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Posts posted by MisterShadow

  1. [quote name='Megamind' timestamp='1320091121' post='2835918']
    I'm pretty sure their wiki is outdated and that they have an MDoAP with RoK (even though ROK doesn't have it listed on their treaty list on their forums...lazy !@#$%^&* :P)

    EDIT: Screw you guys for being fast :P
    Here is the treaty annoucement


  2. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1320090724' post='2835911']
    question...lets say NSO actually did call in allies via an Aggression treaty clause that keeps popping up...who would they call because they only have MDP level treaties (including their bloc with Carpe Diem). i've been confused everytime people have been bringing this up so if someone could answer it'd be helpful lol
    They have a MDoAP with RoK but their wiki doesn't have it for some reason. But RoKs does have NSO

  3. So I would like to sum up some of this thread if possible.

    -Legion, BTA, NsO, IAA agree to white peace
    -NSO (well RV) calls BTA and IAA completely worthless (I dont believe an official stance has been made by GATO other than saying anything but white peace would have brought them in)
    -Tetris has been respectful to most (good show)
    -NSO says they wont admit defeat because they are doing just as much damage as Legion is doing to them by taking the sum of all Legion damages and saying it is equal (despite the performance of the other 4 alliances that were/are at war)
    -NSO says they can always call in allies, which some say would be a hilarious PR loss because they waited this long
    -A good majority of other alliances not involved think that NSO has been defeated and should just man up and admit because in the future who wants to be allied to an alliance where your choices are (1. Come in and save their ass after a month of fighting 2. Be called a worthless ally because they werent in with them until the end or 3. Eternal war.)
    -Krunk and RV are asked where they get their supply

    Edit: slight grammatical changes

  4. [quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1319899882' post='2834437']
    The odds were never even. BTA and IAA never fought [b]meaning their strength was a mere inflation[/b]. I can say they didn't fight because they [b]didn't[/b].

    I know for sure 2.2 > 1.7. The fact still remains. You need to burn 2.2 mil to knockoff a comparable, or even slightly larger number from a coalition that is effectively half your size.

    This "Zomg IAA and BTA still declared war so they count" only serves to pad your ego against the inevitable: Your margin of "victory" is nothing more than pathetic considering a coalition half your size shouldn't be doing this much damage to you.

    I will say this again, since you seem intellectually incapable of comprehending this: Only alliances who actually contributed anything more than a token resistance count. Their addition to the war effort was like the effort of so many legionnaires:worthless statistic bloating.
    I am sorry you cant just say "well they didnt do that much fighting so they didnt do any damage" What about Drai he came onto your AA hit our 2nd largest nation and did some damage and left. Even if you say they did absolutely nothing it was 4.7 vs 6.2mil then you can add in at least 300k worth of mercs that joined.

    Its the same excuse of well you hit nothing but ghosts.

  5. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1319871892' post='2834323']
    Then allow me to correct you:

    At present, the Legion is winning the war.

    The war is not yet over.

    The Legion is fighting for the sake of finally having some pride, having been backed into a corner where fighting a great number of "anklebiters" that performed poorly in the war and were essentially poor matches (even against the Legion), is tantamount to a stunning upset of people's expectations.

    Make no mistake. I'm pretty impressed with the Legion, even with the lackluster yet understandable performance of the surrendering alliances, no one expected the Legion to [b]ever[/b] force an alliance to surrender, ever.

    Here's the thing, though. You may have your pride. You're certainly welcome to it. The time for stopping you even from having a PR victory has unfortunately passed. So all that's really left is grinding the Legion into the dust in battle, so that way the Legion can have something new to look on with pride in the past, you know, since the last major military success the Legion saw was back in GW1.

    I, for one, am looking forward to near future when the Legion reflects with satisfaction on how it made these three alliances surrender, and then were utterly destroyed down the road by "those damn Sith Cowards". I truly am.
    I was MoD during UJW pretty sure there was victory there

  6. I like how people keep saying the odds. Face it the odds were even, you can say oh BTA and IAA never fought, well you dont discount them.

    You showed your cards, we showed ours its not our fault if you were holding a full house while we held a straight flush.

