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Posts posted by Dochartaigh

  1. We don't have to, when a pending nation is considered proctected, then they get the m inc pile-driver


    yay for you. Does not mean they actually mean much overall. Just because Junka is delusional to let a bunch of inactive small nations sit on his AA does not mean that they are as important as full members. Getting a pending member to quit is usually not that hard since they aren't involved in the alliance, never on the forums or irc or anything like that. When you start getting a ton of full members that are engaged in the alliance to desert, then you can brag. Otherwise, it is (as Meth wrote): "full of crap & just hopes to get a response by stating the absurd."


    You got your response from me. So yeah. 

  2. You must be confused SNX isn't slapping me around, never mind Tywin as neither have declared on me.


    Sorry, your NS has been almost halved since you joined LN and that was right around the time LN and SNX went to war so yeah. 


    Them random statistics were looked at for nothing more than curiosity provide by Mogar and at face value for a positive or negative. Though it was interesting in the sample that everyone had a positive, there will undoubtedly be many with a negative but I'm not going to actively search for them as that wasn't the point.

    And no you're just vain, the ultimate winner would be Cuba at an educated guess.


    Yes, Cuba is most likely the first runner up. The ultimate winner will always be Admin/or the mods. 


    Doch is always full of crap & just hopes to get a response by stating the absurd. So I just ignore him these days.




    Nor has snx even dealt any damage to MInc- in fact, snx nations have deserted.


    You still don't distinguish between full members and pending, so I take most of your nonsense with a huge grain of salt. 

  3. Mogar has lost 114,996 damage and given 137,467 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 912.6 NS
    Average dealt per war: 1091ns NS

    178.4 NS damage lead per war.

    Not a massive difference, but to be fair let's compare with over motormouths on the forums:


    stonewall14 has lost 68,208 damage and given 157,049 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 362.8 NS
    Average dealt per war: 835.4 NS

    472.2 NS damage lead per war.


    Devialance has lost 37,816 damage and given 49,664 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 3781 NS
    Average dealt per war: 4966 NS

    1185 NS damage lead per war.


    the rebel has lost 107,338 damage and given 229,137 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 1192.6 NS
    Average dealt per war: 2545.9 NS

    1353.3 damage lead per war.


    Sephiroth has lost 127,160 damage and given 150,392 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 948.9 NS
    Average dealt per war: 1122.3 NS

    173.4 damage lead per war.


    Immortan Junka has lost 9,845 damage and given 36,520 damage in nation strength.

    Average loss per war: 82.7 NS
    Average dealt per war: 306.8 NS

    224.1 damage lead per war.


    ...and I got bored, but all are winners. But read what you want as was curious with Mogars request.


    I have a 1964.16 damage lead per war. Does that make me the ultimate winner???

  4. Thing is, I don't hate Doom, I do however think their own actions have cost them a significant number of swing alliances, no attempts to atone for past actions that made said swing alliances wary, and being so open about supporting a rogue's actions a few weeks ago. There is a right and wrong way to play politics, and signing ODPs with everyone is not a viable strategy to prevent a curbstomp in this world.


    If you think DK is being judged by the fact that they are supporting Junka is slapping around Meth/Hitchcock/therebel, then it is most likely positive and not negative. You are about the only non LPWtf-ever person to take Meth's side in this war. Most don't care and are loving the fact that SNX and LN/Minc/animalz are being crushed by each other. Some of us are actually more tired of Meth/co and want to see them actually shut the fuck up for a short time.


    You can pretend as though your alliance didn't heavily support an OOC attack rogue and that is going to have long term consequences to your FA, but we both know it's true.


    Yeah, I don't think you know as much about this as you think you do. How about you don't stick your nose into situations where it not only does not belong but is not wanted by the parties that were involved. kthnxbai

  5. With Junka in the very lowest tiers, do any of the other tiers even matter? That's where his focus will be anyways.  When SNX has a leader which can be taken seriously, we can have serious peace dialogue. Until then I'll enjoy doing what we do for as long as it lasts. Junka has given us plenty of motivation to fight, since warnings don't work for him.


    Wait, if Junka can't be taken seriously, are you and hitchock going to step down since both of you are larger jokes than Junka?

  6. I'll be honest and tell you I really dislike clown car.  I'll keep that honesty and tell you I love finding ways to point out how full of !@#$ Tywin is.  The problem here is that if I root against one, I am implicitly rooting for the other.


    On the other hand, I have always found WC to be most pleasant.


