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The Meaning of the Past, The Present and the Future



While we think we know the meanings of the three types of time, do we truely understand any of them? We think of the Past as before now but truly it may not even exist in our minds and time simply could be a made up thing so we had a sence of how things worked, even if it wasn`t true. Now the Present is complete and could be both the past and the future if either of those even exist. If time is truly cyclical there is only one type of time, if time exist and that is the present. If something happens over and over again there is no past or future. Now i already explained the past, and it is truly the same as the future, if time is cyclical. If time is cyclical, if time exist, there is only the present, with no past or future. Understanding the meaning of time, if it exist, is the only way we can prevent the worst and promote the best. As time goes on we get closer to a major event. If there is no past or future and there is only the present, we can prevent the end and forge a new beginning for the best. For those who understand and truly think about my writings,y uo will be the one`s who understand the world but the one`s who don`t will not truly understand the world ever.


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Well lets see: We have a since of De Ja Vu at times, like we have been at a place before, we know what is going to happen, yet your not phsycic and you have never been at this place. Another thing, sometimes we have dreams of accourances that seam like we are at the place, yet it truly isn`t real. Then one day the exact thing that you saw in the dream, happened. And the same thing does indeed happen over and over agian. Every roughly 50 million to 100 million years, we have a major, nearly extinction, event. Then we have societys that become major empires, operate essentially the same way, the collapse for no reason. (Romans Greeks, Ottomans, Mayans, Incas, Aztecs among many others.)

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Yeah Black Holes tie into the Theory of Quantum Physics which states there is an unlimited amount of Universes and this happens over and over and truly there all the same with minor differences. Plus with some theorys of Quantum Physics, there was no big bang, we just expanded from a black hole and one day we will shrick and collapse.

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Yeah Black Holes tie into the Theory of Quantum Physics which states there is an unlimited amount of Universes and this happens over and over and truly there all the same with minor differences. Plus with some theorys of Quantum Physics, there was no big bang, we just expanded from a black hole and one day we will shrick and collapse.

That is essentially what I believe. Something along those lines. The universe has to have some way of recycling itself. Otherwise where did this universe come from, and when it ends, that's it? That's all that ever existed and ever will? I have a hard time buying that.

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Well lets see: We have a since of De Ja Vu at times, like we have been at a place before, we know what is going to happen, yet your not phsycic and you have never been at this place. Another thing, sometimes we have dreams of accourances that seam like we are at the place, yet it truly isn`t real. Then one day the exact thing that you saw in the dream, happened. And the same thing does indeed happen over and over agian. Every roughly 50 million to 100 million years, we have a major, nearly extinction, event. Then we have societys that become major empires, operate essentially the same way, the collapse for no reason. (Romans Greeks, Ottomans, Mayans, Incas, Aztecs among many others.)

Soooo.... you don't have any real evidence that time is cyclical?

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Well when something happens multiple times, such as natrual disasters, ending of universes, among other things, that is a minor proof.(Awful grammer, sorry)If the theory of Quantum mechanics is true, then i guess that proves it. And by most means, Quantum theory is accepted as the truth and is the most believed theory today. Universes come from other universes, via black holes, and that is how universes are made and destroyed. This happens over and over the same way. Life is created after millions of years, and after a while it is destroed.

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