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Erm... did I read this right?



ACV disbanded. Read the announcement here. I hate to interrupt a lovefest, but one particular portion of the post caught my attention. ACV's founder, iClean, got into all sorts of trouble with various alliances - most prominently, NPO. He was removed from power by Pacifica, and ZIed. The assumption was that iClean was gone. However, he claimed this in his farewell address:

These ailments marked the downfall of my time as Commanding Officer. However, I have been a silent overseer since my forced removal and I can say yet again, that you all have made my proud by your actions, your words and your character.

Did I read that correctly? Was iClean in charge of ACV the whole time in defiance of NPO? Or, am I reading that wrong?


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Your continued cries for attention amuse me. The day you joined TSO was one of the happiest days of my life.


Thanks for the clarification.

Hopefully, I can spread all the more happiness.

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It would seem that the cupcake crowd caught wind of this blog. And I wasn't on IRC for it...

If nothing else, kudos on having probably the highest amount of comments for a blog entry, second only to Admin (I believe).

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It would seem that the cupcake crowd caught wind of this blog. And I wasn't on IRC for it...

If nothing else, kudos on having probably the highest amount of comments for a blog entry, second only to Admin (I believe).

Guerrilla marketing, ftw!

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Hopefully TSO shows its wisdom and evicts you very soon. You're lucky that, while at ACV, I didn't personally shove a nuke up your $@!, regardless of the consequences. Try to troll ACV again, and I'll give you one of the "history lessons" you love so much. Now anything else you'd like to spout out of that source of ignorance you call a mouth?

Edited to make post less venemous

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Edited to make post less venemous


Stephen, you are terrible.

Bring all the nukes you desire. With statements such as the one made above, it is not difficult to understand why ACV did not last.

I would not call asking a simple question trolling, StT. We all know of iClean/Otto's tendency to avoid EZI. It sounded to me like more of the same from him. Now that you mention it, however, I think that it is fairly clear that ACV was a failure. Fail.

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iClean had more spine than you will ever have. He had the courage to tell his allies, his MADP partners that he would back them through thick and thin. His scumwad allies sold him out. iClean was great man. The Character Otto has not existed since he deleted. ACV was a better alliance than your crummy MCXA break-off.

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iClean had more spine than you will ever have. He had the courage to tell his allies, his MADP partners that he would back them through thick and thin. His scumwad allies sold him out.

Which allies are "scumwads," again?

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ACV was a better alliance than your crummy MCXA break-off.

ACV was vastly better. It's really quite unfair to compare ACV and TSO, what with TSO having such...wonderful people as this specimen.

I'd rank GGA above TSO at this point based off of what I'm seeing from this guy.


Which allies are "scumwads," again?

Ahahaha, thank you for proving beyond any reasonable doubt that you have absolutely no idea what happened.

Here's a hint : Not even mentioning that they were allied, the guy in question sold out out a friend.

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I'd rank GGA above TSO at this point based off of what I'm seeing from this guy.

I happen to like GGA. Good people doing a good job. What I don't like are people who only dislike those alliances who fall out of fashion with the troll brigade.

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Maybe Watchman can one day Ascend Descend to the level of GGA's leaders. He's already got the incompetent diplomatic ability down, as well as the failure trolling. I believe the next step is to not give a crap what others thi-oh WAIT....

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I'd rank GGA above TSO at this point based off of what I'm seeing from this guy.

I happen to like GGA. Good people doing a good job. What I don't like are people who only dislike those alliances who fall out of fashion with the troll brigade.

You've even got the head under a rock mentality down! Stellar. Five points for Slytherin.

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Maybe Watchman can one day Ascend Descend to the level of GGA's leaders. He's already got the incompetent diplomatic ability down, as well as the failure trolling. I believe the next step is to not give a crap what others thi-oh WAIT....

I assure you, sir, I am already at the point where I am apathetic about the perspective of those who will randomly troll fine alliances like mine and GGA.

Sir, what would you define as "incompetent diplomatic ability" ?

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I happen to like GGA. Good people doing a good job. What I don't like are people who only dislike those alliances who fall out of fashion with the troll brigade.

And once again, you have no earthly idea what the hell you're talking about.

You are the sum of your actions, and GGA's...well. It takes a lot of nerve to expect sympathy.

As an aside: Hell, there are actually quite a few people that post ways in which GGA could potentially fix their tempest in a teapot when they make each successive mistake, but they don't listen. They seem to enjoy being a disgrace.

Alas, we're getting off topic, so I'll wrap everything up with a pretty bow.

iClean was a damn good man.

ACV was a damn good alliance.

You, watchman, are slime.

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Hopefully TSO shows its wisdom and evicts you very soon. You're lucky that, while at ACV, I didn't personally shove a nuke up your $@!, regardless of the consequences. Try to troll ACV again, and I'll give you one of the "history lessons" you love so much. Now anything else you'd like to spout out of that source of ignorance you call a mouth?

Edited to make post less venemous


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So, anytime an alliance allies themselves with NPO, then they are displaying diplomatic incompetence? That is an interesting definition. I have always found the diplomatic staff of NPO to be distinguished and capable. Dilber, Triyun, and the rest of the Imperial staff are good folks that I would never refer to as incompetent.

(btw, I beg your pardon for trying to lend the conversation a bit of cordiality)

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You know, this sounds more like diplomatic incompetence -

And once again, you have no earthly idea what the hell you're talking about.

You, watchman, are slime.

Also this sounds like diplomatic incompetence, to me:

ACV was a better alliance than your crummy MCXA break-off.

And this, too sounds like diplomatic incompetence -

His scumwad allies sold him out.
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Making comments like this reflects poorly on you. When it comes to your ZI, I'm calling 2nd slot behind Watchman ;)

Oh, I'm sure that he is just blowing off steam. perhaps in the future, he will learn some composure and tact.

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Making comments like this reflects poorly on you. When it comes to your ZI, I'm calling 2nd slot behind Watchman ;)

First of all, I've read the guides from which you received war training. Had I never rerolled, I could have had the abilit to happily ZI you within a short period of time should you ever had attacked me. However, I have rerolled, and I'll have to spend more than my money supply (9 digits) to build up to that point. However, if my CN career should ever come to a ZI, I wouldn't nuke you, simply because you're an ld friend. Watchman, however, would be a separate story.

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Bring all the nukes you desire. With statements such as the one made above, it is not difficult to understand why ACV did not last.

I would not call asking a simple question trolling, StT. We all know of iClean/Otto's tendency to avoid EZI. It sounded to me like more of the same from him. Now that you mention it, however, I think that it is fairly clear that ACV was a failure. Fail.

ACV was a failure, even while iClean was at the helm? You can onlyaspire to be half of the leader and the man that iClean is, and your attempts to portray him otherwise are laughable; you haven't accomplished half of what he has. I had always thought that Penchuck was too hard on you, but I suppose he had a point.

Oh, I'm sure that he is just blowing off steam. perhaps in the future, he will learn some composure and tact.

Not a chance in hell.

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Had I never rerolled... I could have had the abilit to happily ZI you within a short period of time should you ever had attacked me.

Protip: next time, don't delete your nation. Then, when you make outrageous claims, you can back them up.

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Protip: next time, don't delete your nation. Then, when you make outrageous claims, you can back them up.

First of all, my "outrageous claims" do not need to be backed up by a nation. I am fully capable of handling someone like you verbally, thank you very much. Second, I said you're lucky I didn't shove a nuke up your $@! while at ACV, at which point I was StephentheTerrible, and my old nation was still intact.

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