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The Passion of Xiphosis



Wow. So much sacrifice.


Prior to this WE followed SF on every errand it ever ran including some things that were, to be honest, rather stupid.

Oh, I can't at all let this one go. I mobilized my alliance to roll Ragnarok's enemies on less notice than 24 hours on multiple occasions. I did this out of love, and loyalty, and because Hoo and you and others had no one else that could have your back in that way. I watched MA come into being and I safeguarded and watched over it like a hawk, making absolutely sure no one got within inches of it without feeling a great deal of pain. I hesitated in welcoming RoK to SF due to your CDT ties but very, very rapidly made a brother in Hoo - someone that had a little more swagger, and a little more carelessness - than most of SF. Someone I could enjoy, and did enjoy, many years of politicking and warring with. And always, ever always, RoK behind him. His baby. Kait can ruin it. You can tell lies. But neither of you can claim with a straight face that we dragged you on stupid errands. The stupid things SF did, as others consider them to be, were usually done with the full consent of all involved - and usually spearheaded by me/GOD and Hoo/RoK. After he left, if anything, you personally were the one supporting and egging on stupid moves - as attacking UINE would have been, as it would've handily destroyed your own ally and their entire sphere. You, more than anyone, told Ego that was a good idea and should be done immediately. You, who instead of having your allies back, didn't even know who to contact in Polar when it came time to bring them into the mediation and back up UINE's stupidity. I had to go get people. Because I actually know Polar, and you just played at being their ally while stabbing them in the back.

I don't know how you proverbially get out of bed in the morning, but I'm glad it's no longer mine. Honestly.

Source: Joint Val/NoR/DT/Asgaard/RoK announcement


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Who's going to do something about it? In the end, our world hasnt evolved at all hence the apathy. Although from time to time a piece like this comes along and its mildly humorous, which of course is entertaining, and thats what its all about.

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