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Aliens get out!



I speak for myself but I guess some will agree with me. Recently our planet has been attacked and invaded by Aliens players who play a game in an other world and bringing their political grudges to this world it is impossible for many players to follow the politics and Planet Bob has become a sideshow and getting abused .

To all off you who  invested in your nations and AA many hours you are cutting the branch of the tree you are sitting on.  I thought you were smarter but maybe you wanna win this game by killing it.

Maybe you don't care which is ok too. But I can't  understand why so many players who still play the game are just jumping off the cliff. 


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6 hours ago, Helbrecht said:

that does not matter in the least. After-all, its what happens in this world, that is of importance, other stuff is just meh.


As our population dwindles ever more rapidly, and the other world grows, I fear we may see that reversing.

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Ayy lmao.


I don't know of any political grudges being brought into cn. I've just seen an alliance that people already had issues with get attacked 


4 hours ago, Cazaric said:


As our population dwindles ever more rapidly, and the other world grows, I fear we may see that reversing.


 A lot of people have been saying that, but CN had 42 players sign up yesterday.  Most other games will never even reach CN's peak numbers or even half of it and usually have poor retention all on their own. CN has been declining, but alternatives have continuously failed to overtake it. At current rates, it'll be quite some time.

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In the time I've been in the other realm, it has added 1000+ members. Meanwhile, in a similar time, CN has lost ~1000. I think denying that it is going to be overtaken is foolish, as it appears imminent.

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2 hours ago, Cazaric said:

In the time I've been in the other realm, it has added 1000+ members. Meanwhile, in a similar time, CN has lost ~1000. I think denying that it is going to be overtaken is foolish, as it appears imminent.


I don't think that's what I said. I said it'd be quite some time at current rates.  Also you are talking about a year+ in terms of time.  


I love the mentality btw. "I can't win here so I'll go somewhere where I can be on top."

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I think that's the wrong way to look at it. One should aim for victory wherever they go. When a new world opens up, it'd be silly to not test it out, and then, if you like it, try to win there, regardless of how you are faring in this world. You may be content to win in just one dying realm, but I'm not.

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