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Franz Ferdinand

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Posts posted by Franz Ferdinand

  1. checkmate-o0w.jpg

    The Individual Surrender Terms for the Brotherhood of NOD

    Change Alliance Affiliation to "Pond Pirates"
    Change your colour team to Brown and vote for Herzl

    Penned by:

    Franz Ferdinand, The Evil, Demonic, Talking Skull!

  2. Also, did I mention this wasn't a private communication between two nation leaders? Uberstein broadcasts all talks with him unless it is reqested to be private, so now the whole world knows your a madman who wants Three-Headed Monkey. :popcorn:

    OOC: To be honest, I really need to start being more In-Character in my posts...I forgot to mention that the whole Communist/Religion thing was more of a OOC comment, so my leader really didn't say that, just to clear that up. :popcorn:

  3. He smokes his cigar, "And let me tell you something, what if I said I had the same goal? To destroy all the evils of the world? The evils of religion, the evils of poverty, the evils of communism and pathetic utopian daydreaming? To destroy the evils of mob rule?


    Communism may be evil, yet it's a PARTY!

    Religion may be evil, yet it makes a good sponge cake.

    Poverty isn't technically evil, just a misjudgement by whoever runs the nation.

    Utopian Daydreaming may be pathetic...yet how else am I meant to get Jojo, the Three-Headed Monkey?

    Edit: Forgot to label this post correctly.

  4. Exploitation?? What, you think MY economy magicly works? You think MY economy isn't having troubles of it's own? Tell me, what is the differance of the taxation of the Suez and the Jutland Straights? Between it and the taxation of all those nature/man-made channels?

    To automaticly assume that I would exploit those of the baltic for sheer expoitation is insulting, I severly doubt that 1000 Marks per Superheavy ship, 500 Marks per large cargo ship, and 250 for Normal, and 50 for small ships is really "taxing".

    OOC: Lubeck, have we met before, because you're being pretty hostile to me, and frankly, I haven't done anything to you. :unsure:

    Minister Response to this.

  5. Go ahead, spend billions on a canal instead of a small tax on shipping. It's your money.

    OOC: I don't see why everyone is in an uproar about this. Gibralter is taxed, Suez is taxed, Panama is taxed, English and Irish Channels, taxed.

    I'm not unreasonable, it's the same tax rate the Suez has.

    The problem with your taxation of the straits is that the Baltic nations really need to have an economic backbone, and as much money as possible, to allow them to prosper. The Suez serves a purpose, while the Jutland Straits really weaken the respective economies of those which are forced to use it. This canal will offer those nations the ability to trade outside the Baltic, without any of the dangers or cost that they would get from entering your sphere of influence. While in the short-term, it could cost a lot to fully construct and maintain, yet in the long-term, if enough money can be generated which allows it be kept going, it will allow those nations which you are maliciously exploiting to prosper to real world players.

    We can't wait to continue to co-operate with The Confederation in the future, as you are truly a prestigious people.

  6. Lübeck doesn't like this taxing idea at all...good thing we can always trade with our other neighbours. We really need our money for other things, rather than unnecessary taxes, so we are against this unless you can prove the benefits for our nation.

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