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Posts posted by Dochartaigh

  1. I mean that's* since the start of the war though right?

    Edit: * = the casualties.


    I have gained roughly 1.3 million casualties since the war began. Getting nuked everyday plus GAs/AAs/CMs tends to drag infra down quite fast. So I was down to around 2k infra by like day 5, 6 at the most. 

  2. There was a public treaty cancellation. It isn't cherry-picking when they publicly cancelled the treaty.


    You realize most treaties have this clause called the Cancellation clause correct? You realize that the Cancellation clause stipulates how many days it takes for a treaty to be considered voided correct? You do realize that just because a treaty is publicly cancelled does not mean that the Cancellation clause is not in effect correct? By your posts, I am going to assume no, you don't know any of this. 

    I made the mistake of assuming you were still in that particular garbage dump and didn't know you moved on to another one.

    I know you were never particularly good at politics but the decision we made to sit out the war was far better than picking either side. As for GOONS choosing to disband instead of allowing inertia to carry us forward when most of the members no longer wanted to put in the time or effort to manage the alliance, I'd say that's a decision that was well made. Those that wanted to either stick around or simply wanted to see what would happen (like me) as a result of this absurd super-bloc joined alliances like Umbrella or VE. I don't believe it would have been fair for the rest of the membership, and especially for the government, to try to force people that simply no longer cared, including the government, to suddenly start caring again. We accomplished a lot through Doom House and we angered a lot of uptight spergs like yourself throughout our existence. There isn't much left keeping the world interesting now and frankly, it's only going to continue becoming more monolithic and boring. So our official goodbye could be read something like this: C ya l8r, nerds.
    Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) but MI6 attempted to blackmail Umbrella so they dumped you. RIP in pepperoni, you.


    Wait, I thought it was over Operation: Goliath. That is what Roq and TimLee told me at least. 


    You might be used to turning on your allies when it's politically expedient, but so far that hasn't even entered my mind as an option. If you're still bitter about that decision it must have been the right one. IRON and other clowns were angry we wouldn't just throw our support behind them in that war and frankly, Umbrella signing with NPO just before the start is the only reason your side won. I can't think of any reason why you feel like you having something to run your mouth about considering NATO's history is littered with incompetence and brown-nosing to survive.


    You honestly cannot sit on the AA you sit on and discuss betraying allies. I mean did you actually keep a straight face while you wrote that first line? 

  5. MI6 didn't sign onto Disorder? Weird.


    heh, revisionism much? You realize that MI6 was not in the lead on that one right? NpO/Fark/TOP were the leads with NpO the primary pusher. MI6 went to war because NPO hit our ally TOP. MI6 was not allied to NpO at the time so if someone was plotting a war on them, it did little to affect us except for TOP. So if TOP got hit defending NpO, then we would enter. So, did we fight on opposite sides of NSO? Yes. Did we sign off on NSO getting hit? No. Our ally at the time TOP did though. 


    Weird using facts instead of whatever shit it is you using.


    I find it hilarious that you didn't have an actual counter to my statement about NPO not rolling AA's on a whim since pre-Karma, you just went off because we have reason to be fighting you and your only response is to question why we don't hit our own allies. To my knowledge (not speaking in any official government capacity) NG doesn't actively poach members from other AAs. As our ally they actually listen to our input on actions (ie when they wanted to attack Polar right after EQ we told them it wasn't a good idea and so they didn't). So we don't really have a reason to end our treaty with NG much less roll them either.


    Poaching? Is it 2013? That was the last time that MI6 even jokingly attempted to poach anyone. Hell, the only time MI6 and poaching are even brought up nowadays is by people feeding the line about what MI6 did 2 years ago. What is even more amusing is that Oculus did not even list poaching as a reason for the war. So, you may want to try and get on the same page as your leadership bro. You may not end up looking stupid instead. Oh wait...


    Oh and EQ too. I wasn't talking about whether terms were justified just giving examples of more messy, longer wars where harsher terms were imposed. I find it rather funny that people are accusing us of destroying "tons of smaller AAs" just for the heck of it like we did pre-Karma when each war the NPO's been in since Karma had legitimate reasons behind them. The last war was in retaliation for Disorder, this war is in response to MI6's bad behavior as an AA and generally how they handle themselves in Bob. The NPO hasn't just stomped AAs on a whim since pre-Karma.

    The only issue this war has been how we handled the CB on TPF other than that it's been rather straightforward and fairly justifiable, but even the preempt on TPF was because we knew even if TPF was told by MI6 to stay out of this they would've defended them anyways, because we know who they are as allies, and they don't let their allies burn alone. That's who TPF are, loyal.


