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Franz Ferdinand

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Posts posted by Franz Ferdinand

  1. Sorry my life is not Cybernations and I do not have time to respond to the threats we get for having our alliance name. I merely requested assistance from another nation as to what to do and he helped me out. The fact that you have searched through the CN forums to find this very post to insult me seems as if you are wasting a lot of time. This is just a game, so drop it. The fact that you are all high and mighty about a web based nation simulation game is rather silly. Tell me what your life accomplishments are and I might show the slightest regard of respect for you. Eh, and go ahead and attack me if this is the post that causes a war. It just might make me delete my nation and accomplish more important things. Honestly it is just a game, so let's just play instead of making this our life. It is embarrassing to see what people do on CN. The whole recruiting process, the organization of alliances, the whole bragging about how we are in the top alliance, the silly wars, for what? until one finally realizes how much of a waste of time it is before it is too late? Honestly our alliance just wants to be left alone. If anyone has a problem with me, then PM myself and maybe we can start some diplomatic relations. I am a pretty reasonable guy, so let's talk if that is the situation. Anyway I am done with my rant. For those I have offended I apologize; just got a little carried away.

    If you are able to, get onto IRC...I would like to see what 'terms' that you would be 'willing' to 'take'! :awesome:

  2. ranatherworldmap20updatrd6.th.png

    Here is the update regarding last nights discussions, I'll handle today's new claims next. We're going to have to find a compromise between Franz Ferdinand and The Magistrate as their territorial claims conflict, and I believe the Kaiser made some sort of statement regarding Hamburg but I can't recall it offhand.

    That's fair to me, I'm flexible.

  3. *Nation Name: Lübeck

    *Ruler: Franz Ferdinand

    I would like to claim ownership of the entirety of Schleswig-Holstein for my own independant nation, and to hold Territorial claims on Northern Schleswig and Hamburg, and I would like to have Lübeck as my capital.

  4. axisshortjp1.png

    Recruiting from alliances is fail, especially the leader...that, and we hate their racist ideals...so Pond Pirates sentences all members wearing the Axis Tag to Perma-ZI, and as thus, we declare war with them unconditionally.

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