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Posts posted by Dochartaigh

  1. Hey, I am bored right before going off to work, so I scanned through the negotiation thread:


    These are the terms offered by Walsh and agreed upon by SirWilliam and others on their side:


    "Monsters, Inc. surrenders unconditionally to the forces of the Screaming Red Asses and Kashmir."


    By unconditionally, I mean exactly that: No conditions.

    No disbandment (this was never a goal, nor was "extermination", whatever that means.)

    No fake apology

    No fake admissions of guilt or wrongdoing

    No reps

    No !@#$%^&*


    I will add four caveats to this:


    1)     If we are going to end this, I would much prefer end the whole thing at once.  You entered for your allies, and I am a little disinclined to let you off the hook without them exiting as well.  LN is really just Methrage and a few non-factor nations -- in fact, the CA/LN side of the coalition is largely down to three bigs from CA and Methrage, who each have the means to carry this on in the low levels for some time, and buy up as they need to.


    Monsters to a large extent has done the burning for your coalition, and due to being at war for the better part of three months does not have the means to carry on effectively.  If you are released to rebuild, where is my leverage to bring the other side of the war to a conclusion?  I assume they have some conscience, and realize that Monsters has borne the brunt of their war.  Once you have peace, they can carry on guilt free.  


    There is virtually no way I can negotiate anything with Sigrun or Meth at this point, so you (or a third party like Caustic) may have to do the talking to them if what I said above sounds reasonable.


    2)    If all coalition members are involved, that might shift dynamics somewhat, and will have to caucus with Kashmir.  They are not at war with the other members, but have been a time or two with Meth and might want additional safeguards.


    3)     The above should be taken with the context that I will likely give great credence to Sir William's thoughts on the matter, which may differ.  He's pretty reasonable, though.


    4)     SRA is not engaged with aNiMaLz at this juncture, so I will defer completely to Sir William on that front.



    SirWilliam has also agreed to these terms for aNiMaLz. 


    So, as can be seen, the terms are basically white peace without the terms white peace being used. 


    Ken your chance to be involved in this passed you by when you sat on your hands till my NS went too low.  You're going to have to wait for your next chance.


    Also if we arent winning why this propaganda push to get us to accept terms hmm?


    I would wager it is boredom since most of the NS against you cannot be used since y'all too small. It is really that simple. 

  3. To be fair, it could have just as easily been your supporters spreading it as your opponents. Both sides actually say the same thing or near enough to the same thing just that your supporters think you have the right to say a racial slur whenever you please under whatever context you please. Your opponents don't think you have that right. The story though stays the same regardless. 

  4. I did forget about FAN which only proves that Meth and Sigrun are spinning their wheels. FAN is much larger than SRA thus Meth treats the situation vastly different. Meth thought he could get away with hitting SRA and is now bitching and crying about having to deal with the consequences. Can't handle the consequences, don't push the war button.

  5. I can't even remember the last time I responded to you before this thread. I was just a little surprised on how mixed up you could be on basic facts, but it explains a lot if you're acting like an idiot on purpose. There is also no point in responding to you further.


    What is funny is that you still think I am the one that is mixed up on basic facts. Though I am not at all surprised by that fact. 

  6. Except that MI6 has worked hard to build up this image of being "le thick-skinned arrogant ***holes" so trying to coddle people seems hypocritical at best. Also, if you don't see derogatory terms being flung around you aren't paying attention. They may be trying to crack down on it now, but the fact of the matter is it was for a long time a commonplace thing (as well as in IAA1 and 2, from which MI6 derives so much of its roots to the point that the URL IAA3 redirects to the MI6 boards) so to suddenly act like it's some horrible thing we need to shield everyone's eyes from is absurd.


    Also, you seem to have missed my earlier point which I made by recalling a similar incident on the Invicta boards. Go have a look and get back to me.


    Inner Heaven can only be reached by buying me dinner first.


