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King DrunkWino

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Everything posted by King DrunkWino

  1. My man, absolutely NONE of this made sense. Finally, an idea we can all get behind. Everyone drop your AA tags and let's brawl! /Are YOU confirmed for Brawl?
  2. When you say it like that, it ranks up there with the "she was asking for it," defense.
  3. Nice to see folks wake up and smell the stupid that this entire affair is. /well, almost everyone.
  4. The grill was fired up a week ago. By now the meat is stale and dripping with disease.
  5. I'm kinda one of the court jesters around these parts. I take a grand total of none of this seriously. That said, I wish nothing more to do with a filthy infra-ist.
  6. Oh goodie, racism based on NS size. Should we call it infra-ism.
  7. I am drunk and I support this message.
  8. *sigh* How many months will this last? *hangs head in sadness. I picked the wrong week to quit smoking crack.
  9. I honestly don't see why anyone would even bother to pay attention tonight. We did just bust the forum server over like 22 wars last night. Let's giver her a break tonight.
  10. If it is, whoever came up with it needs a two year consecutive nuking.
  11. Yeah, thing about that is if the counters do the same thing and go into hide mode and those counter counters come in in hide mode, we're right back where we started. Only this time we get to see how many times we can use the word "counter," consecutively before something actually breaks loose.
  12. Not if everyone just sits in hide mode. Then we can all enjoy a two year cold war that bleeds everyone dry. Hurray! /hey, I ain't trolling it, it just is what it is.
  13. A two year long stalemate that bleeds both sides completely dry on both resources and members rendering the game with a billion 20 person alliances, a couple huge neutrals, and FAN as the overlords of the world.
  14. I think they're operating under the assumption that if they say it long enough the rules of the universe will change to conform to it. Myself, I'm starting to lose faith in that. I'm been saying that the laws of gravity are all bogus and I can fly for twenty+ years and it hasn't worked yet.
  15. I'd give you a "good man," but the fact remains that you ran out of liquor in the first place and then actually got sober. Do better next time.
  16. Haven't been on Planet Bob long have ya? Cause this is what happens every single time, folks change their morality at the drop of a hat based on who they have paper with.
  17. Ok, so they get some counter DoWs of a bunch of guys in hide mode. Back to square one. BTW, if I were those potential countering alliances, I'd just not do anything till the CoC folks actually did something besides make DoW's on the boards. A fraction comes out of hide mode. Ok, so you could possibly bait out the dumbest of the dumb to come play. Most folks, I hope, aren't that dumb. Yeah, I don't know what LM is planning to do, but all I see is a WWI trench warfare stalemate. Except of course the bulk of the armies can't attack each other.
  18. Reserves to WHAT? Everyone either north or south of the 85k parallel is hiding out. They can't be reserve when there's no attack force to begin with. Also, bait? Again, for what? They can just sit there forever if they really wanted to. This strategy involves most of the potential combatants in hide mode. Seriously, I'd ask for my money back if I were on either side of this one cause this one smells like a lemon.
  19. Hit what exactly? All those other dudes in hide mode?
  20. Again, I'm thinking in terms of simply saying "CoC," out loud until you hear a word.
  21. Who said it was cowardice? One side has a bunch of big nations in hide mode and the other side has a bunch of small nations in hide mode. Hence, the main strategy being shown is hide.
  22. So "HIDE," is now a strategy? Say that post out loud until you get it.
  23. I'm down with making everyone involved pay reps to the rest of us for having to see it.
  24. I agree and if I'm agreeing with that guy then this is really stupid. I am though, so that's something I guess.
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