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Micheal Malone

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Posts posted by Micheal Malone

  1. While I'm not saying I believe him in the slightest. I do recall Farung bringing up rl threats before in this thread. Something about threatening pm's or messages in IRC. I'm sure if that's the case, Farung will happily expand upon it since there's now a few posts about it. But honestly, nobody will believe him.

    I do however agree that it was a very slippery thing to say, whether it was a response or not.

  2. words...

    Basically, we have prepared and planned for the event of being on the losing side of wars. Hell most of our wars have been at least evenly matched, if not stacked against us. ... more words

    Are you saying the Orders willingly go into fights that are even or stacked against them? Albeit, I am still fairly new, so the only war I've seen thus far is this one as I just missed the last. But this war hardly looks fair or evenly stacked at all. I'd be interested if someone could point me in the direction of the wars where the numbers were even or stacked against them. It would be nice to read how they prevailed through those versus the mudhole they've been stomping into NADC.

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