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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. Surprise! This is what we've been saying for the past six months!
  2. OOC: Yes, removing OOC attackers from our ranks clearly shows we are conforming to the status quo. No, I daresay expelling a member who makes vile threats and attacks on another player would actually make us unlike NPO.
  3. Yes, you've uncovered him. It's probably for the best at this point if NATO just goes ahead and expels him.
  4. Wow, that completely failed to be a criticism of us. I mean, wow. What in the world possessed you to make you want to post that?
  5. And tell me, what immoral actions am I condoning or performing? So far we've got that I condone spying... anything else that contributes to my "complete lack of moral character"? As I said quite explicitly, there are a very limited number of actions within my power to perform and thus saying "anything within my power" is stating very little. And as Schattenmann said, I am speaking for myself and myself alone. I thought I made a point to talk about my personal goals and my personal actions but somehow you lot couldn't figure out that I wasn't speaking for Vox. Is it truly so hard to actually think about what you're reading instead of seeing I'm in Vox Populi and assuming my words are those of Vox? I know it gives you some precious anti-Vox material but it's really not all that substantial when all it is is an utter failure to comprehend what I'm saying. OOC: I knew it would come to this when I said what I said, and yet people still do not seem to understand that when I make an IC statement about doing anything within my power to further my own goals it means doing anything in character that I can. I have never once condoned OOC attacks and numerous people who know me from Vox and elsewhere can testify to the fact that I put the principle of the IC/OOC line before just about anything else in this game.
  6. I am justifying spying in my own mind. You'd have to ask the Senate how we 'officially' justify it or if it's even spying. We could after all take the route of Corinan and say "we're not spying because we say so and even if we are what are you going to do about it?" I personally am willing to do anything in my power to further my own goals. This is a very limited number of actions because not very much is in my power, so given a situation where I was in a position of more influence that would probably not be the case, and I would restrict myself from anything I found immoral. However, I do not find spying to be immoral and any sanctioned alliance in this game that claims it is is lying through their teeth. Interestingly, publishing classified information in the end doesn't seem to do very much as everyone insists it's not true right up until the announcement to the contrary rolls out. So this announcement or any other of its like really just serves for myself and the rest of Vox to be able to say "I told you so", which is actually quite a remarkably nice feeling.
  7. Why not? We have nothing to lose and at least something to gain.
  8. Precisely. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with having that many nicks (though I entirely fail to understand the need) but asking a server to change their policy because a very small number of people want a very large number of nicks is ridiculous.
  9. Oh no, that might imply some sort of equal treatment within NPO and without, and we can't have that, can we?
  10. Is this what Vox bashing has descended to? "Your announcement isn't as controversial as someone else's"? If so, I think you've been looking to Vox for your drama for far too long. All we're doing here is making announcements we find personally amusing and you can make of it what you will. We have no 'drama quota' to fill and we are not interested in fulfilling anyone's expectations.
  11. I love me some Manhattan Project. If only I had the infra and tech for a WRC!
  12. Moridin

    Hello Fark

    Polar was trying their double star (one inside another) for a while, not sure it ever worked. I'm sure whatever existed of it collapsed during the war.
  13. Wait wait wait, you're calling the guy in a 4v1 with no backup, fighting against nations with all the financial backing of the NPO a coward?
  14. You might also note that those treaties were signed and used for a a rather large war which tended to break the web apart, contrary to the treaty signing of today which is to avert war or for no reason at all.
  15. Of course we'd love to wipe out NPO, TPF, and the like. I hope this isn't a sudden revelation for you or some extravagant point you think you've made, because it's pretty much what we've been saying this whole time.
  16. The irony is that such a union would create even more sponges, probably the last thing Slayer99 wants!
  17. While I appreciate that you find him relevant enough to make pathetic attempts at insulting him, it's really not necessary, warranted, or even true. The fact that you're stooping to this level is an indicator that you have little better to do than make unfounded statements about the "relevance" of a particular government member of an alliance you don't like is rather saddening for someone who once led a major alliance and happily curbstomped many an undeserving alliance.
  18. This might not be the best time to discuss such an issue when the largest bloc in the game is undergoing if not a collapse, then at least major changes. Edit: On the other hand, this might be the best time to discuss that because we can freely speculate about bizarre political situations with no evidence!
  19. You should've threatened him with the full might of the PPF
  20. About a year ago, Sponge did a similar show to this, though it was a one-time thing, and was about two hours long. The site it was hosted at has since been taken down, you'd have to PM him if you want to listen to it.
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