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Invandrare Sämhalle - An Adventure

Elrich von Richt

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Map of the Proposed Joint Research Settlement/Colony of Invandrare Sämhalle

Elrich von Richt has recently observed the situation surrounding the continent of Antartica with interest. The region is clearly unique from the rest of the world, both in climate and wildlife. A proposed joint research base/colonial settlement has come up recently within talks in the Troika, and the Senat. The discussion has mainly revolved around how a research settlement could benefit both future nations in Antartica, the world, and Norman science and biology. A colonial settlement has also been discussed in order to test the liveability of the environment for those not used to, or adapted to it over a long period of time, as well as provide a home for some of the growing Norman population who do not wish to live within the homeland. The research base to be located in the proposed settlement has also lead Norman leaders to question the possibility of national cooperation, and scientists from various countries could join in, and research at the base. When asked to comment further, von Richt only stated, "We view this move not as an imperialistic or expansionist one, but as a way to provide new opportunities in a new land for some of our poorer, or less fortunate citizens. We also view it as a step towards possible national cooperation [at the research base.]" While Norman ships have not yet sailed for the mysterious land, a petition has been drawn up by the government and some citizens, a total currently of upwards to 300, have signed up to take part in this. These potential settlers come from various professions and trades, and include architectural, medical, and business fielded civilians. Support has already been gained by some allied nations towards this venture, but the colony and research settlement is still up for debate and discussion among the Norman government.

OOC: Just seeing if anyone is willing to both participate in the research base, and allow this colonies existence before I go through with it.

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Rakata has examined the project and while debate in the Imperial Parliament was vigorous, legislation has passed that approves for funding of an expedition of Rakatan origin. We are willing to contribute supplies, trucks, cold weather gear and pre fabricated shelters for this expedition. We will also contribute ecological studies gear to examine the effects pollution, green house gases, as well as carbon dioxide emissions are having on the environ there. So far about 250 settlers have volunteered, and we expect about another 100 by the end of the week, as enthusiasm is high.

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With recent foreign support, and the increasing volunteers through the Norman national inquiry/petition, the expedition has been given the green light, and cargo ships have begun setting off for the new colony. Norman ships, have set to meet up with Rakatan ships off the coastline, so that the research base can be constructed. Settlers will then depart, and construction of the colonial capital, Invandrarestad, will begin.

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Norman ships arrived later, and settlers have made landfall. Other dockings have taken place on the two smaller islands west of the main settlement, both have been named Vinter Ö and Frihet Ö, respectively. As Norman settlers made their way off the boat, they greeted their Yuthuran friends, and began setting up tents for the research base. Plans were made for a dock/port off the main settlement, and the research base was to be made not far inland from in.

As Norman settlers began charting the location, they enjoyed noticing how interesting the wildlife was here. Plans were made after the location was scouted to place the capital within the center of the main settlement area. These civilians now began building, and wondered how their new life would stand here.

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Two districts were being set up to allow for the mingling and then separation of both nations. It was desiged as a home away from home for each culture. The one for the Czech's was built by the Rakatan settlers, and they also assisted in the construction of the Norman district. Together they worked into the evening hours as the final touches were placed on the camp and all of the Prefab shelters were assembled.

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As the districts were set-up and put in place, the erecting of semi-permanent homes had begun. The Normans had only brought a pre-set amount of pre-fabricated housing, and split it according to number, among with Rakatan and Norman civilians. von Richt was pleased to hear the status of the colonial capital, and the settlement of both isles.

Many Norman civilians enjoyed intermingling with their Rakatan counterparts, and while this was a Norman colony, and the research base was Norman run, they viewed the Rakatan civilians as equals, regardless of nationality and otherwise. They were doing the same work as Norman civilians to get Invandrarestad built. Supplies had been brought on the ship, including marble, wood, food, and other needs. The Norman settlers, now contempt with the current state of living, began constructing two of their believed centerpieces of the town. The town hall was to be made of marble, and also stand as the government building for the settlement as a whole. Another centerpiece was a statue that erected, showing two men lifting up a block together, and laying the foundations of the city (one Rakatan, one Norman, respectively). With the preparations set, and tents and supplies for the research base prepared, a call came to all nations interested, and it was a simple one. "If you wish to take part in research within the Antarctic continent, come to the one currently existant in Invandrare Samhälle, and join us as brothers, regardless of nationality."

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Upon hearing the call, dozens of indivisduals, many scientists, indicated a willingness to join the colony.

"If any individuals from our nation wish to take part in this experiment, they may do so with my blessing," Administrator Anderson said simply.

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Much of the gear that the Rakatans had brought with them was set up. Ecological studies gear, along with core sampling devices and various oceanography and ice testing equipment as well. A day of testing the various depths of ice around the capital was conducted and Rakatan scientists are beginning to sift through the myriad lines of data they gleaned from the tests.

On the development side, much of the Rakatan district is completed and daily activities such as fishing, wood gathering and quarry work were seen throughout the day. Citizens work side by side, regardless of national affiliations and both were seen to coexist in a spirit of cooperation, friendship and peace.

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The purpose of the research base itself is to study the Antarctic continent, and effects various human living conditions may bring upon it. Observing the wildlife is also key, so that we may better understand the conditions of this frozen land, and the creatures that inhabit it.

As the day began to continue, reports came in from the outside, both from the Norman homeland, and from international radio stations. Civilians had begun hearing that Promised Land citizens would begin arriving and would dock tomorrow. They were ecstatic, as was Presidenten von Richt. The colonial settlement was not only a new start for so many of these people, with fresh opportunities, it was also a united community. Invandrarestad was looking glorious, and the monuments to this triumph, the statue and town hall, had been erected. However, the interior of the town hall was not yet finished. All was beautiful, some plants had been tested for survivability within this semi-harsh climate, and the town square had been established around the statue. The Rakatan and Norman districts looked beautiful to those who had worked at it so hard. Plans were made for a commercial center, with shops, and the port construction was underway.

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The purpose of the research base itself is to study the Antarctic continent, and effects various human living conditions may bring upon it. Observing the wildlife is also key, so that we may better understand the conditions of this frozen land, and the creatures that inhabit it.

Why not simply ask the nations that call the continent their home? A rather less costly route than setting up a colony.

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The Corpocratic Federation of North America expresses interest in the arctic adventure. They would gladly invest in your colony, so long as they recieve access to any arctic resources discovered in the region, aswell as a full transit treaty in the colonial waters if said resources should be found.

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With little fanfare, the ship containing Promised Land's entrants into this project arrived in the harbor. The ship carried not only approximately 80 new would-be settlers, but also materials to contribute in their own way--construction supplies suited to the cold terrain, food, medical supplies among them.

Thogh they arrived with little fanfare, they had many hopes based on this venture.

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Although the small amount of fanfare was expected, as Norman settlers viewed new arrivals with good feeling, but not really with celebration. More work was still to be done. The Norman settlers that weren't currently busy began to mingle with the Promised Land settlers, trying their best to speaking in the native language of Promised Land, and hoping to make some friends among the crowd.

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The overall feeling of friendliness made the new settlers feel welcome.

Though their native language was English, several had been chosen specifically because they spoke the Norman language as well, to facilitate communication between the two sets of people.

The person in charge asked around to see where would be the most convenient location to set up their own living quarters.

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