    So when is Oculus rolling tanks on NG then? Because let's face it, NG act far worse than anything MI6 has done, so if you wish to use the reason that MI6 are a bunch of assholes, then please continue this action against assholes of CN by rolling the fuck outta NG. Otherwise, your reason is bullshit and you know it. 

  8. I answered the question actually. Just because the answer does not fit whatever narrative you are trying to spin means very little to me. Though just to make it clear- the answer is: 


    MI6 would not have been in this situation. Oculus was in it because of going to war against 2 alliances they thought they could hit with very little interference. MInc entered and hit Oculus because of that. MInc then got away with nothing more than a harsh finger wagging because Oculus shit themselves at the prospect of losing much more tech to Bones/SPaTR and possibly others such as NEW/Kaskus. 


    So, there is no deflection by anyone but Oculus. You can keep saying there is, but only an idiot actually believes any of the shit Oculus is saying right now.


    You know, I just think you're pissed off that the cavalry isn't coming in to save you.

    I have to ask: If MI6 was issued an ultimatum, would they be stupid enough to not do what was demanded just because it was demanded?


    Because if you would, I've got a few ultimatums of my own to make.


    In any case, BONES wouldn't be much of a cavalry. (Tbh, SPATR in general wouldn't be much of a cavalry, but since it seems BONES was making an ultimatum on behalf of only himself, let's just focus on him for the moment)


    Looking at the numbers, using only NPO nations, the net result of BONES hitting NPO resulting in a two month conflict is BONES losing 30,000 tech and the NPO losing 36,000 (split between 11 nations). Given how small those losses are, I doubt the possibility of his entrance to the war factored into Oculus' considerations.


    As for the rest of SPATR; well, they have four super tier nations and two borderline super tier, with the rest of their nations being irrelevant. Even if it was just SPATR v. NPO, the NPO would easily be able to deal with those six nations, but since it would not be just SPATR v. NPO the combined top tiers of NPO, IRON, Umbrella, Sengoku, DT etc etc etc would do it with the net effect on each of the individual alliances being almost non-existent while SPATR would be safely wiped out.


    There is absolutely no reason to believe that the possibility of either BONES or SPATR entering into the war would cause Oculus to give peace to an alliance they weren't already willing to give peace to. But, believe what you will; reality is so cumbersome anyway.


    Yet, despite all of that, y'all caved quicker than anything I have ever seen. 


    As for ultimatums- why you asking MI6? Y'all put yourselves in the situation of getting an ultimatum not MI6. Trying to deflect your actions onto MI6 is getting pretty fucking old. 

  10. I don't think anyone has claimed that this thread wasn't the reason we realized that Mi wanted peace. However, we would have given them peace even if they'd found a less dramatic way to express their wish for it, so the thread wasn't the actual cause of the peace in the sense you're implying. But hey, nice spin.



    okay, hold on got to catch my breath



    Yes, because many of the members of your bloc have a history of doing just that- or maybe they have the exact opposite history. shit that sucks for you guys.

    Then there is NG gov foaming at the mouth like a mad man in this thread- yup that actually did happen for all too see

    So yeah, most people don't believe y'all. Period.

  11. You're impressively good at completely avoiding the things people say to you, and instead ranting and raving about... a bunch of random stuff. If you were a bit less incoherent, you might even manage to derail the thread with that tactic.


    What? Now we have y'all goin with this line? What exactly did I avoid? Do tell. What did I rant and rave about that was not on point? 


    Did Doch just say MI6 wouldn't sign onto a war without a "damn good reason"?

    I mean, NSO totally deserved to get its ass kicked 3 or 4 months before that war kicked off. Hey, now that you mention it, MI6 is kinda whining about the exact same thing.


    Saxasm- now this is ranting and raving and incoherent babbling.

  12. Did Oculus peace out Monster Inc because of this thread?




    Yes, but the way they spin it, this thread had absolutely nothing to do with them suddenly deciding that they needed to seek peace with MInc. None whatsoever, despite the fact that less than 24 hours after this thread was created, MInc had peace. Despite the fact that prior to this thread being created, Oculus did not even attempt to contact MInc over peace talks. So, in layman's terms, yes, this peace was the entirety of the reason behind Oculus peacing out MInc.

  13. I find it interesting how the people who were ostensibly on Mi's side are now calling for us to have refused them peace when they asked for it. Could you be more transparently using them for your own purposes?


    Actually, no one on our side is saying that at all. We are far too busy laughing at y'all for shitting yourselves over the thought of having to fight SPaTR. 


