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Origins of My Name



A few weeks ago I read a blog by Trump that explained where he got his name from and it got me thinking that I should do the same because one of the most common questions I receive from people is "Did you get you name from the books?". Well people I hate to break it to you all but nope. My name is a mixture from my previous alias in Star Craft and me mocking my brother.

When I played that game I was known as Behind[___] depending on which clan I was rolling with at the time. The name Left_Behind came to me when I left a clan called Soviet. So when I heard that a lot of guys from that clan was playing CN now I carried the name over to CN in case I happen to met anyone that would remember me from SC. As it turned out I did, I ended up in GOLD with Vlady and Dan and met some others in different alliances. I believe most of them were in CSN at the time but only god knows if they stayed there.

The one thing I finds very funny is that a lot of people assume I took the name from the books but in reality I never even knew those books existed until I join CN. I'm glad I did find out about them tho because they happen to be pretty good or at least the first one and half of the second is. Its also pretty cool that I have had the same gamertag for almost 8 years and that some of my RL friends have called me Lefty because of it.


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You were in USSR? Me and DLK led like perpetual war against you guys. Me and my friends would flood the USWest channel and he would hit the USEast.

Good times.

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