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Lord n00b II

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    Land of n00bs
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    Nobody Owns Nothing Everyday (NONE)
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  1. [quote name='MaGneT' date='03 March 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1267666243' post='2213161'] Just to introduce a conspiracy theory, MK has the capacity to spy on so many alliances because bros is such a great guy and helps people with forum building. Theoretically, Big Bros could be watching you. Still don't think CnG is the new Hegemony? Think again. [/quote] To further your theory, what if bros is the one hacking all these forums in order for those alliances to join his server thing so he can further spy on him? Think about it. [/crazy, baseless conspiracy theory]
  2. [quote name='Kortal' date='27 February 2010 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1267251192' post='2206053'] I'm glad to see NSO getting out of war. Less glad to again see reparations attached to the surrender. I guess I've developed very low expectations for your "side" what with the terms given by quality alliances like GOONS and Sparta, but I was holding out some hopes for Fark and GOD. But I see those hopes were in vain. Congratulations on proving yet again that the so called anti-hegemony group is really just another hegemony under the flimsiest of disguises. Unfortunately now that you've crushed everyone capable of opposing you with purposeless reparations, it may be a very long time yet until someone is able to stand up to your reprehensible ways. I await that day with unflinching eagerness. Good day [/quote] [quote name='Jim Bob the Glorious' date='27 February 2010 - 12:30 AM' timestamp='1267248813' post='2205919'] [b]Reparations are $1. If we wanted people to learn life lessons we would run a school, not a military alliance. [/b] [/quote] You either need to learn how to use sarcasm properly or learn to read the whole thing. Either that, or a dollar is worth a ton more than I thought.
  3. So let me get this straight. Zenith government agreed to a surrender proposal and by their charter, this needs to be voted on by the alliance members (which the government assured Gremlins, Fark and FH would pass). So, instead of beating the heck out of Zenith over these next two days, everyone agreed to a ceasefire. Why is this such an evil thing again by Gremlins and co? I'm confused.
  4. [quote name='Big Z' date='15 February 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1266283471' post='2183835'] Once it involves potential identity theft and access to bank accounts, it's something that you should involve the proper authorities (Police, university officials, etc) in right away. Good luck in finding out who did this and would stoop this low over a game. [/quote] This bears repeating. Good luck, I hope they can catch the scumbags. On the much less important topic, I would encourage you to not let this ruin the game for you. I would say that 90+% of people I've talked to are decent people and just because this jerk is here doesn't mean that all of us are.
  5. As one of the 5 people not involved in this war... Radioactive green pixels are more romantic. Therefore, everyone else should make my pixels radioactive green. Thanks and good night.
  6. Assuming that each shot is independent of each other, using a binomial model the chances of this happening are .6[sup]10[/sup] or about .6%. So, not impossible but quite unlucky. Sorry dude
  7. As a self-appointed representative of Nobody Owns Nothing Everytime, let me say that this propaganda is flawed and downright false. I see that MHA's score is 57.26. Well, my alliance has a score 69.77. So deal with it MHA. Wake me when you get that. This topic should be called "Is Nobody Owns Nothing Everytime ruining the game?" [/sarcasm]
  8. Here's the deal. I realize that buyers are trying to get the best price to get tech, and obviously they would prefer getting 100 tech for 3 mil rather than 50. But at the same time, why shouldn't the sellers try to get the best price as well? You as buyers are more than willing to offer to buy tech at a rate of 3 million for 100 tech. And you very well might have business (right now, due partly to my lack of an alliance, I am selling at that price currently). But don't complain about the game being ruined if you can't get tech deals because enough buyers are more than willing to buy at 3 million for 50 tech. As brought up before, it's all supply and demand. If more buyers want to buy tech, then price will rise because there aren't enough sellers to compensate. If more sellers join and want to sell tech, then price will go down. Further, if you buyers want to "form a cartel" and only offer at 3 million/100 tech, that's fine. But if I were a buyer and I saw that happening, I'd say, "Screw that, I'm still making profit at 3 mil/50 tech and if I buy at that rate, I know I'll always be getting tech rather than fighting the crowd." Trust me, it would happen. EDIT: Grammar fail.
  9. The plot thickens... DUNDUNDUN Also, good luck to those who remain in Ascentius. And Rok for protecting this young alliance.
  10. Yes. But they are a lot less annoying and can't cause anywhere near as much damage. Nope. However, you can temporarily trade someone with uranium to build your nukes then drop that trade after your nukes have been bought. (but it'll cost you more money for nuke upkeep if I remember correctly). Depends on who you talk to. Some see it as necessary to keep from being bored and to also remain fresh on war practice. Some see it as mere bullying against the little guy. Everyone agrees that it should be argued forever.
  11. If you don't want war, you may want to join a neutral alliance, as they in theory will not be attacked or attack anyone. However, I think most people accept war as entertaining, not as harmful, so don't worry if you want to stick in an alliance that has war as an option.
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