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Posts posted by smurthwaite

  1. 1st, good show, VE.  I support your declaration of support.


    Also, do people really question VE's conviction?  In what war have they not fought full speed ahead.  I've been on the same side and on the opposite side, and never have they lacked for effort.


    /me facepalms at people who don't see this, and those who want to convict them of some crime because VE doesn't have the same hide in peace mode philosophy.

  2. The New Sith Order has not made any official statements for or against any person(s) or parties involved in LPH's internal disputes. That Parandiac decided to come here to air laundry that was cleared between his nation and mine over 24 hours ago is sad to say the least. Although, I have to say that having NPL supporting Deebo's leadership is probably the biggest black mark against him in my book. ;)


    I think you better reread our comments in this thread son.  We think both parties are moronic.  The fact that you somehow can't read isn't our problem.  Better luck next time.

  3. I'm the leader. Anytime NPL wants to compare guns, we're always up to beat you again.


    I'm confused by "again."  As far as I know NPL and LPH have never fought.  If so, it was so uninspiring that I don't even remember having changed my defcon.  I'm not sure your AA should have confidence in you as a leader if you are making up victories...



    And now you have made me agree with Rey, in calling no confidence.  I feel so dirty.

  4. CSN was my first AA.  It raised me from the noob, threw me into the fire along side GATO, IAA, and USN in the GATO-1Vision War.  Took me to ZI on the CSN-LoSS front, and supported the NPL when we were trying to get our feet under us.  I personally find this day a bit sad and certainly nostalgic.


    CSN earned a sanction back in the day of mega alliances, when the likes of the trash and trolls in this thread don't have the honor to come out of the shadows other than to sling mud and embarrass themselves with their lack of class.  While CSN may have gone from sleeping giant to to sleeping micro, those who stuck with it in the end continued to live by the code under which they were founded.


    NPL appreciates the friendship CSN bestowed upon us when we were young and making stupid mistakes, and wants those of you who may ever need ANYTHING to know we will answer the call.






    edit:  spelling is hard

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