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Posts posted by Cerridwyn

  1. New players come to CN looking for somewhere special that they can belong. Experienced players often find that the place they called home isn't anymore. In both cases, if that is you, you are alliance searching. Looking for a special place. A place that meets your needs and where you can belong.

    What are you seeking in your new home? Are you looking for an alliance that is friendly? Open? Has a place for you to grow, not just your nation, but you as a player. A place that gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate?

    Are you seeking a peaceful place? One that does not get involved in global warfare and let's you be you.

    If that describes you, you are looking for Pax Corvus. We are a growing neutral black team based alliance who values community, equality, neutrality and integrity. (and coffee. well, some of us value coffee.)


    Some come on over and visit us at: http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/

    Have a cup of coffee, make yourself at home.

  2. [size="7"]Do you have the courage to walk the path of peace?[/size]


    We not only talk the walk, we walk the talk. Know Pax, Know Peace


    Come for the coffee
    Stay because it's home.

  3. Well sir, while we are nearly 2 years of age, we are not yet in the top 36, but working on it steadily. We value integrity, community, equality and neutrality. We are a meritocracy. If you want to work at it, we'll give you the job.


    Growing peacefully since 2010
    Come for the coffee, stay because it's home.

  4. [size="7"]Do you have the courage to walk the path of peace?[/size]


    We not only talk the walk, we walk the talk. Know Pax, Know Peace


  5. New players come to CN looking for somewhere special that they can belong. Experienced players often find that the place they called home isn't anymore. In both cases, if that is you, you are alliance searching. Looking for a special place. A place that meets your needs and where you can belong.

    What are you seeking in your new home? Are you looking for an alliance that is friendly? Open? Has a place for you to grow, not just your nation, but you as a player. A place that gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate?

    Are you seeking a peaceful place? One that does not get involved in global warfare and let's you be you.

    If that describes you, you are looking for Pax Corvus. We are a growing neutral black team based alliance who values community, equality, neutrality and integrity. (and coffee. well, some of us value coffee.)


    Some come on over and visit us at: http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/

    Have a cup of coffee, make yourself at home.

  6. Hello there and welcome to Cybernations.

    I'm going to tell you a quick bit about us then about what else you need to think about.

    Pax Corvus is a peaceful alliance on the black team that accepts all colors. We value integrity, community, equality and neutrality. We are loosely based on a celtic clan system and are a meritocracy. Our word is our bond. We are not yet 2 years old, have less than 60 members but are growing. Our forums are at:

    In your search for an alliance you have to take a look at what that alliance stands for. Some are there too party. Some are raiders. Some are peaceful. Read the charters of the ones that interest you the most. It's not an absolute way to know what they are really like, but it's a start.

    I wish you good luck on your search.

  7. [size="7"]Do you have the courage to walk the path of peace?[/size]


    We not only talk the walk, we walk the talk. Know Pax, Know Peace


  8. [i]I couldn't resist answering this.[/i]

    1. Which side of Great War III did your alliance fight for?

    2. Which side of the Karma war did your alliance fight for?

    3. What is your alliance's opinion of wars that have taken place in the past?
    [i]Few served a rational purpose[/i]

    4. What is your alliance's opinion of the potential of war in the future?
    [i]Most will have a trumped up CB[/i]

    5. What is your alliance's opinion on the distribution of power? Should single alliances be able to rule with an iron fist, or should there be a more equal distribution of power throughout all alliances and nations?
    [i]Rule what with an iron fist? Themselves? if they wish, all of Bob, nay, it should be a free world a world of choices.[/i]

    6. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being poor, 10 being superb) how helpful would you rate your alliance?
    [i]Helpful to whom? Our members, new players, our friends? I would give us a 7.5 to ourselves. We could do better.[/i]

    We not only talk the walk, we walk the talk. Know Pax, Know Peace


  9. New players come to CN looking for somewhere special that they can belong. Experienced players often find that the place they called home isn't anymore. In both cases, if that is you, you are alliance searching. Looking for a special place. A place that meets your needs and where you can belong.

    What are you seeking in your new home? Are you looking for an alliance that is friendly? Open? Has a place for you to grow, not just your nation, but you as a player. A place that gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate?

    Are you seeking a peaceful place? One that does not get involved in global warfare and let's you be you.

    If that describes you, you are looking for Pax Corvus. We are a growing neutral black team based alliance who values community, equality, neutrality and integrity. (and coffee. well, some of us value coffee.)


    Some come on over and visit us at: http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/

    Have a cup of coffee, make yourself at home.

  10. You can look at the threads here as well, it will often tell you things about and alliance, especially the first post in any thread. Most alliances post their charter which will tell you quite a bit about them. You can also reply and ask a question or two to those recruitment threads, see what they do when you ask them about their alliances

    Welcome to CN

  11. Tired of being treated like a second class citizen?


    If you are looking for a place that will value you for being you.

    Come to #Pax




    Come for the coffee
    Stay, because it's home

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