    Yes because being like you is a good thing... As for missing anything, since I have been in MI6 consistently for over 2 years now and was in IAA2.0 for around a year or so, I saw many insults true but no racial slurs like nigger or any such on the boards of either one. There is a difference between derogatory terms and racial slurs. You should learn them. 


    As for Invicta, I don't give two shits what happened on Invicta's boards but apparently you went on some sort of racist spree there as well. Great job of not looking like a jackass and racist. 


    You talk about friendship, I like you and think we are friends. That being said, when you are being stupid and a jackass, I will tell you as much. In this case, you should have probably stepped back and realized you were in the wrong and accepted it. Instead, you rogue MI6 like an idiot. You then create this thread and attempt to spread lies and misinformation about leadership in MI6 as well as MI6 as a whole. And to boot, you did not answer my question but instead ignored it. Though I guess that is an answer in and of itself. It also shows that you know what you did was wrong but still refuse to admit it.

  7. I try to avoid responding to you most of the time, since you always have a very negative attitude. Although I think you've done more complaining than me over this war. Most of my posting has just been to counter some of the lies and spin being put out there by SRA and people like yourself who believe them.


    Actually, I am mostly just bored and you are a rather easy target. You are delusional and probably actually believe what you say to be true. This makes it more fun. It should be wrong and I should be sorry to pick on someone like you and Sigrun (who is also basically delusional) but you two work yourselves into this froth-mouthed tizzy that is fun to watch. though therebel tries to act the same way, he seems force it instead of it just coming natural like with you and sigrun. therebel can only ever be a poser compared to you and sigrun.

  8. Why would this be the case, other than maybe Walsh telling you this? Why should Walsh determine my response when his alliance is attacking me? There is no precedent for it being permissible for alliances to let certain members attack other alliances, then being able to tell that alliance they can only retaliate against the members attacking directly. 


    You clearly have not been paying much attention to CN have you? It is called raiding. Though for that, we have to get into the very grey area of what defines an alliance, which varies from alliance to alliance and even from nation to nation. 


    Also, I am very certain that in at least one war, an alliance being hit only attacked the members that directly attacked it, in order to limit the engagement so that said alliance being hit would not be obliterated. 


    Walsh, as has been pointed out by you yourself, did not attempt to determine your response. You even stated that Walsh said that you had a valid CB against SRA. You, as a smart leader though, should have realized, that your alliance could not handle such a war, particularly given that you had just finished a war (or were in the process of finishing one). Your alliance was in no shape to actually go to war against SRA. Now we have you whining about the war that you, yourself started when it could have been easily avoided. Sometimes taking the easier path is the better way. 


    Frankly, you could have easily worked on retaliation against Dre4m while your alliance rebuilt some and then gone after SRA. But then, you could not have complained nearly as loud about the resulting war you created.

  9. Walsh also said Dreamweaver's attack was an act of war in any rational leader's book, so we had a valid CB against them. Xanth & Tyrian AA hopping to attack us during this, then being back in SRA before the Dreamweaver War was even over jjust added more fuel to the fire.


    I'm not sure how you see politics, but when an alliance leader lets their alliance heirs attack the leader of another alliance and their members (while refusing to put a stop to it when diplomacy is tried); that's starting a war. I doubt M16 would allow members of another alliance to attack them freely and keep the war limited to just the nations attacking directly; if the alliance they are in clearly support the attacks and are sending them aid to assist in their war against you.


    Actually, we had this scenario when MI6 fought Kaskus/NEW. We had CommanderBean and Bobdole hit our largest nation at the time. Bean and Bobdole were/are DBDC members. When MI6 went to DBDC, we were told that no one was allowed to hit Bean or Bobdole and if anyone did, DBDC would retaliate. For insurance, DBDC stuck Bones on Kaskus's AA. So, we got our allies to help end the raid by Bean and Bobdole and instead of getting our upper tier obliterated by DBDC/allies, we opted to not hit Bean or Bobdole. 


