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Micheal Malone

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Posts posted by Micheal Malone

  1. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='26 February 2010 - 10:50 AM' timestamp='1267210461' post='2205160']
    No, but the problem with it is not that MK is a friend of a friend. I think it's been well established that attacking before C&G entered militarily was a bad idea, but that would be the case whether or not the 90% of the world that C&G is allied to included TOP's friends or not.

    Yeah because people on your side are not being at all partisan, right? I'll fight for my friends before I fight for other people – and so will you and everyone else on this planet. It's not like TORN are winning the PR war right now anyway. I think you'll find I argued against the injustice in all four of your examples, by the way (although Continuum was mostly internal).

    Will you guys please stop with this strawman, I've said from the beginning of this front that the pre-emptive attack was wrong.
    I'm curious if you're this selective about all treaties? For instance, if iFOK were to activate our treaty because TOP prempted us, assuming we'd jump in with FOK.

    It comes down to being bound by treaties, Bob.

  2. [i][/i][/i][quote name='Buffalo Niagara' date='26 February 2010 - 07:24 AM' timestamp='1267198100' post='2204938']
    I have to step in here and address a few things.

    First, let me make one thing perfectly clear. Olympus and Purple Unity stuck together. Regardless of what was on the table for over a week, none of us would leave an ally on the battlefield to be piled on by another alliance. That was made clear by more than one alliance at the beginning of all the peace talks. To single Invicta out, you would have to single BAPS, Valhalla, or Olympus out. Your statement is just as twisted as some of those that caused this thread to become 13 pages long. In the end it makes little difference, Purple Unity stood together. Yes we did surrender and we did so with honor to worthy opponents that we hurt just as much as we got hurt. Spin how you wish (on both sides), but with Olympus we do not spin. We got hurt, and we dished out hurt. I think 3 of our nations rode to zi for this effort and requested aid to join back in the battle asap to jump back in to help out our family.

    I also want to thank kriekfreak for clarifying his position. That does make me feel a little better about the statements made earlier directed towards (in all honesty) the entire front and diminished the honor that was on the battlefield, and turned something of honor into a no u match, however I understand, to the best of my knowledge the original post was not an Invicta gov member (could have been a deputy). Take it with a grain of salt and take a lesson from those that you gave props to (Pansy and Stetson are awesome and I agree with you on that, which means we have FINALLY found some common ground to work with).

    End of the day, both sides fought their butts off, all parties involved can hold their head up high. To stand together facing the odds that we did may be an official victory for the other side but as one poster earlier stated, we all stood by each other, got out together and faced overwhelming odds together without faltering and even batting an eye.

    That is something to be proud of. Many of us involved in this conflict lost some pixels but gained even more respect and honor. Nothing said here will diminish the efforts of my alliance or my allies or heck even my opponents.

    That all being said, I bid my opponents farewell, you all fought with honor, dignity and spunk. Made this war one of the most exciting since I joined cn even against the odds. Thanks to NoR, INT, and R&R guys for fighting till the final bell. It was a blast.

    To my family, I couldn't be prouder.

    o/ Olympus
    o/ Purple
    o/ PEACE (till next time)

    BTW...thanks for reducing my bills by 3 million :)
    Just closing off the italics quote in hopes to fix this thread. :P

    Edit: It didn't work. Someone smack a mod or Buffalo to fix this pls. lol

  3. [quote name='Haflinger' date='25 February 2010 - 02:36 PM' timestamp='1267137612' post='2203714']
    Hey, I passed both 1 and 2 million. :D

    War's over, now's the time for the real interesting stuff ahead that lies ahead of us.
    Welcome to the department of redundancy department. :D Sorry had to.

    [quote name='Haflinger' date='25 February 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1267140324' post='2203826']
    None of the six nations that declared on me were below my NS.
    Not quite true, I was when I declared :P Good quick fight though. Sorry about it's abruptness.

    [quote name='Everyone Else' date='25 February 2010' ]
    All the other stuff...
    It was a well fought war, I must say I was impressed with the resolve that Invicta had over their previous participation in Karma. Being opposite both of them, they are on the road to improvement.

    As per some of the animosity in this thread, what do you expect? It was clearly stated that there was surrender, then the spouting of "undefeated" etc. That sort of thing will get under someone's skin.

    Overall, I enjoyed the war, and I look forward to our next clash. I have this sinking feeling it's not as far off as some might hope, and further off than others want, lol.

    To my Invicta opponents, (sorry I didn't keep track of your names), understandable why you turtled, too bad you weren't friendly though.
    Also to Murder of Snafu, nice fighting.

    To our allies and friends, my honor and appreciation for you. I look forward to more successful endeavors.


    Edit: typo

  4. I can't figure out what the heck is going on. Recently swtiched the computer over to Windows 7, clean install. Freshly downloaded version of Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6) running on a fresh install of Win7, not extra anything installed. When attempting to view any PM's it gives a server reset error. This does not happen in Internet Explorer, and I know my network connection itself is stable.

