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Micheal Malone

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Posts posted by Micheal Malone

  1. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 March 2010 - 06:07 PM' timestamp='1269047259' post='2230776']
    [color="#0000FF"]See what you do there? You ignore everything I have said and instead make a rather idiotic joke. I suppose the truth does hit a bit too close to home for you, no? And that truth is that not only is GoFastLeft unreliable and of questionable loyalty, so is your entire alliance. I on the other hand am well aware of where I stand. So at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I remain your better.[/color]
    Because you say it, it must be so, right? His reliability and loyalty are far from questionable. I understand you just like to pick arguments where you can get them for the attention, but when you bring nothing of content to an argument, how can one take it seriously? If you make an attempted character assassination, be prepared to have your own credibility called into play. So yes, your alliance hopping history does matter. Especially when you level such accusations against someone.

  2. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 March 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1269046932' post='2230767']
    [color="#0000FF"]Are you saying I am guilty of hypocrisy? Well, I am not the only one, and my flaws are most certainly not relevant to this discussion. This is a conversation about the merits of GoFastLeft, and whether or not you should have appointed him. I find him to be lacking in character to be honest and will prove to be a detriment to your alliance. If you can for just a moment stop focusing on your illogical hatred for me and take an objective look, then you will see that everything I have said makes perfect sense.[/color]
    RV, I don't know why this is not a device that has physically been invented yet, but here's a rough blueprint. You could make millions off this. Speaking to you inspired me.


  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 March 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1269045594' post='2230742']
    [color="#0000FF"]Timmehhh, I have been around much longer than he has. This is not my first nation.

    Also, hiding? I have more or less been independent my entire career. Over two of my almost four years. When I do join an alliance it is always to accomplish a specific purpose. But if you do want to go at me go right ahead and see how far you'll get. Although I must say, I do not understand why you people must resort to character attacks. It is almost as if you are incapable of refuting me. It is almost as if you are upset by the fact that you cannot prove that "GoFastLeft" is as important as you believe he is.[/color]
    You're joking right... your very first post in the thread was an attempt at attacking GFL's character insinuating that he was someone who hopped alliances frequently. You then attempted to bolster yourself by claiming you are NOT an alliance hopper. GFL has now been in 3 alliances in his entire CN career... how many have you been in RV?

  4. [quote name='Learz' date='19 March 2010 - 03:44 PM' timestamp='1269038668' post='2230605']
    I was going to make a witty comment about this being the first time in your life being semi-nice to Invicta, but I'd rather smoke the peace pipe and pass it along ;)
    Although, give some of the comments in this thread, looks like we're going to need all the luck we can get!

    Oops, looks like I dropped the peace pipe because I was laughing too hard, sorry. I'm just going to leave this here so other people can get their laughs in too :P
    I know, I found the humor in his approaching me at the start of day #2 as well. I wasn't expecting his fellow alliancemates to laugh with me though.

  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 March 2010 - 04:55 AM' timestamp='1268999715' post='2230197']
    [color="#0000FF"]Two years ago I was being PZI listed for possessing the fortitude to fight for your freedom. And yes, I was FAIL then too.[/color]
    Edit: Just not worth it. OK RV, you're great, FAIL has always been in your heart. You win.

  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 March 2010 - 04:45 AM' timestamp='1268999082' post='2230191']
    [color="#0000FF"]I am FAIL. I have always been FAIL.

    And my good sir, rest assured, I am still of senses.[/color]
    Funny... I do recall you having been elsewhere. Perhaps it was another random blowhard from about two years ago that I'm remembering then.

  7. [quote name='brentbee' date='18 March 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1268973318' post='2229950']
    Thank you ever so much for your support, but I really don't see us as having the short end of the "deal". You guys may want to consult with your big brother before spouting dribble.
    I don't consider it spouting dribble. I honestly think you guys got the short end of the stick. I've heard from [i]multiple[/i] sources in PU that during the war Invicta was almost outright begging to negotiate peace terms. I fielded inquiries from Jorost personally at the start of day 2 and filed his complaints about how his entire year+ in office was laid to ruin by iFOK. Equated us to bullies who kicked over his sand castle, and called us meanies. NSO is an alliance I respect, though I may not agree with entirely. You guys have honor and integrity, and are an alliance that an ally knows will stick to their word no matter what. A true asset. Your recent ally, however, I have no such respect for and has not had a long standing history of providing true support.

  8. [quote name='Teddyyo' date='17 March 2010 - 11:42 AM' timestamp='1268851676' post='2228406']
    Vlad's point is one of the best so far. Let me show another example:

    During a small town fair in Kentucky, two KKK members who were recruiting and insulting other races beat up a Native American boy. Despite not ordering the attack, not ordering the recruitment there, and not even knowing the two members were there, the leader of the KKK was convicted, given some jail time, and fined $2.5 million.

    C&G knows its members consistently insult and threaten others, including TOP, on the forum. TOP didn't want history to repeat itself, so they hit pre-emptively. While I was in Legion, I know that when that kind of thing happened gov put a clamp on OWF activity to prevent it from going any further. Perhaps C&G should have considered doing this, considering it is what got them warred.

    Seems like a more than justified CB by TOP to me.
    Oh dear God... say it ain't so! Did you really?

  9. [quote name='Cyber Nationz' date='08 March 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1268087923' post='2218385']
    After this I feel there is no point in posting any defense.
    Some people just cant drop the past issue and are taking this game way to personally.

    Typing up essays to prove something, which happened well over two years ago to a micro alliance.


    Well to be honest, our return to purple sphere is to benefit the purple sphere,
    And our allegiance to the people we call friends.

    Other then that, we do not care how the ex-government feels about Nebula-X,
    Simple answer is: You are not part of it, You don't matter.
    I like his spirit. I see great things from NX.

  10. [quote name='kriekfreak' date='07 March 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1268034594' post='2217810']
    Aren't you guys their protectors now since they are in your protectorate bloc. Why didn't you vote them out of it (this also includes Hydra) if you don't want them to succeed?
    That would go against their "Must have purple united" mentality. We saw how well it's worked for them so far :P

  11. In your wartime efforts have their been opponents that you've come across that you've thought afterwards "Hey, we should get to know them!"?

    Would you say that STA supports Michiel de Ruyter for purple senator?

    Which alliances have impressed you the most so far over the course of this war; both the best, and the worst.

  12. [quote name='PrideAssassin' date='27 February 2010 - 02:46 AM' timestamp='1267267775' post='2206344']
    Only... you had to know that it was. Great work forcing an A List Alliance (somewhere GOD will never even be near) into this action however.
    Keep it up with the lulz sunshine. Laugh yourselves to death. :)

    o/ NSO!
    Excellent work forcing your ally to step down by declaring your war, forcing an A List Alliance into this action. See how that works? It's nobody's fault but Ivan's and the NSO's. It is their alliance, and their course of action. Ivan felt it necessary to step down to uphold his word for the better of his alliance. His self-morals surpass that of many alliance leadership. And this is an action that shines of it. Whether it was the smartest, or wisest course of action depends on NSO's ability to maintain their course and recover without him as their figurehead.

  13. [quote name='Imperator Honorius' date='26 February 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1267210686' post='2205162']
    Congrats on your elections FOK, I'm sure Tromp & the rest of the cabinet will perform admirably during their tenure. I expect great things from this lineup. :)

    o/ FOK
    Congratulations to FOK for another round of successful elections! I look forward to seeing what this cabinet produces!

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