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Micheal Malone

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Posts posted by Micheal Malone

  1. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1310080230' post='2751742']
    And actually, the Doppelganger announcement was completely unrelated to this series of events, so you're down to two now, and only one official announcement.

    Golden :D

    We should host a contest of winning the CN Vladimir award for best short essay.
    I'm pretty sure there weren't any "short" essays....

  2. [quote]Locke: "I just wanted them to leave us alone, I got what I want".[/quote]

    NsO: Ok guys, who wants to volunteer to unofficially pester SOS now?

    Seriously Locke? All you wanted was to be left alone so you parade out with the flimsiest CB without a shred of evidence, Arnnea runs his mouth and looks like a buffoon as usual, and in the end you have this. I can see now why you stepped down from Invicta. You and I had a talk like this before and you sounded pretty similar then about how we ruined your time and effort and work you put into Invicta.

    You didn't accomplish anything here. The only thing that happens now is that NsO has unofficial contact with you. And by unofficial, I mean they'll still pester you, but when you approach them the leadership will say "We don't acknowledge this as an official act".


  3. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1308651502' post='2737096']
    Until you walk in my shoes, you can't understand the patience exercised in the months since their inception or the diplomatic efforts already involved.

    Not everyone carries a 10 billion dollar warchest that can bounce them right back up after a global war. Invicta has never given us any reason to believe they would not do everything in their power to help us.
    Not sure what you were trying to imply here. You obviously are aware of my lack of warchest. Yet still I managed to rogue on you for a week, fight 4 other nations during said week. Then return to iFOK and participate in the war as it broke out.

    What I however am implying to Invicta is.. Put your money where your mouth is. A treaty is a treaty.

    Fake edit: Inb4 someone says "lolNEW". I and many others weren't happy with how that whole thing played out.

  4. [quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1308633916' post='2736850']
    I find it very funny that people are down playing poaching...


    I can guarentee without a doubt, anyone who has said this would throw a HUGE FIT if their members were being poached. Maybe they offered incentives? Who knows? All I know is poaching is completely unacceptable... seriously dont be stupid.
    Such a horrible offense that you'll stand on the sideline and cheer for your lil friends! How adorable. I mean, it's not like you have a treaty that you could honor and defend them militarily.

    [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308638865' post='2736977']
    For the record, the New Sakura Order may be populated by people who are largely anime fans, but they are [b]not[/b] an anime alliance.


    They're an April Fools' Day joke gone mad.
    I have to agree, this sounds like pure animosity. They're not a TRUE anime alliance! We're the only ones who are real. They don't do things our way, so they're wrong!

    I hope this expands. It'll be fun to hit some SOS blood again.

  5. It's all my fault guys, sorry. You see, months ago when I was bored and was gonna rogue out and quit the game (waves to Locke) this big war starts. So then I stayed active for a while. But then I started getting bored again, and decided it was time to leave. I sent out aid packages of tech to members of iFOK, posted a nice farewell message. Then we merge.

    For my next trick, I will be asking for 3,000,000 tech to be delivered in short order or I shall plunge this world into more activity.

    0/ Non Grata!

  6. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1296797007' post='2618927']
    Ah, then I must have misunderstood the part where you said you'd drag me kicking and screaming into the new "golden age"? Because dragging me kicking and screaming into what you consider a "golden age" sounds a lot like imposing your moral standpoint onto me. Yet, you bleat about me being a "moralist" when I'm unaware of myself ever demanding people abide by my moral standpoint.
    I took his "golden age" comment to mean he hopes that the massive war will breath some life back into this dying world of ours.

    And my question:

    STA was a pleasure to fight before and are some of the more entertaining opponents I've encountered that rarely seem bitter at all. How do you keep morale up in situations where you end up on the losing side of a battle?

  7. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1295937921' post='2599271']
    Snip - OP - Snip
    I am saddened... truly and utterly saddened that you would ruin such an amazing opening post. To degrade what is most decidedly a wonderful thought process... it is disheartening.

