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Current Projects

Lord Zephyr

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Well there are a Few Projects that I must keep under wraps for now, but a few others that You might be interested in knowing.

Capital City of Saria'a: Our new capital city has been declared and the castle started building. It may not be as majestic as the old capital but we are doing the best we can with what we have. It is expected to be completed in a few months as it is our main focus. For now our political meetings are being held in other pre-established buildings.

Oil Drillings: It has become aware to us of the abundance of oil in the desert of our nation. There are some small drilling sites already in place, but we have made an incentive to change that. We expect to be able to export large amounts of oil before the end of the year.

The Tunnel Project: This last project is in effort to improve transportation, a nation wide tunnel system is being build that connects all our major cities. I am aware that crossing the desert is very hard(Ive done it myself several times), so the tunnels are being built to accompany cars, trains, people, and any other movements out of the sun and away from the dangerous desert. This one has gartered the most enthusiasm from our people, but it probably wont be finished for quite a while.

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Solex, the Alliance's premier... well only... energy company would be willing to assist in the construction of drilling sites. We have access to a number of contractors and could assist by helping to invest in your infrastructure. If you are interested a representative of the Committee of Partners would be willing to meet with someone in your government.

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I do believe I'll accept your offer, we don't really have the manpower at the moment to fully utilize all those resources and your companies help is welcome.

Question, do you mean to help with the oil drilling's and the tunnel project, or just one of the two?

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South Middle East, Our ports are open to all commerce, but I'm afraid until our main pipeline goes online we wont be able to ship massive amounts of oil for about a week. I will update this when were ready to go full on production.

OOC: Is Terra forming allowed? I'd like to expand my agriculture abilities so I don't have to rely on imported foods. All I really need is some way to get lots of water and build a dome of sorts to keep out the desert, We'd need to have several hundred of these but it would work.

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I have one new announcement to make

Imperial Companies:

It has come to my attention of peoples interests of the resources of my country. Before, the building of Oil rigs and pipelines was entirely government funded. Now I give you The Imperial Corporation.

The Imperial Corporation(or I. Corp. for short) will act as the nations dealer of commerce in every department for government purposes. Any major export we have will go through this company. This is not an attempt at suffocating other companies of this nation, however it is an attempt to keep the majority of foreign companies out.

At the moment the only resource I. Corp is dealing with is oil and anything that can be made from it.

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I do believe I'll accept your offer, we don't really have the manpower at the moment to fully utilize all those resources and your companies help is welcome.

Question, do you mean to help with the oil drilling's and the tunnel project, or just one of the two?

OOC: Read your other thread.

Fair enough, we would be interested in making deals your your company.

Edited by iamthey
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South Middle East, Our ports are open to all commerce, but I'm afraid until our main pipeline goes online we wont be able to ship massive amounts of oil for about a week. I will update this when were ready to go full on production.

OOC: Is Terra forming allowed? I'd like to expand my agriculture abilities so I don't have to rely on imported foods. All I really need is some way to get lots of water and build a dome of sorts to keep out the desert, We'd need to have several hundred of these but it would work.

OOC: Terraforming? I don't think that question's ever come up. if it's within your technological capability, or you can get another nation to help, I don't see why not. Or if you ever get the Agricultural Improvement Project wonder, that can be called terraforming here.

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More recent events

I. Corp has begun making factories in major cities. Greatly increasing our capacities for making goods and providing jobs for those in the cities.

All oil pipelines and platforms are operational. I can now ship as much oil as you like.

Construction of Agriculture Domes has begun. No longer will we have to rely on imports to get our food. In fact, if our capacities have been measured right we can actually begin exporting food once the Domes are built. The domes will be powered completely by renewable energy and will filter sunlight so that plants and animals can survive in areas previously deemed uninhabitable.

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OOC: Terraforming? I don't think that question's ever come up. if it's within your technological capability, or you can get another nation to help, I don't see why not. Or if you ever get the Agricultural Improvement Project wonder, that can be called terraforming here.

OOC: Really? Can I start farming on Northern Canada n' stuff, then?

Also, dude Zephyr. Even with advanced technology, producing a lot of food with greenhouses, "domes" or whatever is expensive as hell when compared to simply importing from breadbaskets and virtually unrealistic in a large scale.

Edited by V The King
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OOC: Really? Can I start farming on Northern Canada n' stuff, then?

Also, dude Zephyr. Even with advanced technology, producing a lot of food with greenhouses, "domes" or whatever is expensive as hell when compared to simply importing from breadbaskets and virtually unrealistic in a large scale.

OOC: I agree with what V said.

Also, real terraforming means turning a planet into an earthlike.

And these silly domes are imo just silly. It's cheaper to import or try and make crops that are cold- or heatresistant.

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Meh, I like my silly domes, they are silly. And I know what real terraforming is, I just couldn't think of another word for it. irrigation maybe? Anywho it'll be supported by the tunnel project, and should be finished around the time the tunnels are, so Its not like I'll have to ship foods out of it, It'll just take elevators down to the tunnels and trucks there could take it to any major city. And I don't care about how much it costs, I have projected great amounts of income from oil until 2020, and i don't think I'll be playing this that long.

But thanks for the name. It is now officially called the "Silly Dome Project"

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OOC: Meh, I like my silly domes, they are silly. And I know what real terraforming is, I just couldn't think of another word for it. irrigation maybe? Anywho it'll be supported by the tunnel project, and should be finished around the time the tunnels are, so Its not like I'll have to ship foods out of it, It'll just take elevators down to the tunnels and trucks there could take it to any major city. And I don't care about how much it costs, I have projected great amounts of income from oil until 2020, and i don't think I'll be playing this that long.

But thanks for the name. It is now officially called the "Silly Dome Project"

OOC: ------------ OOC is OOC.

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