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...An Idea Who's Time Has Come

Malik Shabazz


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of Loki Laufeyson and not those of my alliance, House Baratheon, or any other entity.

For the two years I've been a part of the CN community I don't think I've seen this amount of stagnation, degeneracy, and decline. The continued oppression of micros and neutrals at the hands of the upper-crust alliances, the downright hypocrisy that runs rampant in CN politics are all things that drive valuable members of the community away. I sadly admit that I am also guilty of these things, and before I go any further I would like to apologize. The only thing I can ask myself and my fellow players is "how did we let it get this far?" "How did we fall from a prosperous and thriving community, to a dreadful place where trolling and idiocy are the order of the day?" If you ask me, it truly is a shame.

CN needs a revolution. Point blank, period. I cannot be more serious. The overthrow of the upper-crust alliances by the underprivileged in CN society, is a necessary action that must be taken. Now I know the same hypocrites who claim to want to bring change to CN, will read this message of revolution and scoff at it. I do not know whether or not it is because they have nothing better to do, or if it is because of the person delivering the message. Regardless, I laugh at each and every one of you (you know who you are) and I think that your type are pathetic.

I seriously hope that each and every one of you, especially the micros and neutrals, are able to figure out who your true enemy is and unite before it is too late. Rest assured, a storm is coming to CN. With all the power TPTB have, they will not be able to stop the idea who's time has come. Thank you.


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No, there will be equality and mutual respect.

Which is why we will demand that respect, even if it means fighting for it.

There is equality and mutual respect to those that work hard in this game. There's no need to fight for anything. If you deserve respect for your work, you usually get that respect.

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No, there will be equality and mutual respect.

Which is why we will demand that respect, even if it means fighting for it.

Yes, and we'll all live in castles in the sky, and it will be a perfect cyber utopia where no one will ever want power and the ones that have it will use it justly and never be selfish.

Also, you act as if the people in micro-alliances are forced into them. Either these people know absolutely nothing about the game, or they WANT to be in a small alliance. If people want respect, then they join a normal alliance.

Unless of course they weren't allowed into every single large alliance in the game, in which case they don't deserve respect.

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As human beings, we should be trying to change any environment we're in. Be it the real world, or a virtual one.

Actually, we should be trying to leave things as completely natural as possible, only directly interfering when absolutely necessary. Ultimately, your concept is without merit and to continue to think you are onto something is only a delusion on your part. If at any time there was any attempt at a revolution, you would be crushed within seconds.

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Actually, we should be trying to leave things as completely natural as possible, only directly interfering when absolutely necessary. Ultimately, your concept is without merit and to continue to think you are onto something is only a delusion on your part. If at any time there was any attempt at a revolution, you would be crushed within seconds.

And to me this is necessary.

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Yes, and we'll all live in castles in the sky, and it will be a perfect cyber utopia where no one will ever want power and the ones that have it will use it justly and never be selfish.

Also, you act as if the people in micro-alliances are forced into them. Either these people know absolutely nothing about the game, or they WANT to be in a small alliance. If people want respect, then they join a normal alliance.

Unless of course they weren't allowed into every single large alliance in the game, in which case they don't deserve respect.

Who said anything about a perfect world? I hope to create a better world. A CN that is fun for everyone and not just a few in the upper-crust.

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Who said anything about a perfect world? I hope to create a better world. A CN that is fun for everyone and not just a few in the upper-crust.

I love how you focus on the one part of my arguement that wasn't meant to be taken literally, and completely ignore the rest.

Plus, not only did you only focus on that part, but you completely misunderstood the meaning. I wasn't saying you were expecting to make the world perfect, I was saying that after the "revolution" happened, you expect the micro alliances and neutrals to be completely fair and just, and not just become the upper crust.

Can't you just be matue and admit your wrong instead of holding on to this idealistic delusion that will probably never happen and even more probably won't succeed.

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I love how you focus on the one part of my arguement that wasn't meant to be taken literally, and completely ignore the rest. Plus, not only did you only focus on that part, but you completely misunderstood the meaning. I wasn't saying you were expecting to make the world perfect, I was saying that after the "revolution" happened, you expect the micro alliances and neutrals to be completely fair and just, and not just become the upper crust. Can't you just be matue and admit your wrong instead of holding on to this idealistic delusion that will probably never happen and even more probably won't succeed.

I would be a liar if I said I didn't want power and influence, after all, who doesn't? The whole point of revolution is overthrowing one power structure, and replacing it with another. However having power is one thing, it's what you do with that power.

I laughed at the bolded part.

Yes, and we'll all live in castles in the sky, and it will be a perfect cyber utopia where no one will ever want power and the ones that have it will use it justly and never be selfish.

Were these not your words? Are you really so dense that you forgot what you literally typed out?

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I would be a liar if I said I didn't want power and influence, after all, who doesn't? The whole point of revolution is overthrowing one power structure, and replacing it with another. However having power is one thing, it's what you do with that power.

I laughed at the bolded part.

Were these not your words? Are you really so dense that you forgot what you literally typed out?

I said CYBER utopia, YOU were the one who said I said you said that you wanted to make the world perfect.

And you did ignore half my argument. What about the other two freaking paragraphs? Did you never learn how to count?

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I said CYBER utopia, YOU were the one who said I said you said that you wanted to make the world perfect. And you did ignore half my argument. What about the other two freaking paragraphs? Did you never learn how to count?

OOC: When I say "the world" I mean CN.

Those other two paragraphs are your opinion. However, if you really want respect and not want to be another nobody in a larger alliance, you could either join a stable and respected micro and rise through the ranks or start an alliance yourself; the latter as long as you know what your doing.

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OOC: When I say "the world" I mean CN.

Those other two paragraphs are your opinion. However, if you really want respect and not want to be another nobody in a larger alliance, you could either join a stable and respected micro and rise through the ranks or start an alliance yourself; the latter as long as you know what your doing.

How are they my opinion? Can you name one person who was FORCED into micro-alliance by the supposed PTB? No? Well then, I guess there is no tyranny to be over thrown and this "revolution has no real meaning.

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How are they my opinion? Can you name one person who was FORCED into micro-alliance by the supposed PTB? No? Well then, I guess there is no tyranny to be over thrown and this "revolution has no real meaning.

I never said anyone was forced into micro-alliances. Did you even read the blog?

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I never said anyone was forced into micro-alliances. Did you even read the blog?

I think Darkstorm's point is that if people want respect they could always join a large alliance instead of an ireelevant one. As for reading the blog, its just a bunch of gibberish anyways, and the most anyone can manage is a quick skim through it.

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I never said anyone was forced into micro-alliances. Did you even read the blog?

Exactly, and so theirs no tyranny to fight, and this "revolution" is just an idea for a cool war in which the organized, stronger upper-crust let the micro-alliances know who's boss. End of story.

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If you really would be asking for revolution then you would be asking for whole game wide reset of nations. That would be truely revolutionary if every nation no matter how old would have to start from the same place. Failing that it will always stay the same: older nations will hold the power and younger ones will be willing or un-willing tech farms.

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Exactly, and so theirs no tyranny to fight, and this "revolution" is just an idea for a cool war in which the organized, stronger upper-crust let the micro-alliances know who's boss. End of story.

Not if the micros organize and actually become stronger, which if you actually read the blog you would know that this is what I'm calling for them to do.

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Not if the micros organize and actually become stronger, which if you actually read the blog you would know that this is what I'm calling for them to do.

That still is beside the point, your still calling for a revolution without any real meaning or support.

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