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Everything posted by Darklink7748

  1. No, he was saying that he had seen him before in IRC, not that he knew about the attack that happened by the rogue today.
  2. If you had actually taken the time to look further into it you'd see it was actually a rogue who decided to hit 3 random alliances, including the one you're saying he was declaring on MASH to defend. http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...&Extended=1
  3. Fark's image makes me want to try their beer. FOK's and ours look snazzy as well.
  4. Holy Shi- You are officially the best moderator there is. =D

  5. No I believe you are the nub. :P

  6. Congrats on the name change guys! o/ Tango Down
  7. http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...&Extended=1 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1005557 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1005650 It looks as though multiple TDK nations have accepted our fair terms already. I implore any TDK nations that are not looking to be crushed from having an inept leader to accept these terms ASAP.
  8. Hmm, sounds like something that might be put in place when Navies are finally implemented. I guess we know what an embargo is going to affect now.
  9. It's been an awesome day for Sparta indeed! Btw, you should probably put us back in the 5th spot, we did pass them after all.
  10. Mini Update: Sparta: 31.67 MHA: 30.98 And so MHA's chase begins anew...
  11. Hello, leaving a message like you asked :)

    Happy Easter by the way!

  12. I just tried it and it seems to be disabled for those who don't have accounts on the old forums. Is there any way that you guys can change it so guests can have access to the search features?
  13. Your applicant score alone could boost you up close enough to get in the top 12. I bet that if everything goes well you'll get the spot in no time!
  14. Too true, it's going to take a while for the sanctioned alliances in our area to get up to where MXCA is at now. We could always just militarize up and see if we could pass them for fun.
  15. We are NOT having a contest seeing who can recruit the most nations into Sparta right now, I don't know where you got that information. We are asking if former Atlantian nations would like to join Sparta, that's all. It seems that a lot of alliances are just taking this opportunity to raid as many nations as they can right now and could care less about the nation involved so long as they get their tech. We decided that instead of hurting them we would help them and ask if they would like to call our alliance their new home. Back on topic: It looks that we might pass MHA in tomorrow's update. Can't wait to see what happens!
  16. Here's an updated alliance score for Sparta today: 25.96 We've had an impressive jump over the last few hours today.
  17. Hiya, welcome to the forums =D

  18. I was wondering the same thing. Must've just forgot to move us up?
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