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Posts posted by monkeybum

  1. I can't believe I only just saw this, and that I wasn't invited to come back into CMEA.

    And for all of you naysayers and "unremarkable" criers of the peanut gallery. It is time to admit a sad yet well known truth. Many allinaces do not actually "DO" much in this game. However their charm, and their beauty is in their rich community life, and the interaction of their members. In honesty CN is not exactly the most exciting of games. Only people with an ego the size of RV actually manage to find the political side of the game, devoid of any "community" (or people who actually like you) enough to justify their time.

    CMEA was exactly what does make CN fun. A close knit community of people, who outside of the game would have never met. Endless hours of discussions, dreams and just idle sexual harassment (Dramafreak).

    I would also point out that quite a few of its members, went on to other gov't roles in other notable alliances..

    o/ CMEA - Happy to see a treasured flag wave again!

  2. Aw Auctor gone as well?? seems we are all aging...

    Thanks for the shiny medal. I only just noticed my former signature, was well..kind of a lie for the last month and a half or so. I'm honored to wear your medal (at least until I find some new masonic graphic to add to it).

  3. [quote name='feestaap1' date='13 February 2010 - 09:10 PM' timestamp='1266095414' post='2179692']
    The screenshot from the ip's are manipulated but it could be a problem with the bit collours and pixelrates of your computer too. I know that Veneke had a crappy computer. Some people here know that too. And who doesn't say that the receiver didn't changed it after someone of us provided it. I'm not saying that GLOF manipulated the pictures and I don't blame GLOF for this.

    I'll just answer this part, because I don't understand the rest..the pics were given to us by veneke via his own photobucket account. If you want it i'm sending you the original via PM, so you can see for yourself.

  4. Just a few more points..

    1. The guys surrendering from 57th are saying Veneke "played them". I'm not taking this as a confession as it clearly isn't. I'm just taking this as showing that members of his own alliance are not seeing this post to be so clearly unlike his style, as people are saying here.

    2. Quite a few people who do know veneke are saying he does sometimes write like this.

    3. AND again, this is the all crucial fact.. The first screenshot that Veneke gave us to prove one of our nations is a spy, has been tampered with. That much it seems everyone is in agreement with.

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