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Posts posted by SpacingOutMan

  1. The DoW was not the only political nulification of the treaty. DUAL had passed foreign treaties with a few unsaid alliances without discretion. So, right there it was in null, just needed the vote of the Senate. It's not that we wanted to cancel it because it's always great to help out a smaller alliance, but we also didn't want to be pulled into a war that we should not be a part of because if a treaty we made with another alliance in which basically broke itself... somewhere in that confusing bunch of words I made a point, but I do not know where...

  2. I'm not sure you understand what happened here.

    But I agree with the first sentence.

    Dunno why I put the OOC line in there... that was intended for something else... :wacko: Woops. Trying to type in 4 forum things at once. But I do understand what has happened here.

  3. This war will end within the next few weeks. Cease fires usually act as a precedence to surrending for diplomatic talks are held between the two parties. Whether both parties agree to the terms, well, that's a different story. I'd only hope that will surrender if this war flops even more one-sided because I like a lot of people who are fighting for the UJP.

  4. I can't say GUARD was poorly executed, they lasted quite some time, but they sure could be very successful. I liked how they worked a lot.

    Also, IMO, regardless of the outcome, treaties will change.

    Well, while CSN was in GUARD, I saw both the pros and cons about not being able to have outside MDPs. The idea is awesome and it works, only if the bloc is active and suits the needs of its signatories.

    I think that less MDPs will be made in the future, and more PIATs and TOAs will be made.

  5. Those make sense and seem possible to happen down the road pending upon how this war ends. That's why I personally liked about GUARD though... the idea that the bloc wouldn't be torn apart in a situation where if other MDPs pulled each other into a war, they could eventually fight each other... of course... with GUARD it was just poorly executed.

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