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Posts posted by SpacingOutMan

  1. Number of WRC's might be interesting. Actually, how many nukes the alliance can buy per day overall - NS comes and goes like you say, but a 3mil NS alliance that can buy and fire say, 50 nukes is going to be at a disadvantage against a 2mil alliance that can buy and fire 75 nukes.

    Aye. Potential damage should be a weighted metric, at least for non-neutrals. That includes WRCs, MPs, technology, land, etc. Likewise, it would be even cooler to divide these stats into different tiers. While most alliances will likely never have the top tier DBDC has, others may be more specialized at, say, the lower tier or middle tiers. NS, and ultimately score, can be manipulated too easily and don't tell the entire story of an alliance's statistical strengths. DBDC, for instance, would dominate in the top tier but really suck balls in the low tier for pretty obvious reasons.
  2. am i the only one who would buy a $5 donation that only reset my wonder clock? i know the $30 donation does that but its just not worth $30 to me, but for $5 i would totally do it to buy the Superior Logistical Support to reduce my bills

    The amount you save is negligible unless you have an absolute crap-ton of military. To put it into perspective, for a nation such as mine (81 Navy, 105 Aircraft) the savings generated from the wonder would take around 540 days to pay for itself.
  3. No, seriously though. You people are adults arguing OOC with each other over the mechanics of a dying browser game. Not just that, but hypothetical mechanics that will never be changed; hell, Admin probably hasn't even saw the thread, let alone read through it or even thought about making a change. And yes, that goes for DBDC too. Anybody arguing over a CN suggestion needs to not just stop being a pixel counter, but also needs to let their nation go into inactivity mode for a few months while they reexamine the priorities in their life. This !@#$ does not matter at all. Children all over the world are dying of preventable diseases and you're sitting here at a computer crying over a fiction that will stop existing entirely as soon as Hime stops paying for Admin's server costs.

    Welcome to CyberNations. Would you like a side of fries with that?
  4. Let's hope that is the case, but a month can seem like an eternity in this world, something can easily change all that.

    The only thing that persists on Bob is that grudges never die. I highly doubt NG and co. will forget the pussyfooting that occurred in the early stages of the war. This presupposes that NPO and friends will be able to formulate a counter-coalition or they will be too crippled, at least for the next global war. Either way, I hope the writing doesn't get washed off the wall.
  5. So we are going back in time to harsh terms for alliances who enter by legit treaty to defend aliies are we?  The people who planned and started this cluster of a war and now are pushing terms like this are idiots.  Your own coalition is falling apart, your plotting on each other and your all going to end up getting rolled later and setting the precedent for your own harsh terms then.  Anybody leading an allaince in that coalition who has any idea what they are doing should get the hell out and save yourselves from being stooges for idiots.

    On a positive note: those who weaseled their way out of their treaty obligations to avoid being on the losing side will be among those being targeted next war. One big boy in particular comes to mind.
  6. Not whinning .... just letting the world know what Pacificas stance is from Pacificas mouths not from them whom twist and shout what they think they hear

    Sorry if I can't be bothered to shed even crocodile tears for Pacifica. I'll rephrase: sorry that I'm not sorry. Perhaps if Pacifica hadn't shot themselves in the foot politically they wouldn't find themselves in this predicament. You sleep in the bed you make. Do I think they should accept the terms being given to them? Fuck no and I'm glad they are giving TOP et. al. the proverbial middle finger. Despite my sympathy for them (and that's really only because RnR/GOD pulled the short stick this war), this announcement is tantamount to little more than whining.
  7. Too lazy to demilitarize and save money by decommissioning Navy (NS inflation for life). I make roughly around $20 million per day. Should go up once I move my Moon Colony (bought roughly 3,000 infra, so 6% of 3,000 infra worth of additional tax payers). 



    Collection: $37,493,150.10


    Bills: $17,180,151.19

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