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My Own Beer Review



As some of you know, we agreed to do a beer review as part of Fark's terms. One of our Advisors, Mike, already did the review (a great one, I might add) which should complete the term. Instead of grandstanding in Mike's thread, as well displaying my own general poor taste in beer, to a larger audience to get in on the fun, I'm putting a beer review in this blog. I'm not too familiar with the more complex tasting nomenclature, but can pick out malt and hops well enough.

Let's begin:



Pabst tastes like chilled donkey piss. A favorite of punkrockers and/or homeless everywhere, the only redeeming quality to choking down this vomitous bilge-water is that it taste about the same as Bud or Miller for a quarter of the cost. With a pocket full of change you are enabled to drink for several hours at the local dive bar, assuming you can stand the company of those doing the same.


Red Stripe is a actually a pretty solid beer, despite it's popularity with college students and Jamaican enthusiasts. It is a light lager and respectably strong compared to it's drinkability. It is a little sweet with very light bite and a slight skunky aftertaste. Nothing fancy here, but it goes good with a fat spliff.


Sapporo. This is the Japanese equivalent of Budweiser, especially considering that they are both rice beers. They taste about the same. Frankly, I prefer sake. I do like buying this one because of the double size, and, admittedly, the can is cool. I like to walk around and intimidate other beers with it.


Steel Reserve tastes horrible and does irreparable damage to your kidneys and reputation. Long term use of this product probably injures the brain, too. However, the 8.1% ABV is respectable and the 40 oz. get's the job done. I've drank a lot of this stuff, which probably explains something.


Stone brewery makes some pretty good stuff, Arrogant !@#$%^& is probably their more recognizable beer but all of them are good. This is the oaked version review which I may or may not have ripped off from some beer site:

A dark brown with a minimal head. Belgian lace lingered. Carmel with some mild oak. No bourbon or other spirit aroma. Hop bitterness present up front with some carmelly malt. Tastes of mild oak with hops. Finishes with a definite oak presence, although restrained, and intermingled with hops and sweetness that lingers on the back of the throat. Complex overall. Upfront easy to drink; however, the finish cranks

ups the taste buds and lingers (hops, sweetness, carmelly

flavors). Not to thick but still a tad sweet for me.

Even though the finishing gravity is likely relatively low

(1.014-1.017), as Stone tends to mash on the low end, the

sweet finish limits its drinkability.


DTs is a pale ale with a strong fruity taste, good alcohol content (8.5% I think), and easy drinkability. Reminiscent of pears, it goes down smooth and creamy. Usually a little overpriced, but its a good drink.


Flying Dog is one of my favorite breweries. They make a nice 6 pack with 5 different beers. The porter is my fave.

Pours a deep reddish brown with thick off-white to tan head, with good head retention.

Smells of chocolate malt up front, and just some generic roasted malts. There is also a substantial floral hops aroma with touches of citrus.

Taste is of more chocolate and roasted malts, with a bit of hops but not much. A hint of bitter coffee towards the end, finishing clean and mostly dry.

Medium body, but a bit thin and watery, the carbonation is a bit on the crisp side.

It's real benefit is that you can drink a lot of them. A lot.


My other favorite brewery at the moment is Left Hand. The Sawtooth Ale is stocked at the bar so I've had a lot of them.

Smell is maltiness up front followed by some faint hop characteristics. Not much there really.

Taste is also somewhat faint. Lots of maltiness up front with some buttery tones. Finish has a nice hoppy bitterness.

Mouthfeel is watery with some slight carbonation.

Drinkability is pretty high on this one and is pretty much the reason I drink it.

Thanks for reading.



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At first I was like 'ugh this guy is reviewing all macrolagers and cheap beer' then was taken by surprise as you branched out into the American craft scene and even a Belgian.

Good read; I'll have to give Left Hand a shot sometime! :)

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At first I was like 'ugh this guy is reviewing all macrolagers and cheap beer' then was taken by surprise as you branched out into the American craft scene and even a Belgian.

Good read; I'll have to give Left Hand a shot sometime! :)

Thanks. I live in a college town and so have had a wide variety of what is usually considered 'good beer'. I like those double-chocolate stouts and various microbrews. Unfortunately my budget is pretty limited so I have to settle on something between cheap and "I think I can keep this down".

I also like Becks, Negra Modelo, and I would recommend Anchor Steam to anyone. I would have put them in the review, but, well, I got bored. Cheers!

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This is the Japanese equivalent of Budweiser, especially considering that they are both rice beers. They taste about the same. Frankly, I prefer sake.

Why take one over the other? When you can take...


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Haha, didnt somebody from IRON review Steel Reserve and like it? Im much too lazy to look those up..

Also, Any chance we can petition admin for a Beer Review sub forum in the Water Cooler? :awesome:

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Thanks. I live in a college town and so have had a wide variety of what is usually considered 'good beer'. I like those double-chocolate stouts and various microbrews. Unfortunately my budget is pretty limited so I have to settle on something between cheap and "I think I can keep this down".

I also like Becks, Negra Modelo, and I would recommend Anchor Steam to anyone. I would have put them in the review, but, well, I got bored. Cheers!

Neat! I'm from Milwaukee and we've got quite a selection. I've really grown accustomed to the sweetness Belgian beer provides, but I also enjoy IPAs.

I grew up in Milwaukee, and hate to admit this, but . . . I don't like beer. It all tastes bitter.

What's wrong with me?

What area?

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