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Place a bet on how long would the TOP hang on purchasing 1k infra a day before going mad




155 members have voted

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We all know that official TOP propaganda states:

1) It only takes 3kk or 4kk money daily to purchase 1k infra (minimum requeriment to purchase nukes)

2) TOP warchests are infinity+1

3) TOP can keep nuking forevar.

My question is:

If the war really comes to that scenario, and taking into account that you can only purchase 10 infra at a time*... how long would the TOP be able to hold on that strategy before they go mad and surrender/leave the game?

Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!

Mine is two weeks, tops.

*So, in order to purchase 1k infra, you have to enter the number and click 100 times a day. Even if they aren't ZIed daily and lose only, say, 500 infra, still have to enter the number and click 50 times.


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CnG aren't the only ones fighting TOP. And it's not like TOP really has a choice in who they're hitting at this point considering they're all in anarchy.

Only, they're not all in Anarchy. ;)

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117 valid bets have been placed. The House shall keep a small percentage of the bets as comission. Each outcome will be paid according to the following odds:

- 1 week: 16 to 1

- 2 weeks: 16 to 1

- 3 weeks: 29 to 1

- 1 month: 5 to 1

- 2 months: 6 to 1

- 3 months: 11 to 1

- Forever: 12 to 1

- CnG will burst: 2.5 to 1

Commentary about the results:

About 42% of the gamblers belive in a CC moral victory, while about 57% thinks CnG will put them out of bussiness. Among those who betted for CC, the vast majority (82%) are confident in victory for exhaustation of the enemy, while 18% belive the conflict will reach vietFAN lenghts. Among those betting for CnG, most (73%) belive the conflict will last for a month or more, with one or two months being the most popular options. Those aiming for a longshot have placed their money on Three Weeks, the best paid option at 29 to 1.

Now, let's wait for the official outcome. Best luck to all gamblers.

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Just so you know, TOP has a special computer programme called SYNAPSE.

Ordinarily it is just a database for us to paste our nation stats into for the

Knowledge of TOP's military commanders. However, just recently we modified SYNAPSE to interface with

Every one of our nations' pages to automate the purchase of infra. It makes life so much more easier.

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I'm getting tired just watching you buy all that infra. I can't say how many times I've been sitting there waiting for you guys to buy back some infra so I get to destroy some slightly more expensive stuff.

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Just so you know, TOP has a special computer programme called SYNAPSE.

Ordinarily it is just a database for us to paste our nation stats into for the

Knowledge of TOP's military commanders. However, just recently we modified SYNAPSE to interface with

Every one of our nations' pages to automate the purchase of infra. It makes life so much more easier.

Isn't it the same script MK uses to auto-stagger his wars? :lol1:

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Just so you know, TOP has a special computer programme called SYNAPSE.

Ordinarily it is just a database for us to paste our nation stats into for the

Knowledge of TOP's military commanders. However, just recently we modified SYNAPSE to interface with

Every one of our nations' pages to automate the purchase of infra. It makes life so much more easier.

Nice, a lot of people suspected you guys were cheating and violating the ToS, but nobody was stupid enough to post and confirm it. Referring this matter to the mods...

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Nice, a lot of people suspected you guys were cheating and violating the ToS, but nobody was stupid enough to post and confirm it. Referring this matter to the mods...

Think back to your time in TOP, ren. Do you really not remember the joke that SomeGuy is referencing?

Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure admin remembers it. As such, I doubt your report will meet with much success.

Edit: I only just noticed the hidden message in SomeGuy's post. Also, LOL @ Neneko trying to report us.

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Here is the script, we wrote it in BASIC SYNAPSE:

10 INPUT "What is your name dude?: ", U$

20 PRINT "Hello "; U$

30 INPUT "How much infras do you want: ", N

40 S$ = ""

50 FOR I = 1 TO N

60 S$ = S$ + "moar infras for you!"



90 INPUT "Do you want more infra? y/n ", A$

100 IF LEN(A$) = 0 THEN GOTO 90

110 A$ = LEFT$(A$, 1)

120 IF A$ = "Y" OR A$ = "y" THEN GOTO 30

130 PRINT "Goodbye, also, neneko for neneko viceroy"; U$

140 END

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