    So, to sum it up, we did what any forward-thinking, rational-minded, alliance would do. Not get obliterated for some stupid fucked up reason. You are none of the former as you have shown repeatedly. You seem to care very little for anyone other than yourself as is shown by how often you allow your members to suffer in wars to stroke your ego. I am not sure how you see politics but I see politics as a more than just herr derr let's war everyone!!!!!!! If I were ever in your position, I would have just hit Dre4m and obliterated him using whatever aid was sent to him to fuel my war effort. Instead, you allowed your small nations, most of whom have nations under 1 year of age, to get slammed. Yes, you are truly an inspirational leader. Letting your small nations do much of the heavy lifting, while your heavily wondered nation can rebuild much easier than they could ever hope considering how often you cause them to go to war. No wonder you have no nation with an AA seniority over 30 days right now. Most have probably grown sick and tired of you and your ego-driven wars and either left the AA or left CN for good. Yes, truly and deeply inspiring.




    Now if only you can convince him of that.


    Convince him of what? That Meth is allowed to retaliate against Dre4m and Dre4m only? That LN is allowed to do the same against Dre4m and Dre4m only? I am fairly certain that Walsh has never contradicted that. It is Meth that needs to be convinced otherwise since he somehow mistook that to mean he was capable of hitting any other member of SRA and not have anything happen. 


    Basically we have this timeline:


    Dre4m hits Meth. 

    Walsh states that Dre4m is a rogue and meth can treat him as such, though Dre4m is not booted from the AA. 

    LN/Meth then begin hitting other members of SRA causing escalation.

    SRA retaliate against LN/Meth. 

    Kashmir joins SRA in retaliation against LN/Meth. 



    So, as I previously stated, if LN/Meth had not hit any other member of SRA, we would not be having this conversation. Instead, LN/Meth hit other members of SRA thus causing the escalation that made SRA/Kashmir enter the situation and now we are having this conversation. So in the end, it is meth's fault for failing to comprehend who Dre4m is since other people were hit that were, in fact, not Dre4m.

  11. On the one side we have what actually happened, documented on the war screens and in conversations at the time.


    On the other side we have what Walsh would now like everyone to believe happened. Which has changed a few times and may well change again.


    Walsh said what he said on the OWF. There is no changing it. So, on one side, we have what you and Meth like to claim, which is only a partial fact. Then we have the entire story that shows that your partial fact is only that, partial. If we take the story as a whole, it shows that you and Meth are lying by making an attempt at proposing a partial fact as the entire story. 

  12. That's the spin you want to put on it, but the truth shown by the war screen is SRA attacked first. What SRA said didn't matter when they condoned the attack and aided him to maximize damage while he was hitting me. The 2 other SRA members who switched AAs to attack during this won't be shown on the war screens as SRA attacks, but the war screens still show SRA attacking first.


    There is no spin. Walsh, the leader of SRA, said flat out that you can hit Dre4m all you want. You then hit SRA in response. What you fail to comprehend is that, despite what an absolute mess this shit is, it is not black and white. You keep trying to make it black and white. There is grey there and you ignore it because that grey shows that you are lying through your teeth. This is one of the main reasons I stopped supporting your antics years back. You showed yourself to be a conniving, manipulative trickster when alliances like TOP paid GOONs off to save your skin just to have you turn around and hit GOONs again. Then you go back to TOP to try to have them pay GOONs off a second time. 


    There is a reason why you only have new nations (who don't know any better), delusional nations (like Sigrun and therebel), and yourself supporting you. Damn near everyone else is against you. Here I am defending SRA and Kashmir when I could give two shits about either alliance, who in reality I, as a member of MI6, have usually only had negative interactions when one another or no interaction at all. And yet, here I am, defending them because you are one of those people who can really unite CN, no matter where the nation/alliances lie on the treaty web. 

