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East Pakistan: Government Abolished

Duce Giordani

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DHAKA - Thousands of smiling partisans marched through the streets of the capital today, and stormed the The National Assembly Building of Bangladesh. Singing revolutionary songs and holding banners emblazoned with communist and anarchist slogans, the soldiers broke down the doors of the seat of power of the nation, and surged inside.

The partisans, belonging to a Leftist revolutionary group, the Anarchist People's Movement of East Pakistan, all held rifles with the vivid purple flower of the Aparazita poked into the barrel. This, according to one APM militiaman, was a symbol for the non-violent hopes for today's revolution.

Revolutionaries entered the Parliament Chamber through the Main Plaza, effectively putting an end to any discussion on the part of the 9th Parliament of East Pakistan, which was in session today. Several hundred rebels were crammed into the chamber, with many hundreds more clambering for a view from the doorways.

Quickly, a representative to speak for the mob was appointed by a show of hands, and the man selected ascended to the main podium at the fore of the chamber. Speaking excitedly, the man (I should say boy, he couldn't have been more than a teenager) cheerfully proclaimed the dissolution of the 9th Parliament of East Pakistan, the cabinet of Ministers, the deposal of the Prime Minister and Head of Government, and the abolition of all formal systems of governance.

After him, several dozen other speakers took to the podium, decrying the acts of the former government of East Pakistan and all of their numerous crimes against the Bengali people. One woman demanded the temporary formation of a provisional system of revolutionary courts, so that those who had been wronged by the government could voice their grievances and demand revolutionary justice be exacted.

All across the metropolitan areas of the country, similar scenes were witnessed, and Workers, Farmers, and Students assemblies are being formed, as well as revolutionary community councils and similar voluntary organizations whose purpose is to promote local direct democracy and communal decision making.

Truly, this is a historic day in Bengali history, and will hopefully be the beginning of a new golden era of equality, liberty, and true, peoples democracy built on consensus.

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The President scanned these reports of a new country within the Republic of India.


What is this country claiming sovereignty for? They never asked us Sovereignty.

They are anarchists sir. Shall put this "rebellion" down?

Get 110,000 troops to march in and reclaim control over these lands. We never ceded it to anyone and as such we will not be ceding to anyone. Is that clear?

Clear as a Crystal Sir.

Also get a press conference done. We must act upon this quickly before anyone can support them.

Yes Sir.



Official Announcement from the Republic of India

The Republic of India, today heard of reports of a separation movement in Bangladesh. These "anarchists" supposedly seized power and created a new state of "East Pakistan". The government is not happy about this move by the anarchists as they weren't granted any permission to "seize" control of Bangladesh and as such we have placed a blockade on this nation. We have also declared a "no fly zone" over this area. Any aircrafts found violating the rule shall be shot down. Also, if any "CominTerm" nation comes to this rebellion aid it shall be a direct violation of our sovereignty and such shall be an automatic Declaration of War. Expect no mercy.

-President Tommy Lee Jones

-2nd Parliament of India.

OOC: I own all of East India, and I have enough ships for a blockade. ^_^

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As a nation desperately trying to avert the international ideological war many believe inevitable Procinctia advises caution, restraint, and dialog rather than a military solution.

…automatic Declaration of War. Expect no mercy.
We entirely respect your desire for sovereignty and territorial integrity, but perhaps more diplomatic language would have been more prudent.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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The Greater German Reich is shocked and alarmed by this spread of anarchism. From this time now on, anarchism -- as an ideology or practice as a whole -- is never allowed on German or European soil. Any attempt to establish or otherwise promote anarchism in Europe shall entail German intervention.

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The Burmese military went into DEFCON3 and mobilized troops to its northwestern border. Should this rebellion spread, it would not enter Burma.


"Burma supports the rightful and sovereign government of the Republic of India. Anarchists have no business spreading their revolution in a peaceful and already free country. What's more, we are shocked that a mere revolutionary group would claim sovereignty over lands not belonging to them and then join an international alliance.

We trust the Republic of India can handle this revolution. However, if Burma can be of assistance, we will.

-Sr. General Minh Kong

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OOC: This seems to be more of an OOC mistake than an IC attack...