    Is there any combination that would make this delightful little romp more enjoyable for me?  I'm not sure.


    I will say this to the DOOM side.  Having fought clown car on two occasions, I'll tell you they will claim victory because you will have knocked them down so far that you literally cannot find anybody to declare on them.


    Good luck with that.


    Looks like they already did claim victory for hitting mostly pending members and a decent amount of inactives.

  7. Yeah I've said that Minc are targeting pending nations and noobs for easy stats, but arent actually hurting the Imperium itself much at all. Thanks for pointing out the actual stats Dochartaigh.


    No probs. I don't mind doin stats on occasion. I just dislike the any talk of victory without hard stats to prove it. Currently, given the fact that there are around 20 nations in SNX that Minc/animalz/LN simply cannot touch (large nations that can make aid rain on the smaller nations) SNX could probably take on all 3 on its own. The war would be brutal for SNX's lower tier though, there is no doubt bout it. But now, add in TAO and DK (possibly TSO/Roman Empire) and Meth's coalition is simply outgunned, outclassed, outnumbered, outdone. 


    Plus, seriously, meth/co need to stop with putting up a new thread bout this war whenever they feel something changed. There are 3 by Meth, 1 by LH, 1 by you, 1 by Mogar, and 1 by DK. Enough is more than enough. 3 threads were all that were necessary until the peace terms thread. instead we have 3 completely unnecessary thread by meth/co and 1 by mogar. 

  8. Lookin at the stats- 22 out of 32 wars against SNX (as in defensive slots for SNX) for animalz/minc/LN are all on pending members of SNX. That means less than a 1/3rd are on full members of SNX. So, to claim victory is pretty ridiculous from that standpoint. Also, 8 out of 22 of those wars are on obviously inactive pending members. So 1/4 of the total wars against anyone on the SNX AA are against obviously inactive members who would be considered easy targets that won't fight back. 


    So if you laughably want to make the claim of victory, it will definitely be with a huge asterisk next to it. What I would like to know is the damage ratio against just the 10 full members of SNX vs the inactives and pending. if you wish to claim victory then show those stats. 

  9. Congrats :)

    o/ SDS

    o/ NG

    Thank you to NG for being good protectors and we are glad we can continue this friendship :)

    I am the founder and I dunno either :(

    Here are some alternative names:

    The Stew Crew

    Caustic's Strippers

    Non Grata: The Cool Version

    The We Haven't Rolled Them Yet?

    The Evil Non Grata



    Animalz was just one of their random raids, we won't declare on them for it :P


    You should go with Non Grata: Caustic's Strippers Edition. That just sounds phenomenal.

  10. Looks like your protectorate attacked him then needed you to bail him out to me.


    actually lookin at the wars, Animalz hits SNX first. So yeah. 



    jeeez, M Inc fought NPO (and out-damaged them) because we thought Oculus was an unfair coalition against MI6 and TPF and now here you are wanting to purge us... hypocrites


    How is anyone hypocrites when you guys came in on your own volition? MI6/TPF/STA did not call you in, did not ask you to join, and none of them had a treaty with you then or now. You guys stuck it out for like a round maybe a round and a half and left the war. So, you barely did a damn thing in that war whether you outdamaged NPO or not. 


    I'm not sure who the bigger tool is, WC getting used by Junka or if DK has been using SNX as a base on Brown to try undermining us with from the start; with Junka just doing as he's told.


    Either way, its pathetic neither is willing to call this aggressive assault on the LPC what it is and both are still trying to fabricate reasons to call it defensive. If they want to fight, that's fine. However the least they can do is be direct on the reasons, instead of both acting like fools.


    I highly doubt DK gives two shits about you or LPC. No one but you and yours are saying this is aggressive action on Junka's part. Why? Because it is not aggressive on his part. Your reasoning for why it is aggressive dismisses the fact that Animalz hit SNX first. Thus, the war is aggressive on their part and your entrance is aggressive by default.

  11. From an outsiders perspective- I agree with Junka on this one. If meth had not so loudly proclaimed all over the place that he controls LPCN and that if anyone hits his allies that he would hit them (so if SNX retaliated against Animalz- Meth would come in regardless as we have seen repeatedly in the past) doing a pre-emptive strike against LN is only natural. It does not detract from the overall defensive nature of the war against SNX however. If Meth would actually attempt diplomacy without his ego getting involved, then he may find himself at peace more often but instead meth leads with an ego that even Junka can't match, thus, war. 