  13. So comparisons can only be made between two things of precisely equal nature? Good luck with that. If you can't separate the logic from the severity, that betrays a lack of objectivity on your end.


    You stated that you would tell insensitive jokes around friends you knew (or thought) would be okay with it, which implies that you would not tell these same jokes around other groups of people. Why? Why is it okay around one group of people but not another group? Could it be that the other group of people would think it was racist? 


    Now, you talk about MI6, which is an alliance of over 100 people, most of whom are active on the forums and most of whom you probably do not know all that well. Yet, you made that joke. One I personally did not see but am going to assume that if you were standing in front of 100 people of mixed ethnicity, of which you only knew a handful, you probably would not have made that same joke. 


    What is even more amusing, as someone who patrons the MI6 forums damn near every day, I don't see the racial slur at all. I have read most of the forums and threads over my ~2 years there and have not seen really anyone throwing that racial slur around as if it is some common use word. I was going to avoid this thread but a lot of things are being said that, as what amounts to an outsider of the situation itself but insider to MI6 itself, are wrong. Overall, MI6 argues amongst itself and it does get dirty and heated but I don't see any racial slurs being thrown around casually by anyone. 

  14. The war screens show me SRA attacked LN before we struck back and Kashmir also attacked Limitless Nexus before we hit them back. So I'm not sure what war screens you're looking at.


    Actually it shows that Dre4mwe4ver hit you. What it does not show and what you refuse to acknowledge is that SRA said that you were free to hit Dre4mwe4ver all you wanted but they would not kick him off of the AA. So in response to this, you hit other members of SRA... So yes, the war screens can lie. Had you kept the war limited to Dre4mwe4ver, then SRA would not have become involved. You did not do this. Had SRA not gotten involved, then Kashmir would not have gotten involved. So you and Sigrun are lying. 


    You can keep spinning the truth all you want but a month after the fact does not make your lies any more true. 

  15. Let's not talk about 'most incidents' let's talk about one specific incident. This one. He was attacked. He negotiated for a week. He got nothing but more attacks and taunts. He finally called in his friends. Just how does that constitute 'aggression' on his part?


    You make no sense.


    Negotiation means more than demanding white peace. Negotiation means both sides move towards the middle. Meth has not done that so no, he has not negotiated shit. As for this incident, he moved onto a sphere that had a senate agreement and he broke that agreement. They have every right to hit him for breaking said agreement. If he did not want to be hit, he would not have moved to Brown and broken the senate agreement. 


    So no, I make sense. It is you who have been nonsensical for several years now. 

  16. Do you think we need to be 'relevant' before it's ok for us to defend ourselves?


    Most of the situations that Meth has found himself in is because of his own doing. He goes out of his way to antagonize anyone he possibly can and then tries to play the victim card when he has to finally pay the check for his actions. As for you, geez man. You are like some brainwashed sycophant mixed with a lovesick puppy. You hero worship meth like he is your entire reason for living. It was amusing when he first did this shit years ago, then it was just meh, now it is just plain annoying. 


    You have just gotten more and more pathetic as time went on. You are delusional and completely blind when it comes to anything meth related. Maybe if you kept meth on a leash, you would not have to "defend" yourselves do often. 

  17. White peace is a generous offer considering all the acts of aggression against us unprovoked, but I'm willing to put an end to this if you guys are serious about peace. SRA hasn't won and Kashmir sticking their nose in further doesn't change that.


    This, this undeserved ego considering all the ridiculous and idiotic things you do, is one of the main reasons why I am down for you having to decom wonders. If you would just finally admit that you are some irrelevant, crazy, and usually stupid schmuck, then I would have more sympathy for you. Instead, you consistently act like you do nothing wrong and all the while, it is your idiot friends who suffer for backing you dumbass up. You have probably caused more nations to delete because they go to bat for you and end up getting wrecked in return before they finally realize that you are batshit insane and stupid.

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