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Justification for continuing the war

Lord Brendan


I've been seeing a lot of people saying things like "once the \m/-Polar issue was resolved the war should have ended" or "this war should be over but old grudges are keeping it going". I should point here that it generally isn't TOP or IRON members saying these things - on the whole they seem pretty content with how things are working out.

In any case, people are saying these ridiculous things, and I'd like to address them. Now, if TOP (and by TOP I refer to all alliances that were involved in the preemptive strike) had gone for a conventional entry into the war, citing only IRON's treaty with NSO for example, then this argument would make sense. That isn't what happened of course. TOP cited not one but two reasons for going to war.

The first is relatively straight forward:

To our opponents: We agree with the New Polar Order's reasons for war against \m/, and we consider ourselves part of that particular side of the war.

If this was their sole reason for war, then peacing out once the conflict with \m/ was over would make sense. However it is the second reason that is most important here:

For our part, however, much our reason to enter this war lies in our desire to defeat those who have shown time and time again, in public and in private, that doing harm to us is high on their agenda---and that, indeed, they would take advantage of any advantageous opportunity to do so. This is a war they have brought upon themselves.

Essentially, TOP is stating that their primary reason for war is to defeat those that wish to do them harm and that would take any advantageous opportunity to do so - namely the C&G bloc.

Now, just take that same logic (that an alliance being a threat to you is a good reason for war) and flip it around. TOP has shown with this declaration that they are absolutely a threat to C&G, and that they are prepared to capitalize on a situation where they think they can defeat C&G. It is quite logical for C&G to assume that they would be attacked again and in a similar manner in future wars where TOP sees an opportunity. By TOP's own logic, it would be utterly stupid to simply allow them to walk away from this now that they've shown themselves to be a true threat.

So please, stop the arguing about how immoral it is to not allow TOP to surrender (assuming they would even want to). If you're involved, enjoy the fight. If you're not, find a way to bandwagon in. :P


TOP believes C&G is a threat to them, and that that is a good reason for war

TOP has shown themselves to be a threat to C&G

The only logical thing for C&G to do is to bloody TOP significantly


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Since I share the opinion you find ridiculous, let me add some perspective to your interpretation. I do not assign blame to any single leader or even any particular group of leaders. This war did not start in a vacuum and it is not taking place in one.

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Do you agree that TOP has shown itself to be a threat to C&G?

Do you agree that by TOP's own standards, that's a good reason for war?

How then can you disagree with C&G continuing the war?

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Do you agree that TOP has shown itself to be a threat to C&G?

Do you agree that by TOP's own standards, that's a good reason for war?

How then can you disagree with C&G continuing the war?

I agree that both sides really dislike each other and will use any excuse to fight.

I also am happy to see we agree that this is same war, since that was the point of those remarks.

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It is to some extent the same war. To say that C&G was entirely uninvolved is untrue, however they were not engaged in the war, and TOP attacked them unprovoked, citing more than just support of Polar.

The first war spawned the second, but the second had reasons of its own, and it is for those reasons that the war continues, not the reasons related to the first war.

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