Expect no mercy.

The Comintern does not need your mercy.

The Greater German Reich is shocked and alarmed by this spread of anarchism. From this time now on, anarchism -- as an ideology or practice as a whole -- is never allowed on German or European soil. Any attempt to establish or otherwise promote anarchism in Europe shall entail German intervention.

We would like to thank the German imperialists for making their stance against the people clear to us.

Anarchists have no business spreading their revolution in a peaceful and already free country.

This is a contradiction of terms.

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OOC: I don't see how. You claim to free people. The Republic of India was already free.

OOC: That was an IC comment, but we can discuss OOC too, I guess. Statism is a form of slavery; there might be varying degrees of freedom within that system of slavery just as there may have been especially benevolent slave masters, but you couldn't call it free. And to call a country that maintains its power with violence or the threat of violence - that is, all countries - peaceful is ridiculous.

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OOC: That was an IC comment, but we can discuss OOC too, I guess. Statism is a form of slavery; there might be varying degrees of freedom within that system of slavery just as there may have been especially benevolent slave masters, but you couldn't call it free. And to call a country that maintains its power with violence or the threat of violence - that is, all countries - peaceful is ridiculous.

OOC: Got ya.


"Even so, the sovereignty of the Republic of India has been breached. This does not sit well."

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OOC: Got ya.


"Even so, the sovereignty of the Republic of India has been breached. This does not sit well."

It would appear that the people of East Pakistan have decided to reject your authority. We hope that you can understand the value of democracy and the right of your provinces to secede. We would like to reach a peaceful conclusion.

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OOC: perhaps he was unaware that Keshav owned the land at the time, due to the unupdated map. Why not let him move to, say, Tibet?

OOC: Oh, I'm surely not against him being here, and I'm sure no one else is, although he would have to ask Triyun if he wanted to move there. He might try Africa? America?

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OOC: Oh, I'm surely not against him being here, and I'm sure no one else is, although he would have to ask Triyun if he wanted to move there. He might try Africa? America?

OOC: My point was that he probably didn't know to ask (either the GM or the occupant) if he could be there or not, since Keshav's occupancy was noted only in his Factbook and not on the map. I'm just sayin' Duce shouldn't be penalized for only reading the map.

Also, I suggested Tibet because it's closeby, and because Thailand and Indochina are taken.

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OOC: My point was that he probably didn't know to ask (either the GM or the occupant) if he could be there or not, since Keshav's occupancy was noted only in his Factbook and not on the map. I'm just sayin' Duce shouldn't be penalized for only reading the map.

Also, I suggested Tibet because it's closeby, and because Thailand and Indochina are taken.

OOC: No, I know, this is just how countries react IC to those sort of things. Tibet is a protectorate of Triyun's bcause of his Good Neighbor doctrine, so you might ask him about that.

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OOC: No, I know, this is just how countries react IC to those sort of things. Tibet is a protectorate of Triyun's bcause of his Good Neighbor doctrine, so you might ask him about that.

Ah, see, I didn't know that. Silly me. Protectorates should be marked on the map :P

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OOC: perhaps he was unaware that Keshav owned the land at the time, due to the unupdated map. Why not let him move to, say, Tibet?

OOC: This. East Pakistan looked pretty unclaimed on the map when I looked at it, and no one made any noise in the map thread when I requested it.

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OOC: Actually the Good neighbor doctrine just prevents others from annexing those territories without my consent. I have no problem with a Tibetan state so long as it never joins Comintern or allows forces to be based within its borders. Whatever ideology it practices within its borders, so long as hostile forces aren't on my border I don't care.

Edit: Unless they are big and scary >>

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: I didn't make any noise because I was sleeping when you made the request. I'm not whining. If he wants to move and forget this RP ever existed thats not a problem. But as long as he claims to be East Pakistan this does. <_< Unless a GM takes a different stance. Also Time zones suck :(

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The soldiers moved into Bangladesh. They moved into Dhaka with little or no effort shown from the opposing rebels. They found the hiding Governor of Bangladesh and placed him back into the office. Martial Law was stated with a curfew set. Any more of these rebels who are found will be given amnesty unless they start shooting at Indian Citizens,

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