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Terry Howard

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Everything posted by Terry Howard

  1. If you are looking for Tech i can help. Ill sell to any one who wants it. 1,5 Million per 50 tech.
  2. Im on Perma ZI so i have nothing better to do with my nation so happy to tech deal if you want.
  3. Very Good read i have to say. Keep em coming
  4. Look forward to reading more. Makes good reading.
  5. Ok i like this maybe use it like its used in Trukz so your name comes up and can not be changed. think it could work depending on the space it uses
  6. Looks good but i think this is not allowed and to be fair i think ill use my own judgement as the idea of the game is to run your Nation. If you want something like that why not have an auto nation. Just my thoughts
  7. The Illluminati will rise again we will remain on thi list for sure
  8. oh a nice way to kick of wars i like this option very much
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