    I began by clicking the link to this wonderful thread and immediately started basking in it's glory until the full thread was loaded.

    I am disgraced that you would ruin the good image of Katy Perry by posting such horrible text beneath her.

    Be ashamed.

  8. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1295925083' post='2597752']
    Here's a little something that Necro and I put together...

    It took me a moment to realize that was a wrecking ball crashing into a card house... I like the piece though.

  9. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1295662351' post='2590298']
    Most people like to take opinions for what they are, rather than attacking the syntax of the speaker (or typer in this case, I suppose). I guess that's a moral lesson they don't teach you until you're out of middle school though.

    Clearly personal insults are on a much higher scale of moral lesson than grammatical attack?


    On Topic, TBB, I do believe what is considered a "successful setup" depends totally upon what was desired. If pure war, and a fairly even one at the last numbers I've seen, was all that was desired I'd consider this a success.

  10. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295150770' post='2576601']
    You're trying to argue that spy operations aren't aggressive? They can cause damage, so I would consider it aggressive even if curiosity is the reason behind it. If someone launches spy operations against members of Tetris, you wouldn't consider that aggressive?
    You do realize that the majority of the spy ops have been gather intel. Not aggressive, so much so not aggressive that you can do them to a nation in peace mode. Or were you not aware of this?

  11. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295056037' post='2575584']
    I am telling you that if you believe that we are pushovers when it comes to attacks on our alliance, you are welcome to see just how I handle you when you test that. If you believe us to be weak, take advantage of it, and we'll show you what happens.
    To be fair Locke, and I mean this from a heartfelt rogue standpoint. I came to the table to test you. It was your allies that responded, and then Strong Bad joined almost two full days later.

    Your alliance hasn't really impressed upon me the utter desire for blatant fun in destroying nations.

    Don't get me wrong, King Death II and Finnish Commie are more than enough to handle little ole me, if it were just you and homestar alone, I would not be worried.

    Just sayin'

  12. Wait! I started wearing the Orion tag again just for you guys!!! Man! :(

    [quote name='Gofastleft' timestamp='1294949548' post='2574324']
    What a sad day. LEO never set out to be the strongest block on the planet, They never cared what other people thought. It was started as a group of friends and remained just that for most of it's existence. It held steadfast through the first few months when most of OUT wanted to kill all of us, It held strong when members joined other blocks that appeared to be in conflict. It was able to do this because of a friendship that ran so deep.

    Many of us have moved on to other places but I think for most of us LEO was always a part of us. so one last time o/ LEO :wub:
    What this man said.

    I had so much fun and respect for the people I worked with in LEO, it was sad to close up shop and move on, but even more sad to see that the neighborhood is being bulldozed.

  13. [quote name='Emperor Brutus' timestamp='1294946928' post='2574291']
    PC however did something that will probably benefit them more. They know how much NEW loves to fight and also know they would stand up for their allies and friends in almost any situation and of course that they may treat the ODP as an MDP. Now PC has the option to pick their fight at their discretion. But I will not doubt their abilities to defend a friend in the face of defeat, as we have seen in the previous year. o/
    Except of course the fact that NEW has stated already they don't do ODP. In fact, iFOK had it listed as ODP, and NEW said "Look you are MDoAP with us or cancel it. Either way we understand, no hard feelings."

    In fact, they said they don't recognize anything lower than that and have said so here on the OWF. Would you like to bash your old home any other way?

  14. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1294974074' post='2574638']
    The chain to get Europa was NEW-FEAR-Europa and our treaty with Europa is an ODP, so we weren't on the hook anyway. All of TFDs treaties outside NATO are non chaining. It helps us stay out of crap like this.

    So you were basically whining about Europa being dragged into something merely for grins and giggles? Really?

  15. Ain't it great the amount of whinging and complaining that is brought up at the discussion of free trade and senate? Or is it just the fact that iFOK was involved in something constructive with the rest of the purple sphere and those bitter about the past weren't? I'm just curious.

    That said... Bring on the:


    I can't believe not one image was posted to this effect yet.

    Edit: Grammar.

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