    I have even gone so far as to delete the profile that Mozilla created and start with a fresh profile and it still encounters the same error.

    Running Firefox (version listed above) 32 bit on a 64 bit architecture. My next trouble-shooting step is to try and rollback to an older version of Firefox if I can find one to see if it's specific with this browser version. Any other suggestions? I really abhor IE.

  5. [quote name='Mussolandia' date='23 February 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1266966297' post='2199900']
    Hard decision yes, blah blah. They're pointing their guns at them. Might as well just be honest and say "we like MK better, screw you", which is what they're [i]doing[/i]. I'm not even saying that what they're doing is wrong. I mean, TOP's screwed up pretty badly. Take your cues from the NPO. They never felt any contrition when they were picking A over B. Sometimes they picked right (NpO over GOONS) and sometimes wrong (Q over NpO), but they were sincere and concrete.

    If ODN's fallout with IRON teaches us anything, is that the scorned party will not take it well. Here they are, fighting a war again. In fact, I can't think of any example of a situation like this reversing itself.
    Why do they need to say "We like MK better, screw you" if that's not how they feel? Why can't the say "We really didn't want to do this, but you left us no other choice."? Which is what has been said time and again throughout this thread (for the most part).

    Edit: Off to work now, but when I get home late tonight/early morning I'll dig through and read your response. I'm actually curious to what it will be.

  6. [quote name='Coursca' date='23 February 2010 - 02:32 PM' timestamp='1266964350' post='2199820']
    I hope FOK isn't thinking of asking for reps at the end of this, considering the $1bn TOP sent them about five months ago.

    Because FOK has shown a history of asking for reps, right?

    [quote name='Saber' date='23 February 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1266964021' post='2199805']
    You should read better. Few TOP members were upset about it (and still are) but fact that it was MK that deliberately asked for the treaty to be activated against our 6 alliances (including TOP) is beneficial factor for FOK. Main argument I posted was that FOK should probably be more upset about MK asking them to do this, then TOP should be upset about FOK actually doing this. (FOK can be upset about us doing this in first place too, one does not exclude the other).
    Why would FOK need to be more upset at MK asking them to fulfill their treaty against an enemy. Sure, you were a friend when you declared on their ally, and might possibly still be after this war. But the moment you aided their direct enemies, you become an enemy. You could attempt to spin and dance around the subject all you want, but fact is fact.

    [quote name='Mussolandia' date='23 February 2010 - 02:42 PM' timestamp='1266964978' post='2199849']
    The faux sense of contrition is what's appalling here. Isn't it just better to declare war and tell your former friend something like "die in a fire"? That's the way we used to do things back in the day. It's more honest and it saves us a lot of tears.
    If there is one thing you should know by now, FOK is loyal, and they wear their heart on their sleeve. I have no doubt that it was a very hard decision for FOK, and that the membership is likely highly split on this matter. Perhaps TOP took your advice by declaring on direct allies of their 'friends' and then sending aid to direct enemies of their 'friend'. If there is any faux sense here, it's the faux common sense displayed by TOP. After all is said and done, I am sure there will be many members of FOK who will still look favorably on TOP, as long as the war is honorable and TOP's attempts at smearing FOK's honor and name quiet down. Cause right now, it is definitely not helping their cause.

  7. [quote name='Katsumi' date='22 February 2010 - 09:00 PM' timestamp='1266901205' post='2198554']

    If you're going to mock the quality of your opponents' propaganda, it's probably not the best idea to misspell "propaganda". Just saying.
    Fair enough :P It was late and I was buzzed :D

  8. [quote name='treygreen13' date='21 February 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1266817203' post='2196455']
    <img here>
    Now that... is quality.

    And another NSO oriented piece:


  9. I believe their attempt was to just secure it for their allies on this front. It's written down in this surrender, but has been offered and on the table, and declined by many of the alliances already. If their allies wish to surrender, they know how to go about it already.

  10. [quote name='Haflinger' date='16 February 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1266339485' post='2185731']
    Polar is still at war, and you're not defending them. If you were, we wouldn't be having a problem.

    Instead, you're going off to defend one of your allies who's on the bandwagon.

    You know perfectly well this was coming. If you guys had been more receptive to our fairly reasonable requests about zzzptm two years ago, heck, we'd probably have been fighting on your side back then too.

    I know that I would have, anyway.
    C'mon now Haf, you know better than that. Polar received white peace, everyone shook hands and got off the field. Is it NV's fault that Polar jumped back into the shindig? NV are great allies, and this proves it. Perhaps somewhere down the road we can work closely with them. I personally would like that.

  11. I just have to comment on how humorous it is to me that people think we're marionettes that dance on strings. It is not the first time I've seen the sentiment, and I am sure it is far from the last. M6, you really should just climb back into bed with Invicta, your hate and discontent for iFOK is well suited. I hear they are thinking of adding it to their recruitment questionaire.

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