    The problem with this line of thinking is that there is a point where nobody can continue to hit them.  Then you'll get ceaseless threads and posts about how they won because they had been knocked down so far they were out of range of 3-day old nations.


    We would get endless threads during the war about how they are winning despite every single statistic suggesting otherwise. Look at what we get with them now... It would be one thing if this shit popped up on occasion to alleviate boredom but between tywin/meth/lord hitchcock/stonewall/rey there is so many "slam my head into a wall" style threads/posts that the OWF is a garbage pile of unintelligent and insane ramblings. I am all for micro drama to feel the void between the annual "global" war but this is just a handful of micros who continuously do the same stupid shit over and over and over again and all with delusions of grandeur that would get them locked away for life in another realm. It was cute when it was 3 or 4 years ago but seriously, it just needs to end. Find another friggin thing to do, disappear for a bit and come in with something fresh. This act is beyond stale and crusty which is why all it does is annoy the ever-friggin shit out of damn near everybody. (fyi- not aimed at you smurth, just so you know).

  13. Trust me your opinion is not exclusive, Mogar and I know I'm the last person that needs to tell you this, you and I both know this comes down to math, and mathematically it's damn near impossible to disinfect the brown sphere, if it could have been done, we would have done it, but after our resident bean counter ran his projections and models factoring in every variable you could think of, it became quite clear what the right business move was.

    Consider the Brown Team the middle east, GATO and Atlas being Israel and well I'm sure you can fill in the rest. it's a war that is unwinnable and will last for 100's of years.


    actually, if you leave GATO/Atlas out of this and just focus on whatever alliances Junka/Methrage are in then the disinfection can be easily completed. The only issue comes from DK being protector of SNX. So, start the purge with Methrage/lpwtfe and wait patiently.

  14. It effected the entire Brown Team, the III% backed Brown Treaty was cancelled & I'm just giving my suggestion. I don't think there were any events which had a bigger impact on a large amount of players. Maybe you should suggest something which had a bigger impact than completely changing the political landscape of a color? (Also the war by III% eventually causing a chain reaction of wars which eventually included SRA, Kashmir & many other alliances in the longest war of the year I think also makes it noteworthy beyond the Brown Aspect. Kashmir broke off with their protectorate & attacked them viciously during the conflict. some opponents like The Dark Emperor fought me at least 5 rounds.)


    I'm well aware me being involved makes me likely biased and for those events to stand out, but I haven't been able to think of any major events other than that. The war on M16 you guys were saying was going to happen for so long before it did, I would hardly call that an event of huge controversy, also them winning without much oppossition makes me think it doesn't qualify as the biggest political mistake. Although if there were events more noteworthy than all the changes on the Brown Team, I don't think what happened on Brown should be picked just because I was involved. If someone suggests something which fits the criteria better, I would likely vote for it. I just don't see any being suggested.


    Damn America and their war on guns... Anyways, the brown sphere is meh. Any sphere is meh at this point in the game. I agree with Hakai on the fact that very little was done. Even Oculus was barely a thing really. Most of the alliances involved were already tied to one another. 

  15. There is a sliver of truth to your joke in if I ignore everything I've accomplished or been involved in, I can't really think of anything note worthy beyond maybe Oculus getting signed. Although most noteworthy event isn't a category, but biggest political mistake and biggest controversy should include something noteworthy.

    For biggest political mistake, I think its a close one between III% attacking me over wanting to control every seat in the Senate (Had they not sanctioned and attacked me, we could have co-existed peacefully), SRA deciding to keep fighting after III% percent peaced out despite III% securing white peace for SRA also as part of our deal (SRA is gone and was in bad shape even before Walsh got deleted for unrelated reasons, also they lost control over the situation so they couldn't agree to white peace) or Jack Layton (along with the alliance formally known as Kashmir) turning on the LPC & Monsters Inc.

    I consider those all part of one big war, even if our main opponents in it changed throughout; since all of it was a result of III% attacking & SRA joining them in their attack. So if we consider all of those to be the be one long event, I would consider that the biggest controversy. So someone said LPC-SRA Conflict for biggest controversy, but I would consider that war to include our conflict with the alliance SRA attacked us to assist & everyone who attacked to assist SRA or assist those brought in by SRA). They all link together.


    There is a huge difference between significant event of 2015 for all of Cybernations and significant event just for you. anything dealing with you is not noteworthy (except to mock and ridicule) to the rest of us. Ever. 

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