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Posts posted by monkeybum

  1. Ok so I'm a GLOF member, and clearly have a side here, however this is how I see it.

    1. KoH got aid out of Colossus.
    2. Colossus and WAPA join a war together (WAPA joining to help Colossus).
    3. KOH declares on WAPA - all those claiming that they didn't attack Colossus- and hence didn't backstab them are being silly. If you attack an ally while he is fighting for Colossus - that is clearly a move against Colossus.

    4. The "reps" are really just KoH admitting that they acted wrongly by attacking those who had just given them free aid (and this was free and generous aid). The amount clearly is not intended to cover the actual amount spent by Colossus on this war, which I'm sure is much higher.

    As for STA - We still have no personal feelings for you - we are actually all enjoying the war, and everyone in the alliance feels that you were friendly and good sports. Please lets keep it that way.

  2. [quote name='Heinrich Schuster' timestamp='1323308950' post='2868013']
    Seriously Colossus? All 2M of you NS going to war with a 400k? Why dont you get some balls and attack a real alliance?

    Heinriech that is really mean. STA is a real alliance, no matter how badly they appear to be fighting..

  3. This is sad.

    I remember STA fondly for coming to Aztec's help last war, and I don't think anyone thinks this war is personal - it just reflects how the treaty web is currently lined up. Wapa happens to have a history with STA, but I don't think their joining this war, really makes anything personal - they joined via the treaty web.

    I'm so far enjoying the war with my STA opponent, who is being a good sport.

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