    As for damage going forward 41,544.88 of the 62,198 infra of tetris is in piece mode (infact 20% of their infra is 1 nation). Cant inflict much more damage and another 4586.99 about to be deleted tomorrow.

    Btw Krunk it is 2.2mil lost for Legion 1.7mil for NSO. 670k lost for Tetris. 400k for NsO

    and I know for damn sure 2.77>2.2

  7. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1319428143' post='2831368']
    Devastating damage, done by Legion to GOONS?

    Legion was responsible for very little damage, it was the combined effort of 8 other alliances that did the damage. Legion did the same thing it's doing here, turtle and toss CMs. Don't pat yourself on the back for the work of others. Your wartime strategy was garbage then and it hasn't changed since.
    You heard it hear folks, Legion does more damage with CMs than Tetris/NSO going full out, just imagine if we actually fought...

    The preceding was brought to you by sarcasm

  8. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318624292' post='2825092']
    Well, it's not like aiding IAA is really accomplishing much for the war effort, so it seems fair to discount it.

    But if you like, yes GATO and TLR have also committed acts of war against your ally, and yes you are doing your best to ignore it.
    Must be nice to openly discount someone who is on your side and if you look at the stats doing the best....

    True they only have 6 active wars atm though

  9. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1318075959' post='2820742']
    To be fair, you are doing what you've always done.


    Lets go back to slightly before update yesterday:

    Tetris Side Original: 7142434
    Tetris Side Current: 6425356

    % of original: 90%
    Raw Lost: 717078

    Original Legion NS: 6286416
    Current Legion NS: 5848573

    Current NS vs Original 93%
    Raw lost: 437843

    [b]Here it is now[/b]
    Tetris Side Current NS: 6256829
    Tetris Side Lost NS: 885605

    Legion Side Current NS: 5666009
    Legion Side Lost NS: 620407

    Difference since I last posted stats:
    Tetris side: 168527
    Legion side: 182564

    % Difference between the 2 for difference since last posting 8.3%
    % Difference between the 2 for difference in current overall NS - 10.4%

    See Dilber I can use math and you can use a little ship, one appeals to someone who is informed and the other appeals to the uniformed.

    And as always have nice day :)

    Source: [url="https://docs.google.com/a/publicmain.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvhBDJVbPEMSdDJIY1E0U1lwZ2s5NVlXU1pjQ0JBc0E&hl=en_US&ndplr=1#gid=3"]You will notice it is maintained by Tetris[/url]

  10. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318063450' post='2820679']
    Well, I was using NoFish's terminology in response to him, and was referencing Legion's whole history, from ducking out of wars to preemptive disbandment to the GOONS fiasco and Legion having over 90% of their alliance in peace mode, but I guess you're right in a roundabout way.
    Yup because you were the same person you were 4 years ago. Oh wait that still doesnt work, you are the same as your sibling was 4 years ago. Thats better.

  11. Shout out to Moo, for making an appearance on the Legion boards (previously had 1 post). Dude I miss being in an alliance with you.

    Yah I dont know non OG people so sorry

  12. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318057758' post='2820625']
    Are you seriously comparing your damage to Tetris's to claim that you are winning?
    Would you rather I compare the entirity... Okay...
    Tetris Side Original: 7142434
    Tetris Side Current: 6425356

    % of original: 90%
    Raw Lost: 717078

    Oh and technically Tetris side has more in peacemode, legion nations capable of war 220, Tetris side 231

    Have a nice day, you can pick up your prize on the way out

  13. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318056923' post='2820619']
    OK, so why did they declare the war in the first place if they can't win it? To garner some public support by making a break from their past in a fashion that implies it was NPO's fault that they were the doormat of CN for years? I'm not sure why you'd support that.
    How are we not winning? We declared war on Tetris they are the ones that technically wronged us.

    Original Tetris NS: 1060161
    Current Tetris NS: 768286

    Current NS vs Original 72%
    Raw lost: 291875

    Original Legion NS: 6286416
    Current Legion NS: 5848573

    Current NS vs Original 93%
    Raw lost: 437843

    Relatively they have more damage done to them, plus you know who is going to be giving Tetris rebuilding aid, NSO, but they are fighting already... Who is going to give Legion aid.... oh yah the allies

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