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Posts posted by monkeybum

  1. I've been staying out of this one, so that I don't say something I'll regret.

    Some thoughts from an openly Jewish/Zionistic/living in Israel. You can have a Muslim themed alliance. It is perfectly legitimate. They can have as radical a theme as they want. Point is that once they bring it onto CN - which is a game (and quite a boring one, so any excitment is normally a good thing)other alliances are free to feel that they can go to war over it, as part of their own role playing. The question is less of what is legitimate and more about what is the ruling "culture" of CN. Comments that are made on your forum, but are open to visitors from other alliances, are part of the CN roleplaying. On the other hand, visitors have to look at the alliance as a whole - as a culture, and not base their thoughts on singular threads or comments. This isn't a rule, its just common sense.

    I used to have a look at the forum of the first manifestation of this alliance, and search for "jew" or "israel". What I remember finding was all kind of exultations of terrorism against jews. Hence their coming back is not really any great joy.

    As for having a gov't member who is "ethnically" Jewish as he put it..That is far far from any carte blanch for political correctnes. I'm afraid that many of the most anti-semetic people out there are just self hating Jews. You are measured by what you say/do, and not by your ethnicity.

    Last comment - Go learn some freaking history.

  2. I don't really want to comment on an alliance I honestly don't know..but here are my 2 cents..

    Most alliances have problems of ego from "founding" members, or just members who have been high up and are now retired, or less active then they used to be. Members start to develop feelings of ownerships of an alliance, and get very emotional. Its hard to be back to being a "normal" member or to just realise that you are no longer as important as you used to be. This is especially hard when a new "star" quickly rises in an alliance.

    From my very brief look at these logs, seems that the alliance has reached the point where it needs some clear rules, clear charter etc, that state who has what position and what power. Having a clear set of rules, normally helps stop people feeling they "own" the alliance.

    Both guys here need to shrug, and be a little more humble. It is a shame to leave an alliance you liked because of a hurt ego. CN is only about the community you make - loosing it reminds you of how little there is to do in the game.

  3. :)

    I'm very amused. A "sig" is what people use as their signature at the bottom of every post. Saying that what you wrote was a "sig classic" was just a way of saying it was very funny, and people are likely to quote it (not in a kind fashion).

    Otherwise I see that my sarcasm was slightly aimed too high. If you do discover what my mother tongue is, please do let me know, as my parents might want their money back, having squandered it on a good English education.
  4. [quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1283767961' post='2443604']
    An update rush hurts on day one. We're in this for the long run.

    Furthermore nobody cares enough about the game to be up early in the morning to blitz.

    But thanks for your interest.

    Not sure I follow your logic, but I guess that most of this war is for propaganda purposes anyway. Good luck.

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