. If you had a real grasp or understanding of the situation which you refer to, you'd know that I was actually not in power when BFF's implosion occurred, nor was I in any position to stop or slow the events. 


    Now, are we going to get back to the topic at hand, or are you going to further derail by bringing up elements of my character? It's up to you, darling, but the only thing you're really doing here is hurting your own case. 


    Edit: By your logic, you support spying, disbandment, and destruction of OOC communities. Would you like to retract your statement now, or would you like to continue down this path of self-destruction? 


    MK is made up of members, if I cannot accuse members of injustice and devious acts who am I supposed to point it at? MK as a whole, but you have stated not to blame you for other members acts. Which one is it?

    You are a member of MK, you are part of something I want to see destroyed. Not to use your history against you wouldn't make me very good at my job then wouldn't it.


    I support spying, I believe it brings a element to world that's needed (also the use of it as a CB). I support disbandment in certain scenarios, but destruction of OOC communities where you get this from?


    I think your definition of Personal Crusade is a bit extreme, if that is what you are referring too.

  3. God don't I wish. Not because I dislike AI. I quite enjoy them. Just to shut Pansy and WickedJ up about rolling magicpirate. Also you're a shade under the mark. 



    I'm not a member of Ai, so feel free to get fellow GATO members to engage without any repercussions.


    More the merrier 

  4. No, the pals still waiting for a piece of the action. I'm sure that is why nobody wants to counter us not some imaginary "deal". Why in admin's name would anyone on your side agree just to let us run free destroying everyone's top tier? No it's fear of bringing in yet more alliances to add to that destruction and I don't blame you all. In the meantime you guys get wrecked. Nice side you guys have knowing who to sacrifice. Good for you for offering yourselves up with no complaints.



    Feel free to counter me if you like :D


    (not you personally, GATO in general)


    http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=197780 - Three slots who want to go to a good home

  5. CSN's track record regarding personal attacks isn't spotless. Either way, this hardly has any bearing on Invicta's DoW. I was commenting on how nice it is to see Invicta post a DoW and not use a blanket DoW like a lot of that coalition. You made this about me and my alliance, neither of whom have anything to do with this situation. Do you have anything relevant to add, or are you going to continue your misguided personal crusade against me? 


    Also to take a swipe at the coalition, so don't try to act all innocent.


    It's no personal crusade against you but more a personal crusade against MK and co, you are nothing special.


    Sardonic and myself have had more disagreements without him or myself using the "that's a personal attack!" statement.

  6. emot-siren.gif *Language Police* emot-siren.gif


    Why nutkase, my friend, Chax would only be a hypocrite here if he didn't condone ad hominems but engaged in them himself. It's not hypocrisy simply because his alliance may or may not take part in such shens.


    I’m glad to be of some help here understanding the circumstances.  :)

    Good luck and have fun and such to this front's combatants.


    It is when you label one group but not another, especially makes it worse when you affiliated with the latter group (Does not matter if he was the one who acted or not, he enables it) 

  7. That's your best reply? You can't think of anything legitimate to counter my point with so you go with ad hominem? Your intelligence is stellar, nutkase. 



    Ahaha you really do make me laugh, you are nothing more then a hypocrite calling what I say as a personal attack while residing on a affiliation well known for going above and beyond ad hominem.  


    Yet here you stand questioning my intelligence.

    I dont see any of us complaining. We like laughing at you, but thats not complaining. We like pointing out that it takes over 30 alliances (we have 436 active wars, more than any other alliance in the conflict and we like pointing that out to you). We love having an average fo 3 wars per nation. That it doesnt take an even fight, or an uneven fight; It takes a damned overwhelming majority to even try to rock us. We are proud of that sir. 
    I am also proud that you arent a moralist and are more like us then you think. We have been trying to destroy the stupid webs and strings history has tied around the people in this game. But if NPO should take the upper hand, and that scheming #$^@head who runs the whole cesspool finally convinces everyone that now it will be fair with him in charge. Get ready to recieve what you paid for.
    Im pretty sure you wont like it. We are honest about what we do. Thats not the case for the rest of CN.
    But now that we are all in the mud together, I have to go fling some nukes. See ya.

    Because GOONS never called in overwhelming NS to crush a smaller alliance.

    God the hypocritical dribble out of a lot of people in this war is getting pretty damn high
  9. In previous wars there were cases when GOONS' direct allies assisted us, and they didn't feel like posting DoWs.  Those cases wern't tremendous stretches like you see in this war where you have some alliance trying to justify their actions through the flimsiest of treaty chains.  E.G. LoSS, Alchemy


    Also good luck as ever GATO, fight the good fight.  Though I worry that attempting to enforce the policy laid out in the OP might prove problematic.


    Fixed it for you, you must be off your game a little.

  10. Oh god not that argument again. Every alliance has a policy on how they deal with rogues, and how those rogues get freedom and removed from hitlists. Then again, I'm just a member of GOONS government, you probably know how the EoG list works better than me so please tell me all about how terrible we are for doing the same thing as everyone else.


    Your point is pretty much moot considering you are the actual one enforcing it. 

  11. Whatever I say you will try to find counter examples to pain us as the Whore of Babylon.  
    Fact is regardless what facts I bring up, nothing will change your mind about us or this war.  Its not like you'll  suddenly go "oh, right, my bad, lets call off this war now".  This is all just mindless drivel to try to make you sound like your in the right.

    As you are properly aware, that this statement could easily be turned around onto you.
  12. Caliph what you have posted is the most hypocritical bullshit I have ever read.

    Ninjas declared a state of war with GOONS during Roguefest..with the rest of DH jumping us no longer then 15 minutes afterwards without any formal Dow. I queried afterwards to ask for a formal Dow only to be responded with "Any DoW on a DH alliance is a DoW on all DH".

    Also before you spout the whole we just thought you guys were a group of rogues, Sardonic stated himself that he saw us as Alliance.

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