    The funniest part is how they keep dodging any question about whether they would purposefully kept Minc in war out of spite if they were in such a position.

    They want to shoot their mouths off but also don't want to look like the bad guys who would prolong a war for the sake of pettiness.


    See, the key thing here is context. Part of the reason MInc entered the war was due to y'all choosing to fight MI6/TPF/STA. If MI6/TPF/STA were ever in a position to hit someone (nowadays or even since MI6/TPF became allies) it would be for a rather damn good reason. Not the piss poor-months if not years old-twisted around and manipulated-pile of garbage y'all used as a CB. (now, going to note, I honestly don't give a shit about the CB, I am happy to be at war regardless of any reason and am having a blast right now.) So in conclusion, MI6/TPF/STA would not find itself in this situation to begin with. That is why we shoot our mouths off, as you seem wont to say. 


    There is no dodging of anything. Simply put, y'all call MI6 arrogant on a rather daily basis but your whole bloc shows a height of arrogance unknown to most alliances around. Even in this thread, despite having shat all over yourselves, you still try to make the claim that you aren't frightened. That you have hundreds of upper tier nations. You had NG gov shooting their mouths off about how much of a coward Bones is in his ultimatum thread. This is why it amuses me that y'all make some huge claim that MI6 is some uniquely arrogant/asshole of an alliance when half of your bloc are alliances displaying worse persona's than MI6 could hope to attain. VE is the only active alliance that does not display such an attitude. AB/GLoF/DT are too inactive on these forums and elsewhere really, to display such an attitude. The rest...



    I think you might be onto something here. It's almost like people don't really care whether MInc got beat up or not.


    What if...and I'm reaching here... they're pointing out that it looks silly to gleefully throw your weight around against MI6 and TPF, but suddenly turn into forgiving good guys ones BONES threatens you.


    Again, I'm just spitballing here, maybe they're actually huge MInc fans.


    This in a nutshell. I have no illwill towards MInc but neither do I harbor a huge amount of love for them. 

  14. Looking at your posts makes the Oculus DoW make much more sense.

    You laugh at how amused you are over perceived twisting, tell us our minds would be blown if you had Oculus' strength, then mumble on about narratives in some ego trip.

    Your postings are bad enough for M16 to burned down to the ground. Come up with better content to change the narrative, other than mumble about why you make a good punching bag.


    You are free to try bro. Given this war, I will most likely be in your range soon enough. As for my postings, with the craptacular shit I am given to work off of, yeah. As for a punching bag, well you would definitely know what it feels like to be a punching bag since that is literally all you are good for and have been for what, 6 years and running?

  15. I am amused at the amount of twisting being done hahahaha. Frankly, if I had the NS of Oculus behind me, I would have done so much differently y'all's minds would be blown. But hey, gotta keep with the narrative that MI6 is some master manipulative yet diplomatically inept, hyper-aggressive, weak-willed, and whatever else y'all came up with- alliance. I know it is hard to keep up all the contradictory shit you keep spreading but please, keep the spinning going. It makes the world go round. 

  16. I would assume then that a hyper-aggressive alliance such as yours would have kept poor Monsters Inc at war just out of spite for what a third party said? That's not particularly fair.


    What? Despite what you think, we aren't some uber-boogeyman with massive schemes and plots. Why would we keep Minc at war? That is their call just as it was when they entered. Just because most of us at MI6 are bemused at the last 24 hours does not mean we are going to keep anyone at war except Oculus. But glad to see y'all attempting to spread more shit about MI6. Are we that particularly scary to Oculus?

  17. It would have been impressive if there were lower expectations from Mi6. I don't think anyone doubts the fighting capability.


    Thank you for the compliment. Currently, NPO have mostly gotten to my def slots and NG all of my off slots, though 1 VE nation has graced me by hitting me. Maybe I will get a go around with an IRON nation soon? Had a blast last war, though this war has afforded me more casualties already. :D


    You seem upset. There is no need to be upset.


    Upset, you know me better than that bro. Would it have been fun for my side to watch SPATR (and apparently several other alliances possibly) slam into NPO/Occulus? Hell yeah it would have. Is it just as much fun watching Occulus soil themselves silly over the thought of fighting a war that does not involve 3 barely connected alliances? Yes, it most assuredly is. Either way, I win. Occulus looks like a bunch of idiotic children attempting to play dress up in their parents clothes. So, why would I be upset. Pixels mean nothing to me bro. Casualties mean everything and whether SPATR came in or not, I still get casualties.



    No, that's Doch when he's calm.



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